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you seem to really like the fire.
jisung said as he sat beside seungmin on the carpet near the fireplace.
the younger's face flushed and took his hand away from the fire to fix his glasses.
i actually hate fire, it's currently ruining my life.

owwwkay, pretty sure all our lives here got ruined. is it your first time in this camp?
seungmin nodded his head and went to cross his legs.
but i do know that we will play the lead for capture the flag later and that we should stay away from the blues. for some reason i don't really know why, but minho hyung warned us not to let our guard down especially when it's close to capture the flag games.

capture the flag?

it's a game of capturing a flag hidden in the forest surrounding us, the cabin who is able to place the flag in the house's flag pole wins. cabin one and cabin eight have always led the games and it caused a fued between cabins on which one was better.
minho explained as he was leaning on the staircase with cross arms.
don't worry, the blues are usually skillful and have more strength but the red would always pull through since we're a lot smarter than they are and have just as skill. it's a fun game to play although....

although what hyung?
seungmin asked worriedly and minho walked to them.
let's just say we're allowed to use our abilities in the games, we can't use them besides camp activities or in capture the flag. your power could be quite useful, i'm excited to see it in action.
he winked at jisung and the younger blushed as minho walked back up the stairs leaving him flustered.

great, i'd be an embarrassment later, i can't even control my powers. he's probably excited to see me flunk.
jisung sighed.
wanna go out for a walk?

yeah sure.
the two of them stood up and asked minho for permission to walk around camp, seungmin came here earlier in the day so he got to see the tour around camp and was able to show jisung around.

they were walking by the campfire lawn with a bunch of other kids running around when jisung sighted the blue cabin.
the blue cabin looks like a beach rest house, completely opposite of ours.
he said and seungmin glanced at the cabin which led him to nod in agreement.
no wonder the two cabins are rivals, the cabins are also sorted by personality and if the red and blue houses really disagree with each other then i don't want to meet with any of the blues.

i just met a new friend and he's in the blue cabin, we got along well. maybe it's just an overreaction the two cabins had to fight.
seungmin nodded at jisung's statement and agreed to jisung's invitation to meet felix.
the blues might've told him to stay away from us though.

felix doesn't seem like that kind of guy who stays away, he seems very sociable..... and umm, can i ask a question?
seungmin turned to jisung with a smile, jisung thought out that if he wanted to figure out his abilities he might as well ask and since seungmin seemed like the smart type, it would be good to start with him.

all of us here well, are not normal? i mean in a good way and like we have abilities that normal kids doesn't and if so how will this camp help us? what are we?

seungmin thought for a moment.
that i've been trying to figure out too, but this camp has activities and lessons i suppose to help us control it and help us live normally as we can. but for some reason it seems to be training us for something too, just a hunch, but about you question about what are we i don't know much about that. all i know is that probably most of us have kinesis abilities.

what abilities now?

you know, kinesises, you saw how jeongin just made light explode out of nowhere? he has photokinesis, ability to control or manipulate light. i heard that minho hyung has aerokinesis, he can manipulate the wind and there are a few times i've seen him hover around the house, maybe he can also fly. and you, who seemingly has a connection to plants i think you have chlorokinesis. supposedly this camp helps us connect to our powers so we can walk around without suddenly creating destruction and use it when we need it.

CAMP PECULIAR; stray kids ✓Where stories live. Discover now