❯ 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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a few days have passed and minho was getting the red cabin ready for the obstacle course that happens mid of the week.
the seniors have not returned from their quest which was expected so the preparations for the games was a little different missing out the other leaders.

we'll get separated?
jeongin pouted as he tied his bandana on his ankle, minho nodded getting worried looks from the younger members.
they had to rearrange the games since the cabins are quite unequal on members, you'll get to work with other kids from the other cabins i'm sure you all will be fine.

hyung haven't you been sensing some weird things at camp for the past few days? something just feels off, and some campers are well, mysterious.
jisung tried explaining to which seungmin and jeongin nodded in agreement, minho pursed his lips.
i haven't really, i guess i had been busy to notice but if so i want you all to be alert, don't run off far or cause trouble, stay near me as much as possible.
he told them and they nodded.

minho walked with them to the open area of the woods beside a small waterfall and stream, campers from all cabins started to fill in the giant bleachers staring with awe and anxiety at the obstacle course set out for them.

this camp is nuts.

tell me about it.

minho stopped for a moment making the younger ones bump into him.
what is it hyung?

i-i.... nothing, the air is just.... there's this weird atmosphere. but that's just me i guess.
minho tried to laugh off the strange feeling.

the camp director held a mic and looked up at all of them presenting the obstacle course, a giant rock tower with a vine zipline, spinning thingy that had boxing gloves, metal loops and other extreme things you don't expect to be played by literal children.

after these past few days at camp, this will be a test for you to find your abilities and skills you've learned, again no direct attacks or cheating, use your powers only to defend yourself from the obstacle and for you to get to the other side without terrible injuries okay? okay. we'll start by calling out names from each cabin, whoever gets to the finish line first will win extra points for their cabin color.
he said and a camp instructor gave him a paper of all their names.

jeongin was up first along with two other people from the orange cabin, one from the green, two from the pink and another one from the yellow.
the red cabin cheered as jeongin was barely surviving the obstacle but managed to win second place.

he walked back to the bench panting and eyes still shaken up but they hugged him and told him he did well, that made jeongin happy and seungmin even gave him some snacks.

minho was in the third batch along with felix, the older won first and helped felix up making him second, earning bad looks from the other cabins.

turns passed and seungmin and jisung were called together along with changbin and a few other kids from the other cabins.
a few of them looked at seungmin strangely and it bothered him, jisung placed a hand on his shoulder with a comforting smile.
i'm here with you don't worry.

the seven campers started to dash off and proceeded with the obstacle course.
jeongin stopped cheering and looked at minho with a slight fear, the younger saw the worry in the older's eyes as well.

i know... something is definitely wrong.

a camper from the green cabin fairly older than them ran closer to seungmin and so did a another camper.
jisung gasped and tried running faster to seungmin but it felt like he was being repelled.

CAMP PECULIAR; stray kids ✓Where stories live. Discover now