❯ 𝚜𝚒𝚡

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hyunjin screamed and ran to help him up after shooting a powerful hose of water at him accidentally. they were in the middle of powerchery where kids with certain abilities try to hit the recommended bullseye with their power to maintain control and accuracy.

hyunjin would've hit it just fine if he didn't see seungmin smile from beside him in the corner of his eyes and he panicked and now seungmin got hit with water due to hyunjin's out of control reactions.

the other kids snickered but the camp instructor just told hyunjin to be careful.
the blue was definitely trying to cause trouble with you red.
a camper laughed and hyunjin glared at them.
it was an accident!
hyunjin protested.

seungmin just squeeze out the water from his shirt, walking towards the line for he was up next, it made hyunjin guilty and upset as he watched seungmin.

the younger created a fireball and threw it hitting the bullseye real quick, hyunjin's mouth fell agape, seungmin seems like he plays baseball.
seungmin glared at the kids who stared at him shocked, trying to give a little telepathic warning about trying to mess with him being that they already got him to a much more bad mood than he already had.

i'm really sorry, i really didn't mean it and-
hyunjin eyes went wide hearing seungmin laugh once the activity was over. the younger had a very cute laugh, addicting too and it made him giggle.
it's alright hyunjin, i have to go.
he waved off leaving the older dumbfounded.


minho and changbin said in a nonchalant surprise as they both stopped by the last fruitcake in the mess hall.
w-were you about to um-
minho tilted his head to the fruitcake and changbin frowned.

yes i was-

sorry hunny i'm taking the cake-

but i got here first!
changbin protested and minho scoffed.
first or last this cake is mine!

they had a glaring contest for a split second before strangling each other in the dessert table of the mess hall making the other campers cheer.
changbin tried to make a grab of the cake when minho pulled on his leg and he stood up making a dash towards the cake but changbin kicked him in the shins.

they wrestled each other on the ground, screaming and thrashing at each other.

changbin tried to reach for the cake but he received a slap from the older.


the last fruitcake! i feel so lucky today!
jeongin said happily skipping off with the cake in hands leaving changbin and minho on the floor with their mouth agape.

they both got up and glared at each other as they got out the mess hall, minho sending a wind to send changbin rolling off the cliff and changbin sending electricity to electrocute minho making him roll off the cliff the mess hall was at as well.

i got us fruitcake while we plan world domination!
jeongin said hopping into a little hiding tree felix found and jisung sculpting it to have a secret opening and a wide space inside the branches.
the three of them took out their walkie talkies and jisung called seungmin, since phones were surrendered to the cabin counselors.

paging to minnie pooh paging to minnie pooh, headquarters now.
he called and a few moments they saw seungmin climbing up the tree and into the space they sat in the middle of the branches.
hyunjin followed me here, it's okay right?
seungmin helped the older up and he waved happily at the three who grinned at them.

we need an official group name.
felix hit his fist to his palm and they all pondered for a moment.
goochi geng—

seungmin stopped felix making him pout, jeongin created a lightbulb (literally) as he thought of something.
juicy gang.
he wiggled his eyebrows and seungmin smacked him, causing jeongin to smack seungmin back and stick his tongue at him.

what's with the gang!? i suggest—

jeongin rolled his eyes and seungmin glared at him, felix took the fruitcake jeongin brought and placed it in the middle.
how about we eat this fruitcake while we decide.
he suggested and they all nodded in agreement.

seungmin created a beam of fire to cut the cake into five pieces and hyunjin having a ball of water above his palm just in case.
they ate the cake happily talking about the most stupid things, they couldn't hang out in camp without receiving criticism from other cabins, to them it seems unfair that they can't be friends and that wouldn't definitely be enough to stop them from being friends anyway.

they climbed down the tree walking happily together back at camp and soon enough getting questioning stares when they sparked an idea.
they faked having an argument and fight causing a scene and entertainment among campers.

𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 :  𝟷𝙾𝟷𝟽𝟸𝙾

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