❯ 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎

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shh shh the librarian is kinda scary.

kinda? she literally looks like she's gonna grill me for dinner!
felix squeaked and hyunjin shushed him, continuing their search around the huge library the camp has.

i didn't know you were such a book nerd.
felix told hyunjin as they looked around with the older telling a few random facts he'd read about quietly
last year was pretty rough for me so i hang around here a lot, i enjoy reading honestly, it helped me develop my powers.
hyunjin said, unintentionally they were walking into the most silent part of the library.

i've never had the balls to go this section of the library.

bold of you to assume you have balls.
felix snickered and hyunjin glared at him.
bold of you to assume i don't.

pfft, whatevs, let's just find that book we're looking for and yeet ourselves outta here before the librarian does.
felix said and helped hyunjin scan the shelves of the old texts and books along with scrolls.

felix perked up seeing a book with four colored gems decorating the cover, he grabbed it but as he did, an alarm started to blare.
the boy shook in his yeezys seeing the librarian run towards them with an ugly pissed expression.

in a panic he grabbed hyunjin's arm and made a dash out the library, accidentally stopping time in the building except for him and hyunjin who ran out.
they got out the library panting, with hyunjin looking at felix weirdly.
what the hell man what was that?
he asked and felix didn't know how to answer, explaining what happened when he grabbed the book.

we'll check it out later but mind you resuming time in the library? i feel bad for the library who's frozen-

she tried to attacc me!
felix gasped and hyunjin rolled his eyes giggling.
just do it felix we're not going back there ever again i promise.

we better.
felix snapped his fingers and they ran off before the librarian could catch them.

the senior counselors aren't answering to any contacts the camp gave them. they're supposed to be back two days ago but they still haven't returned. as junior counselors, i'm counting on you to take care of camp in their absence.
the camp director said to all twelve junior counselors and changbin and minho looked at each other confused.

chan hyung is with them, usually quests finish in a few days but it's been more than a week.
changbin said and minho nodded as they walked out the big house.
do you think they got in trouble? have you tried contacting chan hyung?
minho asked and changbin shook his head.
he stopped replying a few days ago. 

minho hyung can you sing us a song?
jeongin yawned catching the older off guard as they were preparing to sleep.
i-i don't really sing-

jisung said quietly with half eyes awake making the older's heart melt. minho sighed and started to hum them a little lullaby.

may i request you humming something day6?
seungmin suggested and minho rolled his eyes, humming a slow gentle version of "when you love someone"
(stan day6 ya doofs)

minho checked if they were all asleep and sighed of relief to himself, being a counselor was exhausting. he was about to go sleep too when he saw a levitating water droplet by the window.

he looked at it confused and walked down the stairs towards the window and opened it.
he summoned wind on his palm and hit the water droplet, the water started to dance and point towards the blue cabin.
what the hell is it, hwang?
he muttered and the blue droplet reformed into an arrow and aggressively pointed towards the blue cabin again.

i know what you're trying to say but if you guys need something from us, go here instead you lazy asses.
minho said but the water droplet splashed on his face making him glare.

the water reformed again, making the shape of three boys which minho instantly recognized.
they're sleeping. i'll just go instead.
the water droplet shook and reformed a shape of the blue cabin and four boys going towards it.
minho sighed deeply.
okay okay, just get going, we'll be there in a bit.
minho blew wind, sending the water droplet back to the blue cabin and closed the window.

𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 :  𝟷𝙾𝟷𝟽𝟸𝙾

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