Chapter 10

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Lily was lay unconscious in her hospital bed. Madam Pomfrey was rushing around the room trying to make sure she is doing everything she can for the fragile girl and her unborn children.

James was outside pacing up and down tears falling heavily. He punched the wall just as Harry turned the corner.
"Dad!" Harry shouted impulsively. James looked up and saw the group Harry rushed into his arms. The pair stood in each other's embrace for a solid 10 minutes. Both crying and muttering words of reassurance. Everyone kind of hung back letting father and son have a moment.

12 days of waiting for news. 3 weeks of waiting for a sign of life. The group were originally reluctant not leaving for 3 days straight. Sirius and Remus finally managed to convince James to shower, eat and Sleep. Madam Pomfrey wanted to reduce the risk of infection and that's why she refused to let the group in until Lily was awake.

The Halloween ball had been and gone. Remus and Sirius stepped in for James and Lily and despite a few arguments over the fact Sirius wanted alcohol and punk rock music the ball went off with a bang. Marlene and Peter finally decided to get together after weeks of flirting. Remus and Sirius had almost kissed three times each time they were cockblocked all by Peter. James managed to find a chuckle in him when Sirius was ranting about it. Snape was given 10 detentions threatening to tell everyone about the fact Remus was a werewolf if he was expelled. Dumbledore's hands were tied he spoke to the four boys asking what they wanted to do. Remus said he'd leave so that Snape can get properly punished. James and Sirius agreed that Lily would want Remus to leave and that despite all their hatred of the Slytherin boy they were not going to let him separate the four friends Peter just nodded and agreed with James and Sirius.

3 weeks later, Lily finally managed to open her eyes. Her body ached and she felt wetness between her legs. She look down at first she thought she'd wet herself. That was until she felt intense cramps.
"Umm madam Pomfrey. I think Something's wrong."
"Oh no. This isn't good." Pomfrey muttered.
"Why what's wrong?" Lily asked panicked.
"You're in labour!" Pomfrey explained.
"But I'm only 17 weeks." Lily gasped.
"You've been in a coma for 3 weeks. But your still extremely early It's a good thing we have magic, There's still Hope." Madam Pomfrey smiled a fake smile used in attempts to mask her concern.
"Where's James?" Lily asked between contractions.
"He wouldn't have gone far." Madam Pomfrey was correct she walked to the doors and saw a sleeping James Propped against the wall.
"Mr Potter!" James shot to his feet.
"Sir Pomfrey!" James asked not realising he had said sir and not madam.
"Lily's in labour she asked for you." The healer spoke James was in the room to Lily's side in a flash.

Remus and Sirius walked down the corridor towards the Hospital wing they wanted to keep James comfortable since it was the weekend. Suddenly the heard an ear splitting scream come from the hospital wing Sirius rushed in in panicked just as the head was showing. He stared for a second in shock and disgust then flung his hand over Remus' eyes to sheild them from witnessing the birth. The pair slowly backed away in fear.

Madam Pomfrey handed a small naked crying baby to James. Instructing him to wrap the baby in a blanket. James does as instructed as he does he noticed Remus and Sirius looking panicked and flushed. This baby is extremely small and looks like an alien.
"Just keep her warm." The nurse comments to James. As the next baby is born minutes later, even smaller and slightly blue. Pomfrey rushes to a incubator she had set up before Lily had started pushing. She started casting charms and was feeding the baby potions.
"What's happening why is she still pushing?" James asked panicked.
"It's probably just the placenta nothing to be concerned about." Madam pomfrey was preoccupied with the newborn in her hands. She could hear lily panting and grunting.
"Somethings not right." James comment from his position next to Lily's head. Lily let out a sigh of relief and relaxed. When Madam Pomfrey turned to announce the baby was healthy she notice a limp ice blue mute baby. She scooped said baby in her hand and quickly started to work attempting to save the innocent child.
"What's going on?" Lily gasped in uncertainty.
"You've had triplets. But this ones too small I'm gonna do everything I can." The healer reassured.
The couple didn't see the third child for hours Madam pomfrey worked tirelessly to ensure the health of all four females.
"Lily, James meet your youngest daughter." She wheeled over and incubator.
"Can we hold her?" Lily asked.
"She'll have to inside the incubator for at least 2 weeks." The healer replied.
"But she'll be alive, right?" James asked.
"There's hope." The healer smiled, "Have you decided any names yet?"
"Lily's going with a family tradition to name girls after flowers and she's letting me pick there middle names." James grinned.
"Baby 1 is Dahlia Lily Potter-Evans. Named after my late sister. Baby 2 is Violet Primrose Potter-Evans named after my baby brother Vinnie." Lily explained.
"Primrose is my favourite flower." James explained.
"I was thinking Daisy as a first name cause she's small and fragile like a daisy but so beautiful." Lily looked at the unnamed baby.
"Daisy Hope Potter-Evans, it is then." James confirmed, grinning.

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