Chapter 5

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Summer was drawing to a close. Lily was escorted to her appointment by James and his father. Sirius was at home preparing for the surprise party James wanted to be thrown. Harry and Draco were still trying to work out how to tell Sirius he was stuck here. Mrs Potter was out doing the shopping with Remus at her side.

"I'll stay out here it's not as scary as it seems at first. She will do a quick spell Lily will have to lie deathly still for 5 minutes then a piece of paper will burst out the end. She will give you the photo and the paper will tell you about the baby." James father explained. Lily nodded taking it all in James fidgeted.
"Miss Evans?" A kind looking lady asked entering the waiting room.
"Yes." Lily smiled standing up.
"This way please." The woman started Lily began to follow. She looked back to see James sat unsure what to do.
"You coming then Potter?" She smiled. James sprung from his seat excitedly.

"So Miss Evans, this is you first child correct?" She asked.
"Please call me Lily, Miss Evans feels a little intimidating." Lily emitted. "And yes this is my first child."
"Ok and your 17 years old?" Lily nodded.
"Ok is the father in the picture. I don't like to presume things." She smiled softly looking at James. Lily's face was one of panic.
"I'm the father." James spoke quickly giving Lily a soft smile.
"Very good. I'll continue my questions after we do the spell it's a quick and simple spell. All you have to do is lie down and still for a minute." She explained.
"My father just said it was 5 minutes." James informed.
"It used to be but we have worked on ways to make it quicker and painless." She smiled softly. Lily lay down on the bed taking James and absent-mindedly when the nurse cast the spell.

"Ok everything seems alright. According to this you are 9 weeks and 3 days pregnant with fraternal twins. They both seem healthy with strong heart beats. Congratulations." The woman smiled handing Lily the photo.
"Twins? As in more then one" Lily asked in shocked.
"Wait so there are multiple babies in her?" James questioned.
"Yes that's exactly what having twins means." The nurse smiled. She walked the pair through what to expect and what will happen.

Harry was. pacing up and down the his bedroom. Draco was sat just watching and listening to his rants.
"How am I meant to tell him!" Harry changed direction. "How do you say Sirius I'm sorry but you have to stay here and relive the worst years of your life while we go home and live our lives?" The door opened to see Sirius enter.
"You could just tell me!" He stated.
"Sirius?" Harry looked down sadly.
"Explain what's happened?" Sirius looked down. Harry quickly explained.
"I'm ok with that you boys have futures and families that need you. Apart from moony my whole family is here. You see what's to come maybe the worst years of my life but some of the best are to come first." Sirius accepted his fate.
"Like what?" Harry ask quizzically.
"Well your mums about to come home and mention she's pregnant with twins, Remus and I finally get together before they're born and other less important things." Sirius smiled.
"Wait your saying I have twin siblings?" Harry's draw dropped.
"Yeah I thought you knew but that you didn't like talking about them. Apparently they died on Halloween but their bodies were never found."
"But I thought my mum and dad got together during 7th year." Harry frowned.
"Your mum is pregnant with James kids she pregnant with Snivellus' children." Sirius explained.
"My mum and professor Snape?" Harry asked shocked and mildly disgusted.
"My future mother-in-law and my Godfather?" Draco repeated as he paled slightly at the thought.
"Anyway I'm going to write a letter for you to give to Remus explaining everything. I also need to see Immediately Dumbledore when we get to Hogwarts." Sirius explained.


Lily, James and Mr potter walked through the door into the living room to see everyone sitting looking confused. Lily ran and hugged Marlene, Pandora and Alice as soon as she saw them.
"I wanted everyone here so it was easier." Sirius smiled nodding towards Peter and the girls.
"So why are we all here?" Alice asked.
"She's pregnant of course." Pandora smiled.
"Don't be stupid of course she's not pregnant." Marlene rolled her eyes.
"Can you just give us one second?" Lily grabbed James arm and dragged him from the room.
"They're gonna ask who the father is? James, the path he's going down isn't good I don't want my children getting mixed up in that mess. What do I say?" Lily panicked.
"If you want we can say the same thing we told the midwife. We can say that there mine. That we got drunk and slept together but right now we're just making it work as friends for the twins." James suggested.
"You'll let people think you're a father I can't ask you to do that I mean what about when they get older and wonder why there father never spends time with them." Lily commented.
"Your not asking me I'm offering Lily I will be a dad to these twins they will be our children, only a few people will ever know the truth."
"Are you 100% sure I don't have a choice but you do." James smiled and nodded.
"I'm sure." He smiled the pair linked hands and headed inside.
"Everyone what I wanted to tell you-" Lily started but James stopped her.
"What WE wanted to tell you." He smiled at lily.
"Right we wanted to tell you I'm pregnant with Twins." Lily finished. Everyone bar Sirius, Pandora and James Dad sat shocked. Lily pulled out the scan and handed to Mrs Potter.
"James is the father?" Mrs Potter asked.
"Yes. We were at a party We both had way to much to drink and slept together. We've decided to try being friends since it'll be best for the twins." Lily explained Alice and Remus gave her a suspicious look.

Suddenly it was like the group had be struck by lightening. Alice, Pandora and Marlene were at Lilies side talking baby clothes names and anything baby related.

"Congratulations mate." Peter smiled giving James a high five.
"Yeah totally unexpected." Remus added.
"James can we talk to you and Lily in private please?" Mrs Potter started still unmoving from her seat.
"Who fancies a mini game of Quidditch? 4 vs 4?" Sirius started everyone nodded leaving for the garden.

"What is your plan?" Mrs Potter started looking uneasy.
"We haven't really discussed it but we want to keep them." Lily answered.
"Ok well I want the pair of you to stay in here and discuss what you are going to do. Then at dinner I wanted you to be able to tell me. Your plans to finish education? Your plans for financial support? Your plans on co-parenting? Your plans for housing? Are you both going to work after the babies born or is only one of you going to work if so who? What do you want your futures to look like? And how do you plan to keep them safe with a war going on?"mrs Potter spoke. Lily nodded and the elders left.

"That was heavy." James broke the silence.
"But she's right, James. I need a plan." Lily began to tear up.
"We need a plan, I'm part of this too remember." James smiled.
"Should we start with plans to finish education?" Lily sniffed.
"When are the babies due?" James asked.
"1st May."
"We'll be nearly done with school so we could finish the year? Or I'm sure if you asked Dumbledore would let you go back and finish next year? Or let you stay home and study then sit your newts" James suggested he knew education was important to Lily.
"I want to finish the year this year. I'll write to Dumbledore explaining the situation." James nodded agreeing. "Your plans for financial support?"
"Well I will have the will money from my parents plus I can take up Rosmertas offer of a part time job at weekends. Then after I plan to get a job at St. Mungos " Lily mentioned.
"I will have my inheritance but also I plan to become an Auror until the wars over then become a broom maker." James explained.
"So are we both going to go to work?" Lily asked.
"I guess so yeah." James nodded.
"Housing?" Lily asked.
"Well we'll be at Hogwarts for the first few months of their lives then you can stay here until you find a place then I'll come visit daily and stay here until I find a place." James explained.

Lily borrowed the family owl and tied the letter to its foot sending it in search of Dumbledore.


Mrs Potter has invited everyone to meet when the go school shopping then stay at the Potter house until the go back, everyone accepted with a smile as they finished their dinner.

"Moony!" Sirius whisper yelled entering the room.
"Sirius?" Remus called back.
"I couldn't sleep I was wondering if you were struggling as well?" Sirius explained.
"Yeah I was." Remus smiled softly Sirius grinned and climbed into bed with Remus. Remus read his book out loud until Sirius fell asleep in his arms.

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