❯ 𝚝𝚎𝚗

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hyunjin heard a knock on the door and as he opened he gazed upon seungmin's pretty coffee eyes, the younger smiled at him leaving him flustered when minho cockblocked them.
flirting later, let us in now.

a-ah yes we-welcome to cabin eight.
he let them in and they took in the surrounding, a smile instantly grew on jeongin's face as he twirled around the cabin.
wow it's so cool here!

i-i guess you could say that.
hyunjin said as he closed the door.
no hyung, it's literally so cool here! it's really warm and cozy in the red cabin and it smells like butterscotch cookies, while here it smells like the sea and pineapple juice with a touch of coconut for some reason.

originally it smells like the seaside, the pineapple scent was because chan hyung would always drink pineapple juice boxes no matter what time and for the coconut well... idk about that. we found something serious and the senior counselors are in trouble. we can't settle in peace because chan hyung is with them.
hyunjin said and minho stepped up a little skeptical.
fine. we'll help you guys because we also could be involved in this. so why did you call us here? 

i think we have an idea on why they wanted the ones that had the power over the four elements.
felix said and grabbed the book they got from the library, turning it to the page that led them to find out a bit of the truth.
the four main elements are known to be there strongest forces in the olden times, they are spirits that are connected to each other and are passed on from generations to generations. they are one of the first spirits before others are created after them, whoever now lives as the spirits of these four elements are blessings.....
hyunjin trailed off at his last statement, momentarily looking down, so did seungmin and minho.

what's wrong?
jeongin asked, minho just then smiled and ruffled his hair.
but they can also be a curse if they turn ways or can cause a curse upon themselves or to other people blah blah blah..... anyway that's not important.
hyunjin blurted out.

the four elements being the oldest and strongest forms means..... hey that picture, the elements combining together.....
seungmin pointed out on a page of the book to which hyunjin nodded.
someone or something wants to obtain a certain power, a power that starts off with the four elements to get.

minho said.
power over everything. can manipulate everything, but if we are the spirits of the four elements and they want to take our spirits from us-

we'll die.....
seungmin said quietly.
we'll be literal wind, fire, water, earth...... we won't exist as humans.

jisung's eyes shook with fear as he stood up from their circle huddle angry.
no! no one is dying! whoever wants to obtain omnikinesis is a big fat bitch that needs to be whooped in the ass!
felix nodded and stood up with him.
we have to find chan hyung and the other counselors to stop these people trying to capture you guys, we tried to tell the camp director but he won't listen to us! he told us to wait for the seniors to get back from their quest!

which is absolute bullshit now that we know the seniors are in danger.
changbin rolled his eyes.

then what are we waiting for!? let's go kick asses now!

sit down jeongin we still need a plan.

the seven boys went to preparing and helping the blues pack up for their break out.
the patrols at camp increased after the attack especially at the entrance ark making it almost impossible to get out.

all they could think and chance they had was to create a diversion in camp so then they can find away to blend in and sneak out, changbin suggested to turn off all electricity in camp and jeongin could get all the lights away from them so they'd be hidden in plain sight.

as they were ready, they peaked out the window of the blue cabin memorizing all posts of the patrols.
minho looked at seungmin and nodded his head, they all gave him some reassurance before he smiled.
seungmin raised his hands and pulled them back down, making the campfire lose it's flames, this drew attention of the patrols.

changbin waved his hand, his eyes reflecting a hint of lightning and all electricity in the cabins and the big house went out.
okay get ready....
minho whispered as they watched one by one campers went out their cabins confused.

let's go before the patrols get them back inside.
they went out the blue cabin which unluckily was at the very end of the rows.
jeongin controlled light to move away from them as they became one with the campers who were making a fuss outside the cabins.

before they could reach the hill to the exit a camper had spotted them, leaving them to freeze in a panic.
go! all of you run to the exit!
minho told them and they ran, he summoned wind and made it pass through the ground exploding dust everywhere as he ran with the others.

they all ran as fast as they can until changbin pulled them under a small pit behind a giant tree, shushing them as they crouched hiding.
they heard the patrols searching for them from above, minho peaked until he saw the lights and patrols walking far ahead, he sighed and sat back down.
they're gone, now let's go.

tmi for this update :
give at least three things
you love about your
stray kids bias !

things i love about
seo changbin :
• talented
• smart
• literally the sweetest
smol bean uWu
hope u guys like this update !

𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 :  𝟷𝙾𝟷𝟽𝟸𝙾

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