❯ 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎

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chan breathed out a sigh from the crystal block that was keeping him locked up. he was with bambam who was the head counselor of the green cabin in the cage and they watched as the other counselors also tried finding a way to get out of there.

their bags were on the corner also locked in a crystal cage, that was their only source of communication. a commotion was heard and a couple of people entered the area they were in. bambam looked at chan and whispered something and the younger looked a little closely in the wall of crystal and gasped realizing most of those people were their former seniors, the alumni of camp peculiar.
the other current counselors must've realized it too that they started to protest and tried to break the crystal blocks again.

chris, we have emergency smoke bombs in our backpacks, it'll be an enough distraction for us to escape. we are the closest to our backpacks, we just have to find a way to get out of this cell.
bambam said and he nodded. chan glanced around and noticed a silver bracelet each one of the alumni were wearing, it had the same crystal crest as the cell they were in. chan tapped bambam and whispered something.
those bracelets seem like a passage, i could try getting one of them with my leftover strength, we have to hope it works.
bambam nodded and chan was about to grab onto the closest one to them's bracelet with his telekinesis when one of the counselors shook her head and told them to wait to find out their plans.

the alumni started to circle around the center where a pedestal stood and a hologram of a man appeared, they couldn't make up his appearance because of the crystal blocking them. one of the counselors had the ability to manipulate sound so she tried her best to get the soundwaves into her cell and eavesdrop on their plans.
what do you think is going on?
bambam asked and chan shrugged.

a few moments passed and the counselor gave a thumbs up to chan as a signal and chan used his telekinesis to bring two alumnus' hands towards their cell and as expected the bracelet let their arms pass through the cage. chan and bambam stole the bracelets and got out the cage, making a dash towards their backpacks and dodged the enemies trying to stop them.

bambam threw a smoke bomb for distraction as chan got the other counselors out. they faught for a while and the orange cabin's head counselor was able to freeze up a wall separating them from the enemies and the counselors started to run and escape before the wall was destroyed.

they got out and ran further towards the han river and they stopped to rest, the counselor who eavesdropped a while ago went to chan and told him what she heard.
they're after the elemental bell, they said they need to capture the rest of the elements and use them before they could attain a certain power. that's all i heard, you have to go back to camp peculiar and warn your dongsaengs, we'll follow them and try to stop them from getting the elemental bell.

chan shook his head and ushered bambam to come over.
you guys go back to camp peculiar, it's dangerous if they plan to attack again and we're not there. i'll follow them, it'll be safer if it's less so little to no attention is drawn.
they were attacked again and started to run, chan separated from them and distracted the enemies so they can go back to camp safe.

he ran and manipulated all objects around him to attack all those enemies chasing his tail but he was abruptly stopped when he got captured in a crystal block again. panic rose into his body and he needed to think, he lost the bracelet he stole a while back when he got the counselors out and the enemies were already surrounding him. just as then chan saw a familiar wind figure flying around, followed by a huge droplet of water making forms as they hover around trying to search for something.
that's impossible.... they're at camp......
chan muttered.

chan used his telekinesis to pull on the water and the water droplet bounced around as if it was surprised. it turned towards the direction of where chan was captured and it created happy formations, the water droplet hovered a bit and splashed itself onto the wind figure and the wind figure also flew around the cage where chan is at. the two formations left rapidly leaving chan confused and in the middle of a life and death situation as the enemies were already surrounding him.

tmi for this update :
what country r u guys

i'm from the
philippines :DDD
love you bubs ( ˘ ³˘)♥

𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 :  𝟷𝙾𝟷𝟽𝟸𝙾

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