❯ 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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felix smiled as he stood in front of the huge house of cabin eight. the cabin was a white painted wood two storey house with a vintage washed royal blue roof and blue sliding glass door. the small staircase had two lavender trees growing on each side and beach chairs on the patio.

cabin 8 was imprinted on the silver plate of the door and felix knocked, seeing a taller boy with jet black hair and soft features open up.
oh hi! are you felix?
he asked and felix nodded, the boy led him in who introduced himself as hyunjin.

inside was quite bright, there were windows as big as doors with blue curtains tied to the side whenever it reaches nighttime. it had a rope ladder on the right leading to the rooms and on the left was a tv, hammocks, a small glass table filled with seashells decorations and at the very corner was a small pebble pond with fishes living in it.

the entire place had the aroma of the sea and it was quite chilly, it hyped felix up a bit. an older looking boy climbed down the ladder and smiled at felix.
we've been waiting for you, welcome to the blue cabin, or cabin eight. i'm the head counselor christopher bang but you can call me chan. you've met hyunjin i think you two are probably the same age, he has hydrokinesis, and that guy is changbin, he's fourteen, he has electrokinesis. i have telekinesis, how about you?
he asked with a grin showing his dimples, his free spirited vibe chased away felix's anxiety and even made him perk up.

i'm felix, thirteen years old and.... i don't really know much about my power.
he frowned and chan patted his back.
well what kind of abilities do you have?

ummm well, i can slow down things and run really really fast, i could also bend time or stop it sometimes.
felix explained and chan nodded.
you seem to have chronokinesis, the power to manipulate time. it's actually pretty cool but we can't use our powers unless the camp directors tell us to okay? we don't want to get in trouble.
chan ruffled his hair and helped him get settled.

chan hyung can i hang out with my friend in the red cabin?
felix asked excitedly, hyunjin's eyes widen a bit as changbin scowled.
we aren't allowed to hang out in the other cabins especially the reds.
he said with his arms crossed.

why not? my friend is nice i promise.
chan placed his hands on felix's shoulders from behind, he smiled softly at felix with a nod.
there's nothing wrong with being friends with the reds. changbin just hates the campers of the red cabin after they uh.... made him a bully target last year-

i was defenseless but still they make my life miserable everyday.
he frowned and turned away, electric sparks were sparking around his body as he trembled with anger.
but they've all moved out, minho's the new counselor now and he's really nice, i heard they all got new members this year so we have to be friendly with them. maybe this year the rivalry will come to a stop.

what rivalry? i thought we are all friends here.
felix looked at them and chan chuckled.
ever since the beginning of camp the red and blue cabins have always led the activities especially capture the flag games, for some reason after some time the rivalry became insane that the red and blue teams hated each other ever since. it's been going on for some years but chan hyung wanted to end that as the new senior head counselor of the blue cabin.
hyunjin said and chan nodded.

where'd you get all those facts? it's just your second year here hyunjin.
changbin side smiled and hyunjin rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed.
i just like to go to the camp library when i have nothing to do. besides, i don't really get why we had to be enemies with the reds, they seem like pretty cool people.
hyunjin asked and chan pursed his lips.

yeah, hopefully before summer ends we could tie some friendship with the red cabin.
chan said and smirked.
but that doesn't mean we won't kick their asses during capture the flag.

what's capture the flag? heck i'm asking too many questions.
felix groaned and everyone just laughed.
it's a fun game we do every friday night, you'll get to know the game when you play, the blue and red cabins usually win.

y'all smell smoke?
changbin suddenly asked and they all sniffed the air confused.
chan looked out the window and his eyes went wide.
the grounds are on fire!

CAMP PECULIAR; stray kids ✓Where stories live. Discover now