Chapter 2

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It was 8 am when Lily woke up. When she did she was in complete confusion as to where she was.
"Why am I here?" Lily questioned quietly
"I'm not completely sure." Remus commented as he was reading his book.
"I must have fell asleep and James thought it'd be wise to bring me up here." Lily reasoned. "What time is it? She asked glancing at the other boys and dog who were fast asleep.
"8 am." Remus answered.
"The common room will be packed damn it." Lily muttered as she noticed her letter.
"Yeah probably I'm about to wake these lot up so we can head down to breakfast." Remus commented.

"Where's Sirius and why is there a dog in your bed?" Lily asked suspiciously.
"Oh umm." Remus thought quickly. "Sirius is out on some prank and this is a stray that roams the grounds a lot. He's took a habit of following me about." Remus answered.
"Right I should get going." Lily answered while she was leaving.

"I'm just saying moony I trust her and she'll be stopping with us this Summer." James argued as the four boys descended the stairs.
"And I'm just saying we can't trust her. She's friends with that slimy git." Sirius argued.
"I was friends with him." Lily, who was stood at the bottom of the stairs, glared at Sirius.
"Lily ignore Sirius he's being an arse." James commented.
"If it has anything to do with Remus' disappearing act I don't care. It's his business not mine and I've had to listen to Severus theories for the last year." Lily argued.
"Can we go get breakfast now?" Peter asked. Lily tagged along as the group headed to the hall.

Once they walked in the room went silently followed by whispering.
"What's with everyone looking at us?" Peter asked as they sat down. Lily and James sat opposite Remus and Sirius.
"I don't know." Sirius shrugged pinching some pineapple from Remus' bowl of fruit.
"I think it's cause a large group of people saw me come from the boys dormitories." Lily answered thoughtfully filling her plate.
"So... they think you did things with us?" Sirius asked as he piled meat on Remus' plate.
"Yeah they think I'm a whore and a slut." Lily began to tear up.
"If your a whore then God knows what we are ?" Sirius commented extremely loud. "Yo Evans hasn't slept with any of the 6th year Gryffindor boys. Same can't be said for the majority of you." Lily began laughing when Sirius winked at Ellis Wood and Mary McDonald.

"Please can everyone return to their dormitories at once pack your things and head to the station. Your families have all been contacted and informed you are being sent home early." Slugghorn addressed the hall. "Unfortunately there has been a nasty infestation of Dungbirds which are known transmitters of the new deadly Ghoul disease. It is unsafe for you all to remain her while we deal with the infestation." Slugghorn explained the students all did as they were told.

Lily was packed in 5 minutes. The majority of her stuff was packed bar from a few items. Remus took 5 minutes aswell he just had to gather all his books and his super secret stash of chocolate. James and Sirius took 10 minutes since they were half packed.  Peter took 20 minutes since he wasn't remotely packed.

Once Lily had packed she decided to go up to the boys dormitories. She helped Peter pack his case since it was clear he was struggling. "Why don't you just cast a packing spell?" Lily asked.
"Peter can't remember where he left his wand." Sirius explained closing his trunk.
"So none of you boys offered to help?" Lily asked.
"We've been packing." James defended.
"Remus?" Lily asked Remus look up mouth smothered in chocolate and head buried in a book.
"Accio Peter's wand." Lily summon and the wand shot into her hand. She handed it to Peter.
"Do you know the packing spell?" Lily asked. Peter nodded timidly. So Lily sat down on James' Bed.


"Babe, come back to bed." Draco cooed from sitting up sleepily.
"How can I? If we can't get back we've practically doomed the future." Harry panicked. Draco rolled his eyes.
"We'll burn that bridge when we get to it." Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and pulled him down so he was sitting on the edge bed.
"But...but...but..." Harry stuttered
"While we're stuck here the future is none of our concern." Draco whispered placing small light kisses on Harry's neck and shoulder.
"We need to find Sirius! He's the only one that knows what's going on in this time." Harry commented.
"We'll do that then ok?" Draco smiled drawing small images on Harry's shoulder blade.

The group of five were walking down the corridor towards the exit. When two boys around there age stepped in front of them.
"Sirius can we borrow you for one moment please." Draco spoke noticing Harry had froze and was starring at Lily and James.
"Sure you lot go ahead I'll catch up." Sirius stated. The group shrugged and nodded and began to leave but Remus still hovered.
"Moons I'll be fine ok?" Sirius reassured his friend. Remus gave Sirius a uncertain look. Sirius responded with a tight smile and a comforting hand squeeze.
"Don't be too long ok?" Remus replied uneasy.
"I won't don't worry moon cakes." Sirius smiled. Remus head to catch up with the group not before stopping to look over his shoulder at Sirius.

"Dumbledore is working on getting us home. What are you going to do until then?" Harry asked.
"I'll be staying at my house for the first part of summer then I run away to your dads. I'll be ok?" Sirius answered.
"You could just stay here with us the beds big enough to squeeze you in." Draco suggested only for Harry to sack him in the gut.
"Just a suggestion." Draco defended rubbing his abdomen.
"Are you going to be ok?" Harry asks concerned.
"Despite the fact I get disowned this was the best summer of my life. It's when I realised I'm completely and utterly in love with Remus." Sirius smiled fondly.
"Oi Gay boy hurry up!" James yelled from the doorway.
"I better go before your father has kittens." Sirius rolled his eyes.

Harry and Draco wander up to the Gryffindor common room.
"So now we have the whole of Hogwarts to ourselves what do you say We make out in every room in this castle starting right here on this couch." Draco smirked lifting Harry up. The pair began to make out passionately. Harry couldn't even sit down properly at dinner having to sit on Draco's lap while he smirked proudly.
"I'm so getting revenge tonight!" Harry purred.


Remus sat next to Sirius reading as Sirius rested his head on his shoulder. Sirius glanced around the compartment. Peter was asleep star-fished on the floor. James had his face pressed against the glass asleep and Lily had left to sit with Alice and Marlene in a different carriage. Sirius smirked.

"Moon pie, This summer is going to be so boring without you." Sirius commented.
"You'll be with us by the end of the summer." Remus reasoned.
"But that's not the point who's gonna give me belly rubs and tell me I'm a good boy." Sirius gave a lopsided grin.
"I'm sure you survive." Remus replied.
"Your the bestest." Sirius replied.
"We both know bestest isn't a word. What you mean is I am the best." Remus ruffled Sirius' hair. The two returned to silence.

I dedicate this chapter to close ebonyflames26. Finally read it today and has been urging me for more chapters.

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