Chapter 7

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Soon summer had ended. The group all entered the platform giving a grateful goodbye to Mrs and Mr Potter. Lily was showing slightly since she was nearly 3 months pregnant.
"Now don't you go getting too stressed or running around trying to whip these boys into shape. You need a calm and relaxed pregnancy." Mrs potter smiled to lily. The group boarded the train. Filling an entire compartment.

Lily and James disappeared for a meeting but returned shortly after to join the group. Draco watched as Lily and James sat talking happily to Harry about his life and his friends.

Suddenly the train halted and spells shot passed the windows.
"We're under attack!" A third year screamed running down the carriage.
"What do we do?" Peter asked concerned.
"We have to protect the train." Alice shot standing.
"If they get on bored everyone below 5th years is defenceless." Pandora replied.
"Right ok. Remus and Sirius go to the back, Peter and Marlene go to the very front. James, Pandora, Alice, Draco and I will cover the doors in the middle.
"You not going near those killers your pregnant!" James spoke.
"I'm a few months I can care for myself and the twins and still put up a fight against the death eaters." Lily argued. James went to argue but Sirius just shook his head.
"You ain't winning this argument."Sirius replied shaking his head.
"What about me?" Harry asked.
"Try and keep as many students in their compartments with the windows shut and way from the doors." Lily assigned.
"No I want to fight!" Harry argued.
"I don't care Harry, you came from a world where you have had to fight and you have had to put yourself in danger but while we're with you to protect you that's not happening now please as your mother I'm telling you to do what I told you." Lily cupped Harry's cheek lovingly speaking to him with a soft maternal voice.
"Harry, She's right think of the future if you get killed here." Draco added. Harry sighed quickly the group disbursed.

After Harry had checked on the whole train. He had a terrified first year muggle born clinging to his arm. He quickly located her older brother.
He headed back to his cart and watched out the window. James, Remus, Lily, Sirius and Alice had all exited the train and were putting up a strong fight. He watched as Remus and Sirius worked in perfect synchronisation and rhythm disarming multiple death eaters. Sirius had more grace and skill since he had knowledge none of them had yet.

James was multitasking by fighting off multiple death eaters and casting protection charms at Lily. Alice and Lily were working together to fight off four death eaters between them. Harry could also make out further down the train death eaters attempting to access the train. Harry heard the popping sound from behind him. He turned and saw Dumbledore. Dumbledore then left exiting the train. The Death eaters hissed and apparitaited away when they noticed him a few brave one sent a hex at him only to have it gracefully deflected.

Once all the death eaters had gone a loud applause could be heard from the train. Peter, Marlene, Pandora, Draco and Harry ran out to the group.
"You all showed great bravery and selflessness. You should be proud 100 points each."
"Are you sure Professor that's 800 points for Gryffindor." Lily replied.
"900 actually and yes since it's your last year I'm sure you could do with this head start I'm sure these boys plan to go out with a bang." Dumbledore smiled softly.
"Crucio!" A voice shouted and Bellatrix Lastrange appeared sending the curse barrelling toward Remus. The boy fell to the floor in pain. Sirius was firing fast and angry curses at her, resulting in a yelp of pain and a cackle as she disapparated. Sirius was at Remus side cupping his face in his hand.
"Are you ok? I'm sorry I should have stopped her sooner." Sirius fussed.
"I'm fine Siri, trust me I got threw worse pain on a full moon." Remus whispered.

Minutes later the head of houses all showed up. They were to continue the rest of the journey on the train as a form of protection.
"Miss Evans and Mr Black as I remember both of you had perfect scores in the mock apparition tests. I would like you all to come back to Hogwarts with me right now. Mr Potter and Mr Thomas hold on to Miss Evans.
Mr Black bring Mr Lupin and Mr Finnigan. Miss Grey, Miss Lincoln, Mr Petigrew hold onto me please. We will apparate to the three broomsticks." With that the group Disapparated and appeared at the three broomsticks. They then all headed back to hogwarts.


"I an creating an Order you will not be able to join until the end of the year however I would like you lot to join." Dumbledore explained. "I must inform you it will be dangerous and you will be risking your lives."
"We'll join Professor." James spoke the others nodding agreement.
"Very well as I said nothing will be happening until you graduate." Dumbledore spoke.
"You can go get cleaned up and settle in while the train is on its way."
"Professor, They all know who we are." Harry explained.
"Very well go by your first names but use a Finnigan and Thomas as a surname." Dumbledore replied. With that the group left.

They all headed to the head girl and boys rooms. It was beautiful. There was a large common room with a door that lead to a hallway directly attached to to the kitchen. A large bookcase, a large burning fireplace enchanted to all keep the room at the desired temperature and a desk. The room had a door leading to James room, a door leading to Lily's bedroom and one leading to a nursery. The final door lead to the bathroom which was large and elegant.
"This is heaven." Alice commented everyone nodded in agreement.

Soon it was time for dinner the group headed down to the hall. Dumbledore had given both Harry and Draco Gryffindor robes and they were to be in 7th year instead of 6th. Dumbledore gave a speech about how he was grateful that everyone was safe and that better precautions will be put in place in the future.

"Now your head girl, Miss Lily Evans, and head Boy, Mr James Potter, have a speech." He stepped away and Lily and James made there way to the front.
"Evening everyone, we just wanted to say hi and check everyone is ok after the attack. James and I have an open door for anyone that wants to speak to us your all our second most important responsibility we have spoken to the house elves and any time you wish to speak to us about anything just go to the kitchens and tell the elves you want to speak to us if we're available they'll bring you to us if we aren't then leave your house, Name and year and we'll come and find you as soon as we can." Lily smiled softly.
"Now you may notice Lily looks fatter then she didn't end of term and that's because of our most important responsibility, Lily and I are parents and she pregnant with Twins." James made sure to look at Harry when he said that but he also took note of Snape reaction. He look ready to scream and shout and call bullshit. The pair then left to take there seats. After that bombshell, everyone started eating and began to gossip.

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