Chapter 17

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Sirius had avoided Remus all week. Sirius had classes with Remus all day and like he had all week he intended to skip them. He had agreed to babysit Daisy all day.

Sirius was sat on the sofa Daisy was sleeping so he decided to continue with the song he was writing. He say Lily's door open and she stumbled out she was still in her pj's and she looked like death warmed up.
"Hey lils." Sirius spoke softly scared he'd frighten to girl away.
"Where's James?" Her voice was hoarse it was clear she had used it in a while.
"He had classes so I offered to look after Daisy for the day." Sirius explained, he watched Lily stumble over towards him.
"I think he hates me." Lily admitted as she sat down next to him.
"He doesn't hate you. He loves you Lily but  it's been hard on him and he's trying but I think the stress is getting to him." Sirius explained to the girl.
"I didn't mean too. It's just my babies are gone I NEED them back. They could be dead and I kept trying to be strong at first you know I didn't cry I spent all day everyday searching for them and then a Slytherin walked passed and Severus had put them out of their misery and I broke." Lily explained.
"Lily I hate that greasy git more than anyone. But I don't believe he'd kill those girls. I mean he becomes a teacher here and  despite Dumbledore making some questionable decisions I doubt he would hire a Baby murderer to teach children." Sirius tried to soothe the crying girl.
"Your right, he's a lot of things but not a baby murderer." Lily nodded. "So what are you doing skipping class?"
"Remus and I slept together. It was my first time ever and he found out and so I'm currently avoiding him." Sirius explained. "How?" Lily asked "you live together?"
"I've been sleeping here on the sofa and I been eating in here and only going to the classes I don't share with him and I've had the map so I can see where he is at all times." Sirius explained, "speaking of which it's lunch time, what do you say I go grab us some lunch. You stay here and keep and ear out for Daisy I won't be long." Sirius left heading down to the kitchen.

"There you are." Marlene grinned cornering Sirius as he entered the kitchen.
"How did you find me does he know I'm here?" Sirius asked looking around before turning to a house elf named Tom "Can I have two Jacket potatoes with cheese and beans, a Cesar salad, two bowls of strawberries and cream, and a jug of pumpkin juice."
"Right a way sir." The elf replied.
"Thats a lot of food even for you." Marlene pointed out.
"Lily's up and about so I'm fetching us both some lunch." Sirius explained.
"That's great does James know?" Marlene asked.
"No I'm just gonna wait for him to come back naturally since I don't want her to get overwhelmed and end up back in bed." Sirius replied.
"Good plan. Anyway I figured you had to be getting your food from somewhere." Marlene commented.
"I just can't face him it's bad enough I'm gonna see him tonight at the vday ball." Sirius was honest.
"You still going?" Marlene was shocked.
"Yeah Pandora convinced me to take her." Sirius replied.
"You and Pandora? Are you two a thing now?" Marlene asked suspiciously.
"No we're just friends." Sirius answered truthfully.
"Her you go Master." Tom stated as he put down the jug of juice next to the food.
"Thank you. Will you help me take it up?"
"Yes sir." Tom nodded. He snapped his finger and the food was gone.
"I'll see you tonight then." Marlene smiled leaving. "Sirius we don't think any less of you."
"You sure?" Sirius wasn't sure that was the truth.
"Yeah I think more of you it takes real guts to be honest like that." Marlene stated then added. "I think it even hit a nerve with Remus he hasn't been with anyone all week hasn't even looked at anyone twice since you admitted your truth."

"What took you so long?" Lily asked from where she was tucking into the jacket potato.
"Nothing just chatting." Sirius explained starting to eat his potato.
"I want to go to the ball, I want to surprise James will you help me?" Lily informed Sirius.
"What about Daisy?" Sirius asked.
"I'll take her push chair with me and that way she won't leave my side. James needs a chance to let loose and he won't he'll be to concerned about me." Lily explained.
"Let's get your ready for the ball cinderella." Sirius smiled offering his hand for Lily.
"Cinderella? Have you been reading muggle Fairytales?" Lily asked amused.
"Yeah James insisted. Muggle fairytales, Muggle nursery rhymes." Sirius rolled his eyes. "Now it's not polite to keep your fairy godmother waiting." Lily let out an amused sigh and took Sirius' hand.

"Moony, come on mate you've never missed a class except under certain circumstances and now you've missed a week of whole week classes." James stood banging on the dorm room door.
"Go away, Prongs. Draco's trying to get so sleep." Remus called.
"If you don't let me in I'll go get one of the girls." James argued he heard a dramatic sighed but sure enough the door was unlocked.

Remus stood the hair sticking up in every direction, his clothes had weird stains on, this was not the Remus he'd come to love.
"Now talk to me it's bad enough I have Sirius camped out at my dorm."
"He's where?" Remus asked.
"My dorm. Wait actually never mind he'll be in the kitchens it's lunch." Remus barged passed James. "Where you going?" James called.
"I have to apologise." Remus called still heading to the common room.
"No not like that, you'd kill him with your stench. Let's get you showered and dressed and you can talk to him at the ball." James negotiated guiding Remus back to the room.
"How do we know he's still going?" Remus asked.
"Marlene!" James called.
"I'm on it." She replied immediately after.
"How many of them are stood at the bottom of the stairs?" Remus questioned.
"Enough, now let's get you ready." James smiled closing the door behind them.

Pandora was sat on edge of the lake her bare feet submerged in the merky cold water.
"Are you not cold?" A voice asked.
"A little." She replied keeping her eyes closed.
"Here take this." He put his jacket over her shoulders.
"But now you'll be cold." She argued.
"Pretty girls like you deserve to be warm I'll survive." He added. Pandora finally opened her eyes it was a boy she'd never met before.
"I'm Pandora Gr-" she was cut off.
"Don't bother telling me your last name, because if I play my cards right, your last name will be Greene, I'm Maxwell by the way Maxwell Greene." He replied taking her hand a kissing it. Pandora giggled, "we're not in the Middle Ages you know a handshake would be just fine."
"It doesn't matter what time we're in beautiful woman like your self deserve chivalry." He responded.
"What house are you in?" Pandora asked. Looking at the water.
"Oh I don't go here I'm the drummer for the band performing tonight." He explained.
"Oh... oh shit... I thought I still had an hour. Shit right ok so where's the rest of the band I'm meant to show you to your accommodation." Pandora shot out the water.
"Don't worry your pretty little noggin. A teacher showed us to our room I just thought I'd check out the grounds." He explained pulling her down so she's sitting on the floor. "Are you like head girl of something?" He asked.
"No I'm friend Lily is head girl but certain circumstances has meant that my friends and I have stepped up and disrupted her tasks between us." Pandora replied.
"So I'll definitely see you at the ball tonight then?" He asked.
"Yeah of course." Pandora nodded.
"Will you be attending alone?" Maxwell asked.
"No, my friend Sirius and I are going to together." Pandora answered honestly packing her bag.
"Will you save me a dance?" He asked.
"You are the music. How do you plan to dance with me and perform?" Pandora asked standing up.
"I have my ways." He smiled his pearly white teeth.
"Panda!" A voice called across the grounds she looked over to see Alice frantically waving at her.
"I better go but I'll save you that dance." Pandora replied.
"Wait Jail bate, that's not the correct way to say good bye."
"I'm 17, I'm not Jail bate, how old even are you?" Pandora quipped, raising a brow.
"Old enough that I remember life before you were born." He replied now back to that goodbye. He placed a small kiss on her mouth then pulled away leaving. "Later, Jail bate."
"Panda. Who was that?" Alice asked excitedly as Pandora wiped her mouth.
"He just kiss missed me. Like we were just talking and he kissed me." Pandora stood there confused.
"Who cares he's hot." Alice dismissed Pandora's feelings.
"Marlene guess what?" Alice called as they entered potions sitting down.
"What?" Marlene asked leaning over her desk to talk to Alice and Pandora.
"Pandora is so loosing her VCard tonight with the drummer of the band." Alice gossiped.
"Omg Pandora I'm so excited for you. Is he hot?" She asked Alice.
"Drop dead Gorgeous if I weren't hopelessly devoted to Frank I'd so go there." Alice replied.
Pandora was just confused, she didn't understand She had talked to Maxwell the same way she'd spoken to Sirius, James, Remus, Frank and Peter, was she intentionally flirting with them as well.

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