Chapter 15

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Alice, Pandora, Marlene, Frank, Peter, Remus and Sirius were all sat in the room of requirement. All tipsy some were slightly more then tipsy but no one would tell Marlene that she was a lightweight.

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" Marlene squealed drunkenly as Peter talked her down from the table.
"Yeah let's play." Alice grinned the group all sat down.
"Frank truth or dare?" Alice asked.
"Truth." Frank replied.
"If you could change one thing about me what would it be?" Alice giggled excitedly.
"Your last name." Frank smirked. Marlene and Sirius both made gaging noises.
"Peter, truth or dare?" Frank looked at Peter.
"Dare." Peter replied. The marauders had a rule when they played they only chose dares.
"I dare you to offer the house elves a lap dance for a sandwich." Frank stated. Alice burst out laughing. Peter just stood up and left the room
"I'll follow and get photographic proof." Pandora chased after the boy. Sirius and Remus still weren't talking after Sirius our burst that morning.

Pandora and Peter walked back in Pandora was dying of laughter waving a Polaroid excitedly in her hand as Peter was beat red, sandwhich in hand. Peter then dared Sirius to run sixth and seventh floor naked. Marlene revealed she was 12 when she lost her virginity to her muggle neighbour Brian. Alice did five laps around on her broom she only crash twice. Remus had done two lengths of the pool but had gained unwanted attention from the squid.  Pandora emitted to being a virgin and that she hadn't ever kissed anyone. Marlene to everyone's shock managed to transform Frank into a goblets and back again with little issue. Peter wrote and delivered, a note to Slughorn confessing his undying love.

It was Remus turn. "Remus truth or Dare?" Peter asked even though he knew the answer would be dare.
"Truth." Remus decided.
"But we never choose Truth." Peter was shocked.
"How about we do a whole round of truth it'll get us better dirt to use for the dares." Remus commented the group nodded many  too drunk to pay attention.
"So you have a lot of meaningless hook ups who was the best?" Peter asked.
"The best meaningless hook up was with Mary O'Connor, Travis Roberts and Dean Campbell." That struck a nerve and Sirius chugged the rest of his drink.
"Sirius truth or Dare?" Remus asked.
"Truth." Sirius replied nervously.
"How much do you remember of the past?" Remus questioned.
"Not much some stuff happens to me in the future and it really messes up my memory I don't remember much at all." Sirius was honest. Something dawned on Remus does that mean he doesn't know what happens between them does her not know Remus has feelings for him.

They found out Frank had a crush on The DADA teacher in third year. Pandora picked her toenails when she is nervous. Peter had a fantasy that involved Marlene and hot cheese. Marlene had been with over 25 guys. Remus lost his virginity when he was 15.
"Sirius truth or dare?" Remus asked.
"Truth." Sirius replied, unsure of himself.
"Who is the best person you have slept with?" Remus asked.
"Your a dick. Should I just admit it here in front of everyone or do you want to be do it infront of the whole school at breakfast." Sirius shouted.
"Admit what?" Remus replied standing up as well as Sirius.
"Admit you were my first!" Sirius shouted.
"Yeah first guy I know but what's the big deal, the Wizarding world is more open to it then the muggle world." Remus argued.
"You weren't just my first guy you were my first ever." Sirius shouted. Everyone went silent. Sirius just stormed out the room Pandora following after him she found him sat in a broom cupboard round the corner.

"What do you want?" Sirius snapped looking at Pandora she walked in and sat next to her.
"I thought you could use a friend." Pandora explained.
"You going to tell me that plenty of people don't loose there virginity until there 17?" Sirius asked.
"No I was going to say, I understand sort of. It feels like your broken and wrong because you haven't done it and then people think your weird when you say you don't want to have sex." Pandora explained.
"I wanted it to be with someone special someone I loved." Sirius confessed. "I sound like such a girl right now."
"I think it's sweet and you shouldn't be afraid to show that side of you. it shows you care." Pandora comforted the boy.
"So why haven't you done it yet?" Sirius asked.
"I don't want to. Like I don't see the big deal I'd rather spend my time cuddling in front of the fire." Pandora explained.
"Maybe you haven't met the right person yet?" Sirius suggested.
"I don't know if I ever will." She replied honestly.
"I'm sure there's someone out there who also prefers cuddles over sex." Sirius suggested.
"Maybe, now we should probably get out of the cupboard before rumours start." She stood up holding her hand out for Sirius.
"I can't see him not right now I'm so embarrassed." Sirius confessed.
"You can stop with me then." She offered.
"But the stairs." Sirius pointed out.
"Go to your room grab your broom and I'll open my window and you can fly in that way." Sirius smiled taking Pandora's out stretched hand.

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