Chapter 13

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Lily rolled over feeling refreshed and awake for the first time in weeks. She looked at her clock and frowned. It was 1 in the afternoon. Panic flooded through her. She should be able to here James and the triplets. She flew from her bed. Only to see Harry and Draco holding the kids walking out the room as James waved goodbye.

"Where are they going?" Lily asked calming slightly.
"They have offered to babysit for us so we talk about yesterday and so we can go to the ball." James grinned.
"Talk about what?" Lily shrugged.
"You heard me say that I love you." James argued. "Then you kissed me then you ran away."
"Look, I'm scared James. I don't love you not in the way you love me not yet anyway. These last months have been so hard. I can't let myself feel vulnerable. One day maybe I can tell you that I love you but not yet not today. I'm sorry." Lily was honest.
"I understand but does this mean you won't be my date for the winter ball?" James asked.
"James I said I don't love you yet not that I don't want to date you." Lily smiled softly as James' grin grew.
"Lily Evans will you be my girlfriend?" James asked excitedly. Lily nodded and James squealed picking her up and spinning her around. "I'm the happiest man alive." James sung.

All the girls were getting ready in the dormitories so Lily had gone over there. James used this time to his advantage. He had a candlelit dinner set up in the astronomy tower. He had been planning their first date in his head for years. He wanted this to be perfect.

James waited nervously at the bottom of the stairs

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James waited nervously at the bottom of the stairs. He was so excited part of him was convinced it was a dream. Lily turned the corner and came into view as she entered the common room. Everyone turned a gaped she looked like an angel. She was wearing a beautiful gown, Marlene, Alice and Pandora has picked out, Weeks ago. She was wearing James mother real 24 K dimonds necklace, earrings and Bracelet. James grin grew as he got to walk over to her.
"You look beautiful." He smiled proudly.
"You scrub up well yourself. But why a suit and not a robe?" Lily tilted her head.
"Because I wanted to bring a little bit a muggle culture with us, so suits over robes." James grinned.
"Thank you." The pair then left the common room Lily frowned in confusion.
"James we're going to miss the feast." She tugged on his arm.
"Don't worry, we'll be back in time for the ball to start." James smiled leading her up to the tower.

"Oh my." She gushed hands at her mouth.
"I wanted to take you on a date." James smiled softly at his new girlfriends reaction. He lead her to the table pulling out the chair for her and tucking it under.

"It's weird isn't it." Lily commented the pair were lay looking at the stars.
"What's weird?" James questioned.
"You and me. We know what the future has in store we know the route we're gonna take before we take it. You and I are going to get married have a son and die protecting him never getting to see him grow up. It's like we're cursed." Lily mumbled.
"I think we're going to be late for the ball." James could feel himself grow emotional. Lily frowned that James had completely ignored what she'd said but didn't say anything.

The pair made their way into the hall. Harry and Draco were swaying softly with Dahlia and Violet, while Marlene, Alice and Pandora were cooing over Daisy. Remus, Sirius and Petter were sat laughing, with Frank Longbottom.
"It don't think we're cursed I think we're lucky." James whispered to Lily.
"Why?" She asked shocked.
"Look at them all. We know our times running out with all of them but we have now. We get to watch Sirius and Remus dance tiptoes around each other. We get to see our son happy and starting a family. We get to spend time with each of our friends and we will treasure it and when our time comes we get to be prepared we can leave goodbye letters too ease the grief for them we get to chose how we say goodbye and when." James explained.
"I guess we are lucky." Lily smiled giving him a peck of the cheek.
"I'm glad I've got a family with you." She smiled softly leading him to the dance floor.

"Draco's going to head back to your with Violet and Dahlia. I'll wait until you get Daisy to asleep before taking her back cause I don't want to disturb her while she's falling to sleep." Harry explained to Lily.
"Ok. Night Babies." Lily kissed her older daughters goodnight as she soothes her youngest daughter.
"How's things going with him?" Lily asked her son.
"Great actually we were going to tell you and Dad together but no time like the present. He's pregnant your going to be grandparents." Harry gushed.
"Pregnant?" Lily tilted her head in confusion.
"Congratulations." James smiled patting his son on the back.
"It's a boy. Your having a grandson." Lily beamed at how happy her son was. James looked like he was ready to burst with happiness.

Harry was walking quietly down the corridor carrying the sleepy infant. He turned the final corner by the head student portrait, he saw a body sprawled on the floor. He rushed over to find it to be Draco.
"Help!" Harry screamed not caring he'd woken his sleep sister. "Help Me!" He screamed standing up looking round for his other two sisters. They were nowhere to be found. "Send for Madam Pomfrey and Professor Dumbledore. Tell them a student has been attacked and the Potter children are missing." He informed a third year who'd heard the commotion. He opened the portrait and stuck the screaming child in her basket. As he picked Draco up laying him on the sofa.

"Harry, what happened?" Lily asked rushing to her sobbing sons side.
"McGonagall just said we had to return to our rooms immediately." James commented.
"I'm sorry." Harry sobbed.
"Sorry for what?" Lily asked, noticing an unconscious Draco, Madam Pomfrey had left as they entered.
"Someone's attacked Draco and kidnapped Dahlia and Violet." Harry sobbed out. Lily shot up
"what? What do you mean? Who? Where's Daisy?" Lily didn't know what to asked it was like the world had just imploded.
"Daisy's asleep in the nursery." Harry explained Lily rushed to retrieved her daughter.
"What are you going to do?" James asked Dumbledore.
"Hagrid said he saw Severus Snape flee the grounds this evening with both children. Hagrid tried to stop him but he was jinxed and couldn't move until it was too late. I have informed the auroras of what has happened they are searching for them now." Dumbledore explained.
"My daughters are gone." Lily cried clutching Daisy to her chest.

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