Chapter 9

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It took time for things to start to go back to normal with Harry and Draco. Now 2 weeks later they could hold hands in public and give each other small pecks and Eskimo kisses. Nothing to physical or quick.

Peter had reported Joseph and his gang to Dumbledore but unfortunately in cases like these, Male rape cases, the culprit is almost never convicted. So Dumbledore did the next best thing he expelled Joseph Flint and his goonies from Hogwarts now Harry didn't have to fear of bumping into them.

"Alright yes I'm massive for 17 weeks and yes there are two human live growing inside my uterus but If one more person thinks about touching my stomach with even asking I swear I'll be hexing their ass to Timbuktu quicker than you can say Baby." Lily ranted walking into the room she stopped short and noticed Snape sitting on the Sofa looking incredibly sheepish.
"Lily, I..." he started.
"What do you want?" She glared at him.
"I want to talk." He looked down.
"Talk? About what I have nothing to say to you." She snapped.
"Lils why are you stood in the door way?" James asked walking up behind Lily. He then noticed Snape. "What is he doing here!" He glared.
"I want to talk to Lily about my children!" Snape looked determined.
"Your children?" James looked around looking for the imaginary children.
"Yes the ones Lily is carrying, Now can you leave." Snape snapped and sneered at James.
"Ok one these aren't your kids there mine and James, two How the hell did you even get in here, and three you can leave James and I are planning the Halloween ball." Lily spoke pointedly.
"The elves let me in I pretended to be black and they let me in with help of a poly juice potion. And come off it Lily we both know you wouldn't have gone near James with a ten foot pole when we were going out." He shot grabbing Lily's hand.
"Remind me to talk to those elves." James muttered.
"It's over Severus, I'm with James now and we're raising these twins together if you want to be delusional go for it just leave my family out of it." Lily tore her hand from Snapes and took James' placing her other on her stomach.
"Please Lil." He begged grabbing her hard by the shoulders shaking her.
"Sev, get off your hurting me! Get off!" Snape refused to let go still clinging to Lily like his life depended on it.
"It's time for you to leave!" James plied Snape from Lily. Snape began pushing and shoving James.

He then got out his wand and shot Sectumsempra at James however the spell missed James and hit Lily. She let out a ear splitting scream of pain as Lily hit the floor like a tree that a lumberjack had just cut down. Blood was everywhere pouring from every hole and slash that had appeared on her body. James quickly rushed to a painting telling it to get help. He then was at Lily's side clinging to her trying to stop the blood as she whimpered and cried in pain. Snape panicked and fled from the room in panic and fear.

"Lily, stay with me ok. Your going to be ok helps coming." James tried to soothe Lily.
"What about the babies?" She whispered between pain filled sobs.
"They'll be ok, don't worry about them. There's fighters like you." Tears fell from James face as he held her close. Soon help arrived McGonnagle managed to stop the bleeding and sent Lily straight to the hospital wing.

Sirius and Remus were sat cuddled up together on the sofa Remus sketching and Sirius humming a soft melody of a song he was writing. The pair kept sneaking longingly glances when the other weren't looking.

Peter and Marlene were sat in the floor watching them with amusement as they spoke about poetry. Peter and Marlene had grew closer since his past had become public. She made sure he was ok every time she saw home she also told him he wasn't alone and that unfortunately plenty of people go through similar things and he will always have someone to talk to about it.

"Moons, I need to tell you something." Sirius whispered. Remus looked up at Sirius.
"What is it Pads?" Remus asked.
"Can we maybe go upstairs I don't want anyone else to here." Remus nodded closing his sketch book and heading upstairs to the dorm which was empty for once.
"Shoot." Remus smiled putting his book away sitting on his bed. Sirius sat on his bed.
"I'm... Im... Gay." Sirius whispered.
"Your what?" Remus asked standing up and walking up to hear what Sirius was saying.
"I'm Gay." Sirius said a bit louder eyes not meeting Remus'.
"Siri? Look at me." Remus whispered when he didn't meet Remus eyes. Remus sat down next to him and took his face in both his hand forcing Sirius to look into his eyes.
"Ok thank you for feeling comfortable enough to tell me. You know I won't judge you especially since I'm Bisexual there's no judgement from me and there never will be." Remus reassured.
"You don't hate me?" Sirius whispered.
"The only reasoned I'd ever hate you would be if you betrayed our friends and they died because of it. But I know you would never do that." Remus smiled he pecked Sirius on forehead then pressed their heads together. "You're my best Friend nothing could change that." Sirius could feel Remus breath on his face he knew if he moved his head a little they would be kissing. Slowly he did but before their lips could meet Peter burst in the boys flew apart.
"Guys, It's lily she's in the hospital wing it's really bad." The boys quickly rushed from the room.
"What happened?" Remus asked Alice.
"I don't know. I was up at the hospital wing getting a tampon and the rushed her in she was cover in blood and was deathly pale. James was covered in blood but he was muttering how he was going to kill Snape, he looked like he meant it. The teachers pushed him from the room." Alice explained the group raced to the hospital wing. They managed to bump into Harry and Draco on the way.
"Harry we need to get there now! This isn't good she could die." Sirius whispered.
"But she won't cause we both know this isn't how she dies." Harry whispered back.
"No Harry this never happened before." Sirius blurted out. "If she dies, and you were never born, everything changes, you will no longer exist." Harry turned whiter then Draco's hair.

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