❯ 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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ughhh how would i know if this is working or not!?
minho groaned, extending his palms in front of him and every time he did, wind would come blowing out coming from his palms.
changbin tried contacting chan but it was no use.

the others just watched minho walking around in circles frustrated while they ate. they decided to take a break and have a picnic by the han river for lunch while minho tried to do that element seeker thing that hyunjin does to find chan.
i'm bored, let's think of something stupid to do.

how about we shave minho hyung's head and paint a blue arrow on it so he looks like aang the last airbender?
jeongin ran away before minho could've hit him with wind and laughed to himself.
excuse the fuck?
minho glared as the others laugh.

hyung, you're doing it wrong.
hyunjin stood up from his place smiling and stood beside minho who was clearly distressed. hyunjin held his palms in front of him and created a small spinning water wall. a few moments later, a faint image appeared in the center of the water and hyunjin was able to see the place where a separate water droplet was at like a drone camera. minho huffed and placed his palms in front of him, started to spin the wind.
why didn't you tell me in the first place? you just watched me look like an idiot for fifteen minutes!
minho complained making hyunjin laugh.

minho was able to see now and both their elements started to search the area since that's how far their abilities could go.
hyung i think i found him!
hyunjin exclaimed leaving minho confused.
huh? where? i don't see him?
minho said trying to look around and hyunjin groaned before making his droplet hit itself onto minho's wind, splashing water on the older from the wind he was spinning.
hey what was that for!?
minho asked with his face drenched.

look where i'm looking.
minho glanced at hyunjin's seeker and he went back to his own trying to see the same and his eyes widened seeing chan on a crystal block cell.
is he trapped? he looks trapped. do you think we should help him?
hyunjin had to resist face palming himself or else the water seeker will die down.
idiot! of course he's trap! we have to help him!

let's go!
felix said and he quickly packed up their picnic in split second, chomping on a burger, before they ran to find chan.

chan panicked and he felt like he was a goner when he saw electricity fling the enemies aside. chan's eyes widened.
.... changbin?

changbin came running in and placed his hands on his hips.
that was quite a shocking entrance.
he snickered and minho flew to his side with a disgusted look muttering an "ew" before flying off.

hyunjin ran to the block and chan warned him about the bracelets their enemies had that can pass through the crystal. he nodded and ran to jeongin, whispering a plan to get one of the bracelets.
jeongin perked up and saluted before running off to a boy taller than him, jeongin looked up and flashed him some light to make a distraction as he took his bracelet and gave it to hyunjin.
wow that was quick.

the six boys circled the crystal block protectively while minho flew above them, he summoned wind but retreated when he saw how many already surrounded them.
w-will we be able to take them off?
felix asked and chan shook his head, jisung thrashed a thorned plant towards the ones who tried to go near them, mainly because he panicked as they got close.

minho thought out an idea and told them to hold onto each other.
he summoned wind again, but this time he spun around and around creating a tornado, sending their enemies tumbling aside and the others in the tornado screaming and flying around.

he used all his strength to spin and fly off somewhere quite far and away from the reach of people.
the others were screaming and flying around inside the tornado sometimes bumping into each other while chan is close to throwing up in the crystal block.

minho got tired and abruptly stopped, the tornado disappeared and they all fell down a grassy open area, panting and felix was still screaming.
changbin saw minho still spinning and doing ballet up in the air and he told hyunjin to smack him with water.
minho flew down really dizzy as he landed and the others balanced him.
didn't know i could do that but life is all about learning.
he panted trying to catch his breath.

they finally pulled chan out, hugging the oldest and laughed to themselves about all the shit they've been through.
chan told them about the bell and hyunjin told him about what they discovered from reading the book, it all made sense now, well, it didn't made much sense to jisung, felix and jeongin but they were up to help.

the book which hyunjin luckily brought told that the elemental bell was hidden in a place where the four elements were together, it was a trick riddle but minho suggested it might be in a volcano after seeing a mountain formation in the book. it was a few miles away from where he lived but not too far to take forever to go to.

he said volcanoes are formations of rock and land representing earth, that specific volcano had a waterfall that his grandfather told him was the most majestical waterfall he'd seen, but when he tried telling everyone about the waterfall it suddenly disappeared, minho believed it might still be there. the lava in the volcano represented fire and being such a high place it was very windy up there.

my dad went there once when he was young to retrace my grandfather's research about the place, he never told anyone but i pushed him to tell me when i was in need of good bedtime stories, can't blame me i was just three, he said he found a rabbit hole beside a tree with colorful leaves, they didn't go near it because they saw other people there with them and when they did try going near it the entire place shook as if nature was turning against them. my dad saw what they were planning to do with the hole and the mountain that he needed to do something. my dad saw them trying to poison the air and he sneakily decapitated their machine with the skills he had in mechanics, he called the police beforehand but it will be too late to save him and the people were already chasing after him. he said he was already on the edge of the cliff near the stream when he had no choice but to jump instead of getting captured.
minho inhaled, stopping to take a break from his storytelling.

they thought he died but he didn't, he said the wind have saved him and as he was placed safely on land it had whispered giving him a blessing for saving the mountain, and he believed.....

the blessing was you.
chan smiled and minho pursed his lips with his eyes not wandering off the floor.
he always told me that, i was born that night and my dad came to the hospital to see my mom telling her about what happened. she didn't believe him until they found out their baby son was flying all around the house blowing everything down..... and...... yeah, few years later my dad died after his plane crashed but it has to be the place the bell is, this book had all the answers about me and i can't believe my powers came from my dad who tried saving a rainbow tree.

with a rabbit hole that we don't know where it takes you.

with a rabbit hole that you don't know where it will take you.
minho sighed and seungmin scanned the book, eyes sparkling seeing an image of the rainbow tree minho had told about.
what if the elemental bell is hidden in that rabbit hole? you know the story of alice in wonderland?

the queen of hearts haunted my childhood.
felix said and seungmin pointed out the story of how the bell got lost after the owner let it fall into a pit of darkness.
what if the book is just exaggerating and it just fell in the rabbit hole?

the eight boys agreed to start from there and if the bell wasn't there then they'd discuss another place where it could be. jisung suggested to follow the ones after the bell but chan told him that it will be too dangerous so they had to go after the bell by themselves or first as much as possible.

𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 :  𝟷𝙾𝟷𝟽𝟸𝙾

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