Chapter 11

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Lily and the Triplets were in the hospital wing for 3 weeks. Once they were discharged they were to stay in their chambers until Christmas break.

James watched how frustrated lily would get the stress from coma, labour and hex had left her temporarily in a wheelchair so she felt useless. But the weeks were precious they spent the first four weeks getting into a routine and pattern with them.

"Lily." James approached his co head the triplets were all finally asleep Lily was sat sobbing.
"What James!" She snapped.
"What's wrong?" James asked cautiously.
"I didn't expect it to be this hard. I didn't expect to miss out on this kinda stuff. I'm gonna miss out on the Christmas ball, I already missed out on the Halloween ball." Lily sobbed.
"Hey it's ok we'll attend the next dance. The Valentine's Day ball. The girls will be what 3, 4 months. Then there's the graduation ball when they'll be nine nearly ten months old." James tried to comfort the hysterical woman.
"It's not the same." She whispered quietly. As James hugged her in attempt to soothe his friend.


The group of teens were sat in the head chambers the triplets were fast asleep in the nursery.
"Hey let's play a game." Marlene smiled mischievously.
"Sure let's play Truth or Dare!" Sirius suggested.
"We can't play truth or dare Sober." Marlene commented. "Alice and I will pop over to Hogmead and grab us some. Pete will come to so we don't get lost in them turtles you found."
"I'll go grab us food from the kitchens, Remus and Sirius come help." Pandora commented soon the room disbursed. Lily and James remained sitting until a cry came from the nursery.
"I'll go." James smiled getting up.

Lily just stayed sitting until an idea came to her, she rushed to her room and grabbed Sirius love letter and placed it in Remus' bag just as she was placing it in the bag, Sirius was behind her.

"What's that?" Sirius asked taking it from Lily's grasp. His eyes widened in realization. "What the hell Lily!"
"I'm sorry but you should tell Remus how you feel." Lily argued.
"That's my decision to make not yours. You don't get to decide or to push me into telling people!" Sirius shouted.
"You like him so why not tell him. Don't you want to see if something could happen between you."
"I don't have to luxury of making that decision for him and I don't want to risk our friendship pushing things that aren't meant to be messed with!" Sirius shouted.
"I'm sorry." She whispered
"So stay out of my business!" Sirius shouted at the smaller red head.

Neither of the pair noticed Remus in the door way instead of telling them he'd heard every word he want back down to wait for Pandora.

"Remus, Truth or Dare?" Marlene asked.
"Dare." Remus commented. The girls looked shocked and the boys just rolled there eyes.
"We don't call Moony the king of Dares for nothing." James smirked. "Never backed out of a dare." The girls saw this as a challenge.
"I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with any of the guys in the room." Marlene smirked.
"But he's bisexual so how is that a dare." James argued.
"It's more to watch you boys squirm." she giggled.
"So Moony who's it going to be Pete, James or Sirius?"
"Pads?" Remus asked his friend, who gulped and nodded. Remus stood and took Sirius' hand leading him to James bedroom.
"Don't get it on my sheets!" James called emotions mixed between laughter, disgust and Fangirling.

As soon as the boys were alone in the room Sirius sat on the bed. "What do you want to do to pass the time?" Remus had a look of determination in his eye mixed with an emotion that Sirius had only seen in girls eyes.

Remus straddled Sirius lap, he slowly ran his hands through Sirius looks.
"Kiss me." Remus demanded the hoarse whisper leaving his lips that were an inch away from Sirius'.
"Are y-you s-sure?" Sirius squeaked his usual cool and calm demeanor long gone and replaced with tension and nerves.
"Please." Remus whimpered licking his lips in anticipation. his plea was enough for Sirius to lean forward and gently capture Remus' lips with his. It was a small timid kiss, with Sirius pulling away in fear of Remus' reaction. Their eyes interlocked an unknown emotions passed between Remus and Sirius' eyes.

Soon they had leaned back in lips locking more fiercely and determined then before, heated lost in passion. Remus tugging on Sirius hair pulling his head back so Remus could gain access to Sirius' neck so he could layer kisses down Sirius neck and suck and bite leaving deep purple marks littering his flesh as lust fills moans escaped Sirius mouth. Or that's what would have happened if James didn't knock on the door calling in that their 7 minutes were up.

Draco had decided him and Harry needed some time alone. He lead Harry to the lake where he'd set up at picnic.
"I know things have been rough but I think I'll miss this place when we go back." Draco smiled softly feeding Harry a grape.
"I know but things aren't going back to how they used to be, I promise I won't let them." Harry commented the sun was slowly setting on the other side of the lake behind the castle.
"Good cause I don't want my husband pretending to be my enemy especially when our baby is born." Draco commented.
"I promise it won't." Harry mumbled looking at the sky.
"Harry did you listen to what I just said?" Draco questioned.
"Yeah course I did." Harry mumbled looking at Draco.
"What did I say then?" Draco grinned waiting for the shoe to drop.
"You said 'I don't want my husband to be my enemy when our" Harry started then froze. "Baby?"
"I'm pregnant love." Draco clarified.
"How far along?" Harry questioned.
"I'm about 26 weeks. I was gonna tell you after we got engaged. Then the whole thing with your parents. Then I was going to tell you about it after we settled in and the whole with the snake clan happened and I didn't want to overwhelm you. So I decided to tell you at the Halloween ball but then everything happened with your mum. I decided there's never a good time for us." Draco explained.
"You don't look that far." Draco waved his wand removing the glamour showing a large bump.
"Do you know the gender?" Harry asked timidly placing a hand on the bump.
"I wasn't going to find out but I got so excited. Do you want to know?" Draco asked biting his lip and handing over an ultrasound. Harry just nodded excitedly.
"A boy." Draco smiled Harry grinned and the pair embraced in a sloppy kiss.
"I love you both." Harry whispered.
"We love you more." Draco muttered.
"I have one question." Harry stated
"What?" Draco asked nervously as if he was scared Harry would ask why Draco thought Harry wanted the kid then he'd leave Draco and their unborn son.
"How are you pregnant?" Harry inquired.
"I have a condition the occurs in male wizards where we can bear children it can be very dangerous. It's uncommon only 2 out of 5 male purebloods inherit the condition. And 1 out of 5 Half-Blood inherit it. No muggle borns have been recorded to have it." Draco explained remembering Harry wasn't as well versed in magical medical conditions. Harry and Draco basked in their glory of their baby news.

Next chapters going to be a very Wolfstar chapter followed by a Jily chapter with some cute family bonding with the potters.

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