❯ 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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hyung look! we made power jars!
jeongin ran in carrying a glass jar that looked like a lightbulb, jisung and seungmin came running in giggling as well, also carrying glass jars with them.

we made them out of clay then they made us do this weird ritwal thing that connects us to our powers and they said these jars could help us practice using our abilities!
seungmin said, his beautiful decorated red and orange jar flamed at the opening, jisung also showed his that looked like a plant pot only colorful vines and flowers decorated it.

minho laughed and admired the jars they made.
ooh!!! i also made that during my first year last summer.
minho took his jar with the lid closed, colorful wind visibly dancing inside the clear jar.

minho walked with the others back to the cabin.
the next activity will be after lunch, we still have some time, i can teach you guys to use the jars.
minho said and they all grabbed their jars.
you look trippy hyung, anything wrong?
seungmin asked.

senior counselors are going on a quest.....
minho mumbled and the three looked at each other confused.
what are quests?

it's like a mission for camp, we don't usually get quests and only senior counselors would go. they won't allow me to join because i'm still a junior counselor.
minho huffed out annoyed.
but it's fine because no one else will take care of you guys so anyways i'll teach you how to use the jars.

supposedly if y'all did the ritwal right, these jars will be able to control the energy you place onto it no matter how powerful it is.
minho said and placed his hands beside his jar, wind started to go out of control inside the jar and even minho's hair was whooshing around his head.

a few moments past and the wind in the jar became tame, not to powerful but not too weak, just right.
minho let go of the jar and grinned.
if i had used that not for the jar this whole cabin could've been blown away. this thing helped me control the wind to just the right power, i almost blown away camp last year!
minho laughed and the others giggled.

the three started to use their jars while minho made them some snacks.
jisung perked up seeing just the right size of rose grow from the jar and he placed it on the counter top.
we can have different plants everyday.
he said proudly.

jeongin did the same thing he does whenever he exploded light but this time it didn't happen, instead the jar lit up like a light bulb but it was too bright for jeongin's liking, the cabin was dark enough to see the full capacity of light perfect for jeongin to practice. he concentrated and the light dimmed until he got the right amount of brightness lit up in the jar.
i really did it!
he clapped his hands happily.

seungmin looked at his jar and placed his hands on the side, fire started inside the jar but accidentally he lost control and the fire rose taller until it abruptly stopped a few feet, he sighed of relief.
concentrate seungmin, don't hesitate, you are the one who controls the fire, don't let the fire control you.
minho said and the younger nodded, slowly and steady the fire got smaller until it became a tame fire above the jar.

i don't know chan hyung, don't you think it's much safer to stay here in camp than going on a quest without knowing what the heck you have a quest for?
changbin shrugged as he leaned onto the wall of the rooms, watching chan packing up his things for the quest.

well if we don't find out what the quest is about then camp isn't much safer, you saw what happened during capture the flag. we don't want to send a panic into camp so shush about this mission until i get back, you're in charge of the blue cabin while i'm gone k?
chan slung his bag over his shoulder looking at changbin who sighed.

both of them climbed down the ladders into the living room seeing felix playing with his power jar and hyunjin happily making water formations by the pond.
chan sighed with a soft smile.
take care of the two of them, make sure they enjoy camp while they're here, especially felix since it's his first year. you take care of yourself too, no fighting with the red cabin, they could be good allies if we could just get along.
chan ruffled changbin's hair and walked to the door.

where are you going channie hyung?
felix looked up from the floor where he sat playing his power jar, eyes in curiosity as chan was heading out the cabin. hyunjin also looked up from the pond and tilted his head sideways confused.
ah the seniors have to go on a quest but don't worry i'll be back soon. changbin will take over for a while be good okay?

felix and hyunjin nodded before they waved off at chan who met up with the others above the hill.
felix looked at hyunjin.
what are quests for?
he asked and hyunjin walked to him, also plopping himself on the floor where felix sat.
usually senior campers get to go, those who already mastered their powers, i don't know much about it since there were no quests last year but chan hyung said it's like going on a mission for camp.

it's almost one pm, we still have camp activities what is your next schedule?
changbin asked them and felix looked at his notebook.
i have camp history orientation next.

me too! it's usually like a boring history class discussion but i got ya covered.
hyunjin said and looked at changbin.
how about you hyung?
changbin frowned and checked his schedule paper.
i have horse riding next, you two can go on ahead.

felix and hyunjin stood up from the floor and went out the cabin passing by other campers who they greeted and waved hello to.
they stopped by the red cabin with jisung growing the red flowers to intertwine onto the poles and porch of the cabin making it more beautiful than it already is.

hyunjin and felix walked towards him, admiring the little changes he made in the cabin.
wow jisung, you're getting better using your powers.
felix sighted the flowers jisung grew.
they were slowly wilting, i think the weather is too hot for them.
he frowned.

i can help!
hyunjin smiled and summond water out of thin air, gently sprinkling them over the plants like spring showers.
jeongin saw this as he was walking out the cabin and moved the sunlight towards the plants making the roses and tulips glow.

not bad, seems like there's nothing wrong with us working together. i have camp history orientation next are you guys in there too? seungmin accidentally swallowed a bee and minho hyung took him to the infirmary now i have no one to go to the orientation with me.
jisung frowned and the two invited him with them to come, asking how the hell did seungmin swallow a bee on their way to the orientation.

hello babygays!
how are you all?
hope you're doing
fine.  (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

song recommendation
for the day :
sunshine by stray kids 🌻
just in case you guys
feel down or lost, it's
going to be okay 💛

tmi for the day :
i actually once ACCIDENTALLY
swallowed a bee....... it wasn't
a nice experience. :DDD

𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 :  𝟷𝙾𝟷𝟽𝟸𝙾

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