Chapter 8

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Draco knew Harry was struggling, they had been at Hogwarts for a few weeks now and he seemed to be avoiding any physical contact. Draco had had enough he waited until they were alone in the dorm.
"Have you met someone else?" He asked voice soft and scared.
"What no why do you say that?" Harry asked packing his bag.
"Because you won't even hold my hand without coming up with an excuse to get away from me. We haven't kissed or hugged in over a week. What's wrong?" Draco asked.
"Nothings wrong and your over reacting." Harry chuckled nervously.
"Are you sure nothings wrong? You know you can talk to me?" Draco added.
"I know I promise I'm fine." Harry added. Draco came up and wrapped his arms around Harrys waist placing his chin in the crook of Harry's neck. "Maybe I am being Dramatic?" He whispered but suddenly Harry flinched.
"Seriously? Right what is going on and don't lie to me!"
"Nothing ok just drop it, Malfoy!" Harry snapped.
"Right, if that's how you want to play it here's my ring come find me when you can stand to breathe the same air as me!" Draco snapped placing his ring on Harry's trunk storming off our the room tears streaming down his face. Harry began sobbing he walked over to the full length mirror opposite Sirius' bed. He removed his shirt and stared brokenly at the fresh cuts and bruises that coated his torso. These complemented the old scars and burns from his childhood. Peter walked in and noticed this.
"Oh my Harry are you ok? What happened?"
"Don't act like you care!" Harry snapped.
"Right clearly in the future I do something that you're angry at me for but I haven't do it yet have I so cut me some slack and let me help you." Harry huffed at Peters rant. He noticed a certain Snake shaped burn on Harry's rib cage. Peter instantly knew who had done it.
"What did you do for The Snake Clan to attack you?" Peter asked.
"How did you know it was them?" Harry asked.
"The snake crest burn is there mark I have about 50 scattered across my body I was bullied really badly by them from 1st year to 4th year when it got so bad I nearly died I told your father, remus and Sirius and they sorted it."

Flashback (this flash back contains graphic violence, homophobic slurs.)

"You know this is a school for witches and Wizard not Fairies!" A boy sneered as 5 of them steered Harry into an empty corridor.
"Also your in the wrong house your a Puff not a Gryffindor!" Another spoke amused at his malicious pun.
"I'm just trying to get to charms so can-" Harry started he'd received a series homophobic remarks since he started the year. but this time was different more sinister and wicked, one off them cast a silencing charm over Harry. "If we see you touch your faggot of a boyfriend he'll get double of what  we're about to do to you." The leader snapped at Harry. Suddenly curse, hexes and insults were hurled at Harry, who had dropped to the floor and was writhing in pain. They then began kick and cutting Harry. Suddenly the ring leader Joseph smirked and called his gooneys off and began whispering to each other. Harry tried to get away. But one sent a body binding curse at him. He was defenceless and unable to move as they smirked and stripped him so the could get better access to his body they began carving slurs into his skin and began burning him.

End of Flash back
"I'm gonna kill them!" Peter spun on his heel and sprung from the room. Harry chased after him. Lily, James, Sirius and Remus noticed that Peter was on a mission and Harry was scrambling after him they quickly followed. Marlene, Alice and Pandora tagging along when the group passed them. Soon Peter was face to face with Joseph. He brought his fist up and smash it into Joseph's nose a loud crack echoed through the halls.
"I let you bully me for years I will not let you do what you did repeatedly to me to anyone else. If you so much as lay one more finger on another student again I will not hesitate to hex your dick of in shove in down your throat. Now if you will excuse me I'll be reporting you to Dumbledore and Auroras, because you aren't just a bully your a sick Rapest." Peter then kicked him in the dick and left.

"This is your fault Faggot!" Joseph shot.
"You what!" James shouted going to beat Joseph up.
"No James you can't your head boy." Lily had to hold him back.
"No but I can." Sirius started.
"No you can't you can't afford another detention this week." Remus stated. "But I can." Remus kicked him hard in the face bent down and grabbed his hair.
"Say that again and I'll be the one going to Azkaban for your murder!" The group slowly left was speechless to see the aggressive side of Remus but the spun to leave.

"Harry?" Draco whispered entering the room Harry was sat in bed he hadn't moved all day. "Peter told me everything I'm so sorry I understand now why you wouldn't go near me. Can I give you a hug you look like you need a hug." Harry nodded slowly Draco cautiously took the boy in his arms.
"We'll get through this together ok, we'll take this at your speed we don't have to do anything physical ever again if that's what you want as long as you still love me that's all I could ask for." Harry began crying into Draco chest.
"Peter called him a rapist he didn't rape me though." Harry whispered it was a thought that had been nagging him for hours.
"Apparently he never told anyone he was so embarrassed. They didn't just bully him for years Harry. They hurt him in other ways." Draco let Harry connected the dots.
"Oh." Was all Harry could muster he snuggled deeper into Dracos chest. They stayed that way all night.

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