Chapter 4

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Sirius was stood on the door step soaked from head to toe. No matter how much he told himself not to cry he couldn't stop the stray tears that merged with the rain drops.
He knocked on the door hand shaking from the cold.

"Sirius? Oh you poor thing come in, come in." Mrs Potter ushered the boy in to the living room with a warm roaring fire.
"Dads out with Remus and James. He promised to take James to get a knew broom and Remus wanted to go browsing for books." Mrs Potter explained as she looked at the shaking boy.
"Right I'll fix you some hot chocolate and I'll get Lily to bring you some clothes down." Mrs potter walked away muttering what sounded like poor thing.

Minutes later Lily entered with some joggers and jumper which Sirius knew to be Remus'
"I know James has a similar build as you but I'd rather not risk my life by going into his room." Lily smiled softly handing Sirius the clothes. She turned around so he could change when he was done she picked up his damp clothes.
"How do you cope?" Sirius asked as Lily began to leave.
"Cope? With what?" Lily asked softly.
"Without your parents or your sister?" Sirius explained. "I hate what my parents believe in and I hate how they act towards me since I became a Gryffindor but I should still love them right. And Reg, he's just a kid yet somehow he's screwing up his life before it begun and now I'm not there to pull him back when things get to scary." Sirius confessed. Lily put down the clothes and sat down.
"Honestly, the truth is at first I was at a loss I'd lost my whole family in one fell swoop. My parents and younger siblings were dead and my older sister doesn't want to see me. But then I found out I was pregnant and now I have something, someone to fight for, to love and to care about." Lily admitted.
"Your pregnant?" Sirius asked, pretending to be shocked.
"Yeah only James and his dad know. I want to keep it quiet until I've had the appointment." Lily explained.
"How did you handle the funeral?" Sirius asked.
"I'm not welcome Petunia band me it's a joint funeral being held tomorrow." Lily answered.
"But they are your family to she has no right to ban you. Why don't we go together, that way you don't have to go alone and we can leave if it gets to much. You deserve the chance to say goodbye." Sirius propositioned.
"If you promise no funny business cause I'm not sure this is a good idea." Lily replied unsure.
"I promise." Then Mrs potter walked in with 2 mugs of Hot chocolate. "I'm about to leave for my book club. The boys will probably be a few more hours. Kaz and Jem is making supper while I'm gone so if you need anything ask them. Also Sirius your always welcome here never forget that." With that the elderly witch left.

Sirius settled into the room adjacent to James' bedroom, opposite Lily's chambers and next to Remus' room. Lily was sitting on remus' bed reading his collection of books and nibbling on his chocolate.

The door to remus' room opened.
"Lily what are you doing in here?" Sirius asked leaning against the door frame.
"Remus has muggle chocolate and I have been craving a milky bar." Lily confessed.
"What's a milky bar?" Sirius asked approaching Lily.
"This try it." She handed him a bar. Sirius enjoyed the taste. "We'll get some more tomorrow you have to try a mars bar."
"Ok well put the box back otherwise Rem will kill us." Sirius took the box from Lily.
"Fine. So what are you doing in here?" Lily asked.
"I was looking for a certain book." Sirius commented walking over to a photo album with a moving photo of all four boys at the end of first year. Sirius sat on the bed with the book lily watching over his shoulder. The first photo Remus and Sirius clinging to each other after getting wasted at their first party 3rd year. The second was taken after James first Quidditch match in second year. The third was of a sleeping Sirius and Remus that James had taken in forth year. This was followed by a photo of Remus covered in paint grinning at his portrait of Sirius playing his guitar. There were pages upon pages of photos the further he got to the middle the more photos there was of him and Remus.

"I left this in here at Christmas I hope Remus hasn't seen it." Sirius explained removing a letter tucked under a photo of Sirius kissing Remus on the cheek then followed by Sirius playing it off like it didn't happen.
"Why what does it say?" Lily asked she watched Sirius close the book put it back and throw the letter in the bin.
"Nothing of any importance please don't tell Remus about this." Sirius pleaded and left.

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