Chapter 1

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Harry couldn't believe it he watched as Sirius fell through the veil. Harry knew he couldn't loose him not yet. With out thinking he quickly made eye contact with Draco.

Draco knew as soon as he caught Harry's eye what was about to happen. He sprinted towards Harry. Grabbing Harry's hand as he fell into the veil, dragging Draco in after.

The two boys were suddenly soaking wet. But alive at least from what they could tell.
"Harry!" Draco called splashing among the surface.
"Draco, I'm here." Harry gasped as he was dragged towards Draco by a large black thing resembling Padfoot stronger.

The two were pulled to shore where Padfoot turned into Sirius. However Sirius was a lot younger and healthier he looked around the same age as Harry.
"Harry, Malfoy. Please tell me you weren't stupid enough to follow me through the veil." Sirius cursed.
"I couldn't loose you." Harry argued Sirius looked at Draco.
"I wasn't going to let this dork get himself killed without me." Draco explained.
"Where are we? Why do you look so young?" Harry questioned.
"We're at Hogwarts." Sirius replied stepping towards the lake to look at his reflection.
"Padfoot!" A familiar voice called.
"Moony?" Sirius called confused back.
"Oh there you are I got scared filtch caught you." A boy, who resembled Remus but in his mid-teens, sighed.
"Oh Hello do I know you?"Remus asked.
"This is Dean and his boyfriend, Seamus." Sirius replied quickly.
"Oh well nice meeting you. Are you new?" Remus asked.
"Yeah Umm..." Harry looked at Draco for help.
"Oh a bit late in the year what with only a week left." Remus frowned.
"Oh well we're actually prospective students who are looking at joining next year. we just wanted to look around the grounds when it was peaceful and Seamus slipped in the water pulling me in after him." Draco lied smoothly.
"Ok then well Sirius and I better be getting back it's been nice meeting you." Remus linked arms with Sirius and began dragging him away.
"We need to find Dumbledore clearly we've gone back in time." Harry muttered.
"I never realized how handsome Professor Lupin was and damn Azkaban was tough on Sirius." Draco muttered.
"Ok 1.I'm right here. 2. Sirius is technically your cousin. 3. Eww." Harry giggled breaking Draco's concentration on Harry's godfathers ass.
"Technically you and I related." Draco stated in a smug tone grinning like a Chester cat.
"And Technically due to someone's pride we're not dating"  Harry mimicked
"I'm not going over this argument with you Harry. Let's checkout Dumbledore's office."
"As long as you don't check out Dumbledore." Harry chimed.

"Professor!" Draco practically cried as they watched as Dumbledore began entering his office.
"Yes?" Dumbledore asked stopping.
"We've made a grave mistake." The duo entered his office. Harry quickly explained the incident.
"Well I don't have a solution at this moment. But when I do I'll get you boys straight home." Dumbledore started. "In the mean time I will dismiss the school a week early and you may remain here until we can fix your problem. If anyone should question it Harry you are my great nephew and Draco is your boyfriend."
"We already met Remus Lupin he believes Harry to be Seamus Thomas and Myself to be Dean Finnegan " Draco explained.
"Well then they will be your names." Dumbledore nodded. He then told them to sleep in the room if requirement until tomorrow afternoon.


James couldn't sleep there was an internal nagging feeling drawing him to the common room. He quickly glanced around the room. Peter was asleep mouth wide open head at the foot of his bed. Sirius had been gone hours and Remus had decided to go searching for Sirius.

James slowly walked down the staircase as he got closer he heard soft whimpers and sniffling. He quietly entered to see Lily Evans on the floor in front of the fire. He slowly approached. "Lily, are you ok?" His voice was soft and cautious.
"I'm fine Potter go back to bed." She shrugged off his concern. The normal venom in her voice was gone as if she was too tired to care.
"I don't think you are. I'm not going to bed I care too much. Do you want to talk?" He asked still standing. Something inside Lily snapped.
"You care about me! That's rich! You're the reason I'm partially in this mess! You're the reason I can't talk to the one person I NEED to talk to!" Lily glared at James. He glanced down at the floor she was sat in front of three things a letter, a bar of chocolate meaning Remus had stopped to comfort her and a pregnancy test.
"Are you pregnant?" James asked.
"Not that it has anything to do with you but yes I'm pregnant and You helped destroy my relationship with its father."
"Is that a letter from your parents what did they say?" James asked.
"No it's a letter from my sister informing me my parents died in a car crash with my little brother, Vinnie, and sister, Dahlia." Lily explained tears falling hard down her face.
"What are you going to do?"
"I don't know what to do! Petunia says she doesn't want me to come home and she's banned me from the funeral. Apparently she'll contact me about the will. James I don't think I can raise this baby. I have no money, no where to live and I don't even think I want Sev in this child's life with the path he's going down." James was shocked for a second it was the first time in years Lily had called him James.
"I'm so sorry Lily." James encased Lily in a hug. They stayed like that for atleast an hour, not even bothering to move when Sirius and Remus snook back in.

"Summers in a week and I have no where to go." Lily sobbed.
"That's not true." James answered.
"What do you mean?" Lily asked.
"Well we already have Remus stopping with us. After Remus lost his parents last year. So I don't see why you can't stay with us until you can support the baby and yourself." James suggested.
"I don't want to put your parents out and we're not even friends." Lily commented.
"Well what if we call a truce. What if we start working on building a friendship?" James offered. "Plus my parents love having kids there. I have a feeling my mother always wanted a big family and we have plenty of room."
"Fine but one condition, you have stop asking me out every week." Lily agreed.
"Fine it'll be every other week." James smirked and Lily rolled her eyes.

Hours later Lily had fell asleep in James arms. He knew he couldn't carry her to her room and that the sofa was extremely uncomfortable to sleep on. So he quickly grabbed the test and letter and carried Lily to his room. James placed Lily on his bed, putting the test and letter into the envelope and putting it next to her. He then tucked her in and got into Sirius' bed. Sirius had gotten into animagus form and was asleep next to Remus.

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