❯ 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛

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jeongin was excited to play capture the flag that night, if only the game wasn't an actual war zone and the other cabins right onto their tails.

the red cabin decided to split up (accidentally) as the other campers were chasing them. the youngest found himself into the deeper part of the woods, so dark he couldn't see anything.
he shuddered trying to keep his eyes open, slowly walking around trying not to trip.

all he could see were the silhouettes of the tall trees, he couldn't hear anyone else, it was just him stuck there.
oh who am i kidding?
he facepalmed and raised his palms.
please work properly just this once.
a light flickered above his palm and he concentrated trying to turn it red, the light got bigger and he struggled until he accidentally threw it up in the air and it disappeared.

he groaned and tried again, this time maintaining the small size to use as a flashlight and jeongin looked up seeing minho flying above him.
minho landed a little less gracefully and jeongin held his arm so he won't trip.
what are you doing here? you're so far off the borders. come on, hyung will give you a ride.
jeongin jumped onto minho's back piggyback style and minho jumped, soon enough they were in the air tumbling and spinning around.

minho hyuuuuuuuuung!
jeongin screamed trying to hold onto the older who was fighting air resistance.
i know i know! i'm a terrible flyer just hold on!

there was something weird going on in the games that jisung couldn't put up. they were allowed to use their powers but for some campers, they were overusing powerful abilities. jisung knew of the rules to only use their abilities to defend themselves just as long as they won't attack campers directly and badly.

jisung looked at the red bandana he tied on his wrist, he had to find his teammates fast or else he'd be frozen by this girl with blonde hair going haywire using her cryokinesis.

he raised his arms in defense and soon enough nature responded to him and a leafy plant had swallowed him before that kid with crímatakinesis could've swallowed him with his money monster.
he heaved through the leaves and was able to escape through the other side, starting to run. now jisung knows the purpose of this game, it was to train their powers when it comes to battle, but jisung was the least thing he thought from a hero and nature doesn't usually respond to him into the liking he wanted.

he felt a gush of wind past him and called out.
the younger abruptly stopped, almost falling into the creek. jisung ran to him, both panting and eyes screaming "get us the fuck outta here!"

ji, it's only the first day and we're about to die! this camp is crazy! i almost got insane because of that girl with inclikinesis tHAT KEPT REFORMING BODY PARTS! IT WAS ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!
felix almost vomited remembering the camper that had chased him.

okay whatever shit the campers are on i want none of it, i don't care about winning the game I JUST WANT TO LIVE SO LET'S GET THE YEET OUT OF HERE!
felix dragged jisung, dodging and trying to escape the games.

seungmin walked back shaking as several campers from the green and orange cabin surrounded him.
didn't know reds could be such cowards.
the one in front of him said with a smirk and all of them laughed at little seungmin who was almost to tears.

hope you're not scared of the dark.
he manipulated the shadows using umbrakinesis and was about to attack the little boy when he was blasted off by water, sending him to tumble aside.
he looked at hyunjin with raging eyes as the younger had water dancing around his fists.
you're the coward for bullying those younger than you hyung!

CAMP PECULIAR; stray kids ✓Where stories live. Discover now