❯ 𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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exactly where are we going?
felix whined as they were still walking around the forest completely lost, he screamed when a bush suddenly made a sound and ran to jisung, hugging him as the older was also close to screaming his lungs out.

do any of you guys actually know how to get out this forest?
seungmin asked and they all looked at each other before shaking their heads.
great, i'm with a bunch of idiots....
he muttered.

we lost the road when we ran, that was the easiest way out.
changbin sighed.
what the hell was that?
he asked as he heard a roaring in the distance.

you know dark and scary forests has many-

dark and scary animals!
felix screamed as they shushed him, they huddled up together shaking as they walked farther and farther, still hearing the roar.

we didn't think well about this.
jeongin told them shaking and they agreed.
minho hyung you can fly right?
he asked and they all groaned as minho face palmed.

a-ah h-hyung be b-back quickly o-okay?
jisung said and minho nodded before flying up, sighting to see the exit of the forest.
he looked around till he can see the city lights and he smiled, he flew down seeing the others up separately on the trees.
what the- wHOA!

minho flew ran as a lion chased after him, the younger ones screaming their lungs out every time it got closer to minho.
nice kitty, nice kit- aaaAAAAH! BAD KITTY BAD KITTY!
minho tried to drive it far away but it won't stop chasing him.
"guess this kitty's hungry."
he thought out.

minho hyung over here!
jisung yelled after he climbed down the tree, minho flew towards jisung and the younger's heart pounded as minho and the lion got closer.
minho saw the vines behind jisung and as he got close he flew up letting jisung trap the lion with the vines.

the others climbed down the trees as well and sighed of relief, jisung created a little house to the lion but still trapping it in case it wanted little boys for breakfast.
aw what a cute wittle kitty ~ here cutie wutie kitty ~

jeongin he might chomp off your hand.
minho giggled as he pulled jeongin away from the lion who roared at them angrily.

hyunjin created a water bowl with a little waterfall and placed it beside the lion inside the vine house cage thing jisung made.
what? just in case he gets thirsty.

y'all know hes's gonna start clawing out those vines any moment and escape right?
changbin said and they froze in realization.
i saw a way out, just straight ahead, let's go before this kitty chase us again.

they all went on their way, with felix still looking behind seeing the lion now chomping on the vines that held it.
they finally found their way out the forest just as the sun had risen.

alright we got out, just follow my lead-

oh whoa whoa who said you're leading minho hyung?
changbin placed his hands on his hips, minho scoffed as he crossed his arms.
well as the oldest here i think it's already predictable i will lead.

you don't even know where to go-

you two shut up! i will lead! now let's get to walking peasants!
jeongin told them off and started walking leaving them no choice but to follow.

they started to walk around the city like a bunch of middle school students on their way to school, only it was summer and they had no school.
they soon found out they were near the west region which was the opposite way of where the seniors went, they had an option of going into the forest for an easy cross to the other side but they weren't fond of the idea going back there so they had to go with the alternative of going around the city.

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