Chapter 14

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Lily hadn't gotten out of bed in weeks. She left James with the responsibility to care for Daisy. He was struggling look after her on his own and still pass his classes and perform well at quidditch.

"Potter your late." Ellis Wood snapped.
"I had change Daisy and feed her before I left." James explained Daisy was in her push chair sleeping
"You need to be more prepared and be here on time my brother Carl had a baby two years ago and he never used Oliver as an excuse for being late." Ellis argued looking annoyed by James.
"Well I'm guessing your brother wasn't in school trying to make sure he passed his classes as well as raising the baby single handedly and making sure his girlfriend doesn't go over the edge." James snapped agitated.
"Just get rid of the kid so we can begin." Ellis rolled his eyes.
"I don't have anyone to look after her." James replied.
"Well you can't have a baby on the pitch what if she get hit?" Ellis pointed out.
"Hey James, I'll take her." Pandora called approaching the team.
"Are you sure?" James asked nervously.
"Yeah I was just going for a walk and Sirius suggested I come check if you wanted me to look after her until after practice." Pandora explained.
"That'll be great thanks. I'll see you at breakfast?" James replied happily.
"Yep come on Daisy once your awake I'll introduce to..." James didn't here the rest.

James walked into the hall the whole group was there bar Lily. He sat down next to pandora resting his head on the table with a large sigh.
"How is she?" Alice asked she was currently feeding Daisy.
"Refusing to eat she refuses to even see Daisy." James explained. " I don't know what to do? I missed Dahlia and Violet too but she has a daughter that needs her now."
" James it's been nearly 2 months, maybe you should try tough love walk in there, hand her Daisy and tell her that and be honest." Marlene suggested eating her breakfast. "She's my best friend and everything but I would have slapped her weeks ago and told her to get out of bed and be a mum to Daisy."
"I can't not yet, it's only been two months. Maybe she needs a little more time." James explained. "I'm struggling though. Daisy is a lot of effort. I'm struggling to keep on top of Class work and making it to quidditch is hard enough then I'm spending my weekends searching for D and V."
"Well we'll help you. We all have different free periods, so who ever has a free period babysits Daisy. The girls will take it in turns babysitting during morning training and the boys can take evening training. Then during weekends you and Daisy spend that time with Lily and we'll continue the search." Pandora suggested everyone nodded in agreement.
"Are you sure I mean she none of your responsibility?" James asked.
"We're positive." Sirius smiled streaking Daisy's cheek.
"Hey has anyone spoke to the boys?" James asked glancing around the room.
"Madam Pomfrey prescribed Draco bed rest for the rest of his pregnancy apparently it's a very complicated procedure and he could die during the birth and Harry hasn't left his side since he found out." Remus explained.
"He'll be ok right?" Alice asked in shock.
"We don't know he's due soon so I guess we'll have to wait and see." Peter answered.

"Sirius!" Remus called catching up with his friend who currently had Daisy.
"What's wrong moony?" Sirius asked turning towards the library.
"I just wanted to check your not a carrier right?" Remus asked.
"Umm I don't know it's not something they can find out until it's too late." Sirius replied, shocked at the question.
"Well it's just your from the future so I thought maybe you'd know and you've been acting weird ever since we got snowed in."
"You think I'm pregnant?" Sirius asked shocked .
"Well maybe, it's you've been acting strange." Remus explained.
"I haven't." Sirius defended himself.
"You refuse to be alone in a room with me, you won't change in the same room anymore, you only speak to me in a group conversation even then it's never directly with me." Remus listed.
"So, because I don't want to talk to you that means I'm pregnant?" Sirius questioned.
"Please just talk to me, what is it?" Remus grabbed Sirius arms stopping him from pushing the baby away. Something in Sirius bubbled how dare he look so hurt because Sirius didn't want to talk to him.
"I regret it. Everything about that day. I gave you my virginity and you just threw me to the side like a slice of rotten meat." Sirius shouted granted and few people looked.
"I'm sorry. I didn't realise your first time with a guy was so important to you I mean I thought I was gentle enough. I don't know what you expect I presumed it's be the same as with every girl you've slept with I presumed there you didn't want anything special." Remus explained shocked at Sirius' outburst.
"It wasn't." Sirius sighed.
"It wasn't what?" Remus asked.
"For someone so smart you really are dense. Don't worry about it your right it wasn't anything special no strings attached are best right." With that Sirius stormed off.

Remus spent the rest of the day trying to understand what Sirius meant but he didn't know. He couldn't mention the feelings he knew they had because he didn't know why Sirius was hiding the, surly Sirius knew when and how they admit there feelings.

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