Chapter 3

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Draco and Harry spent the first two weeks roaming the castle. Racing each other on the quidditch pitch. Going on dates in Hogsmead. Making out in every classroom.  Playing chess and exploding snap.

"Babe dress up nice tonight we're going out." Draco commented walking into the room.
"Where are we going?" Harry asked narrowing his eyes.
"It's a surprise." Draco winked pressing a small kiss onto his lips.

Draco and Harry got dressed separately following Draco's orders. Draco was ready first waiting at the bottom of the stairs in Gryffindor common room. Harry finally came down and Draco's breathe caught in his throat. He couldn't believe how beautiful he looked. He had flash backs to the Yule ball and how that was the moment he realised he had feelings for Harry.

The boys headed to Great hall. "Seriously Dray we got dressed up so we could go for dinner in the Great hall." Harry gave Draco an eye roll.
"Oh shush." Draco hushed leading Harry into the room. The boys entered the hall it wasn't how it normally was. All the tables had vanished replaced by a single table for two. The table was set with candelabra. The room was filled with candles and the floor doused in rose petals.
"Dray this is very romantic has peeves possessed you." Harry chuckled.
"Oh shove it potter." Draco lead Harry towards the table. Music began to play as they ate.
"So if it's not peeves then what's got into you." Harry questioned.
"Nothing it's just I know you've been feeling guilty about being stuck here so I wanted to make you feel special." The pair eventually finished their 4 course meal. They decided to dance a little. Draco leading since Harry was a hopeless dancer and Draco had only ever learned the male parts.

Draco spun Harry round and round eventually stopping with Harry facing away. When Harry turned around Draco was down on one knee.
"What are you doing?" Harry asked.
"I know we're only 16 and we aren't technically dating because I've been scared how people react. But these last couple of weeks have made me realise that I love you, Harry. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't care what people think anymore. We don't have to marry now we can wait years. I don't care as long as you're with me. So what do you say Potter?" Draco proposed.
"You love me?" Harry ask in disbelief .
"of course I love you I wouldn't be down on one knee asking you to marry me if I didn't." Draco rolled his eyes.
"We're messed up Drake. We live in a time of war how can we start a family I don't even know how to be part of a family." Harry confessed.
"Together we will create a home with no loud anger, no explosive rage, no slamming doors or no broken glass, no holes punched in walls so hard the foundation rocks and cracks." Both of Harry's hands were in Draco's. "Our home will be gentle, it'll be warm. I will keep you safe and you will keep me still. No fear no hurt no worry." Draco was cradling Harry's face. "We come from a broken and twisted places but together we will build something whole and safe. We will curl around eachother like quotation marks at night, warm and comforted.In the morning, you shall sing in the shower again we will heal and we will raise a family that doesn't need to heal." Draco stared lovingly into Harry's emerald orbs.
"Promise?" Harry's voice was small and unsure.
"Promise." Dracos voice was certain and confident.
"Then yes." Harry whispered.
"Yes?" Draco asked hopeful.
"Yes I will marry you." Harry grinned Draco stood up smiling from ear to ear. The two shared a passionate kiss.

That night the pair lay in bed. Talking about their dream wedding and their future. The finally settled on a date, New Year's Eve 1999.

The first couple of weeks of summer for Sirius dragged. It was torture especially since he knew what was to happen. What was brewing beneath the surface of his family.

"Sirius !" His mothers shrill voice called upstairs.
"Yes mother?" Sirius called back.
"Get down here now!" Sirius already had his trunk packed and it was already shrunk to pocket sized.

"Yes mother." Sirius asked as he stood now in front of his parents and brother.
"Bella is receiving her dark mark tonight and Regulus is taking his oath." His father explained.
"Reg is becoming a death eater tonight?" Sirius asked.
"No he's taking an oath which means he's a death eater in training. It's not to late to join and take the oath along side your brother." His father explained.
"I'd rather spend 12 years in Azkaban then even consider becoming a death eater. Go to hell!" Sirius glared receiving a sharp smack across the face.
"You will speak to us with respect and honour we deserve." His mother glared.
"The only thing you pair deserve is to desiccate and die in your own feces and urine. You can still escape now Reg." Sirius yelled.
"Get the hell out of my house and don't return until you learn, manners and respect." Walburga Black Growled Sirius did just that know it would get worse by the time school started up.

The two weeks were calm and peaceful Lily spent the entire time bonding with James mum, talking politics and culture with James Dad, reading and studying with Remus and discussing baby things with James.

"How do you know you love someone?" Lily asked sitting down next to Remus.
"Well for me it was little things." Remus began to think biting back to smile that forced its way on his face,
"Like what?" Lily asked quizzically.

"Well for starters it's like when your with them the world could be burning but as long as there with you everything's a bit better. Or when the little voice inside your head that whispers comfort and reassurance is no longer yours it's theirs, telling you that you'll be ok and that you're doing the right thing. Or when you look at them an the whole world just disappears and you get lost in their laugh and their smile and their eyes and their voice. It when you loose a part of yourself only to have it replaced by a part of them. Or when you aren't with you and you look at something random and it reminds you of them. When I realised all this I realised I was in love." Remus explained thinking fondly of the beautiful grey orbs and flowing thick black locks and elegant smirk that played on lithe lips of the man Remus wanted to kiss.

"I don't think I ever loved Severus." Lily confessed.
"That's ok atleast you tried that's more then I can say." Remus looked at the floor
"Who do you love Remus?" Lily asked softly.
"It's complicated, messy let's just say I strongly doubt their little voice is mine. Or that they will ever think about me as more of a friend."Remus confessed.
"Well you have 3 choices, never tell them, tell them now, or wait until Hogwarts is over then tell them" Lily smiled offering advice.
"I don't think I could risk what I have with them for the chance he might not like me back." Remus Fiddled with a loose thread.
"That's your decision but I'm here if you ever want to talk." Lily smiled leaning her head on his shoulder.

Lily took that to heart and went about her day. "So Lily pad, I've booked your midwife appointment for you in a few weeks she said it's the soonest she can squeeze you in and you insist on doing things the muggle way so I have a muggle born healer who trained in both muggle and Wizarding hospitals." James explained. "And I've spoken to my father he promised to keep it a secret but he's paying for you to go private  since it'll be easier than when we're at Hogwarts."
"James no I can't let your father do that your parents have already done so much for me." Lily attempted to reject the gift.
"He said consider it baby present from the whole family." James smiled as lily rolled her eyes.
"I don't really have a choice do I?" Lily asked knowing the answer.
"Nope." James grinned leaving.

I'm kinda going through a similar situation as Remus except it's not love yet and I'm at a cross roads and don't know what to do so the conversation between lily and Remus came from the heart

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I'm kinda going through a similar situation as Remus except it's not love yet and I'm at a cross roads and don't know what to do so the conversation between lily and Remus came from the heart.

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