❯ 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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the eight boys took a train to get them to minho's hometown, chan was still awake watching the younger members sleep on him like their own stuff animal, chan giggled seeing minho and changbin hug each other while sleeping.
they only get along in their sleep.
he whispered and stroked both their hairs.

the train choo chooed and they were brought to their stop, minho pointed towards a giant mountain far away covered in clouds and takes up the whole city from behind.
can you guys see it?
the others shook their heads and minho told them to look closely, slowly and slowly the view of the mountain appeared and all of them stepped back in awe, being overwhelmed as well. 

it's like an illusion but it's there, do you think the others might have a hard time seeing it?
chan asked and minho thought out for a moment.
my dad used to say that not all can see it, but it's not impossible the others after the bell can't see it, we better hurry.

they all stopped by a fast food chain to eat something before continuing to make their way to the mountain. it was filled with dark trees and was almost dark by the entrance below the volcano, there was an old dusty road in front of them and the few rays of sunlight were their only source of noticeable light.
hey look!
chan said and used his telekinesis to summon a small tractor truck he found by the trees.

it looked old and beaten up, hyunjin went ahead and made a disgusted face before splashing water on it making it clean. minho helped dry it up and seungmin started to heat up the motor since it was almost ice cold.
hmmmm, felix do you think you can do something about this?

gotcha mate.
felix snapped his fingers with a wink and slowly the tractor went back a few ages making it almost brand new, the problem was the motor was still down but changbin was able to spark it back to life.
they all hopped on the back, chan the one driving. 
i'll clear out obstacles on the way, jeongin provide us some light and jisung move the trees so we have a clear way.

chan started to drive them on the mountain and clearing up obstacles on the way and jeongin and jisung doing their assigned jobs. minho had his eyes closed while feeling the wind while felix and seungmin was close to throwing up because of how fast the tractor was moving, hyunjin and changbin made themselves company by playing with their phones.

it took them more than an hour before they started to feel a little fuzzy.
do you guys feel it?
hyunjin asked and minho nodded.
i feel stronger and older.

but hyung you're already old.
jeongin laughed while minho fake laughed and hugged/choked him.
it feels like my past life didn't go too well.
hyunjin shuddered, seungmin nodded with him.
me too.

chan abruptly stopped and minho looked at him concerned.
jeongin, jisung, don't use your powers, it's not just us here i can feel it.
chan told jisung to get a long vine and each of them held onto it like a line, they all trudged forward the dark forest with minho leading them in front and chan protecting them from the back.

chan whisper shouted at the members who were talking at the same time very loudly.
how much longer are we going to find that gay tree?
felix sighed, they've been walking for a good twenty minutes now yet they were still stuck in the middle of the dark woods with no finish line whatsoever.

minho seemed to be sure of where he was going, following the whispers of the wind as he led along.
he soon suggested flying and taking the lead from there, jisung got him a new strong vine and they touched hands for a moment.
whoa what the heck was that?
jisung pulled away cheeks blushing red.
i think it was a spark.
minho winked at him before walking towards chan.
"why can't changbin hyung and i have a spark too?"
felix asked in his mind with a pout.

chan tied the end of the long rope on minho's waist and tied the other end to his own waist.
minho suggested the others resting as he tries to find a way out the woods, they all sat down on the ground as minho flew to try finding the tree that had the hole to find the bell.

he ventured for a while, gracefully passing by the trees and dancing to himself a bit, he stopped and hid behind the huge trees, seeing a couple of cloak dressed people also trudging in the forest.
he glanced at the vine being tugged and the next thing he knew he was surrounded.

oh no....
chan felt the vine being tugged, he rapidly pulled it and the others helped him, they gasped seeing the end being broken and minho was nowhere to be found.
shit! we have to find minho!
he said before running, the others following him from behind.

minho untied the rope around his waist after the ones dressed in cloaks had cut it and he looked around anxiously as they were preparing to attack him with their powers.
"they're nothing compared to you..."
the wind that rustled in his ears whispered.
he levitated from the ground, wind circling around his arms.

for a moment minho felt like he lived so long, he felt at home and strong.
his eyes started to glow purple and the wind circling his arms also streaked with the same color as it spun around his arm faster.
he smirked and blasted out a powerful explosion of purple wind.

he coughed and saw them scattered on the grounds and he glanced at his hands with a shaky breath.
holy shit i'm awesome!
he exclaimed before flying his way back to the others, the wind being his guide.

tmi for today :
artist recommendation !

y'all should listen to sleeping at last songs. their songs make my soul feel at peace (。♥‿♥。)
feel free to recommend other artists as well !

𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 :  𝟷𝙾𝟷𝟽𝟸𝙾

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