Chapter 19

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Regulas lay half-naked on the sofa in the Slytherin common room he smirked as Lucinda Talkalot straightened her dress and fixed her hair.
"See you later Reg." she chimmed stumbling out the room.
"Didn't you have intercourse with her sister?" A voice called Regulas looked around and his eyes found the fireplace.
"Snape what are you doing, kidnapping more babies?" Regulas snapped approaching the fire place so he could see the other Slytherin more clearly.
"I know you don't want to be a death eater." Snape started.
"Yes I do you don't know what I want." Regulas growled.
"Whatever I need you to get lily to meet me it's important about the babies they're in danger." Severus stated.
"Why would she want to meet you?" Reg raised and eyebrow.
"Because the dark lord will soon be after Daisy." Snape exclaimed in a hushed voice.
"You want me to help you piss off the dark lord." Reg furrowed his brows.
"Yes if you do this subtlety he won't know." Snape stated.
"I maybe suicidal but it's not as if I've lost my mind." (High five if you get this reference 🐜🧃)
"Your a good kid Regulas you've been sucked into a war involuntary."
"Fine but I'm doing this for the innocent children involved." Regulas rolled his eyes.
Remus saw Sirius before the later saw him. This gave him the opportunity to corner Sirius. So now Remus had the older boy trapped in the dark corner of the hall by the doors.

"Isn't it clear I don't want to see you?" Sirius snapped.
"Look I'm sorry. I thought you didn't want anything to happen yet between us because you knew it happens in the future." Remus apologised.
"You hurt me." Sirius muttered.
"And I hate myself for that. I would transform every day for the rest of my life if that meant I could never hurt you again." Remus replied he held Sirius' chin gently in his hand.
"What do we do now? I mean our friendship is too important to me to risk." Sirius whispered.
"I don't know." Remus breathed.
"You don't know your meant to be the smart one." Sirius chuckled breathily.
"We could go back to being friends fix everything there then maybe in a few months we try and maybe become something more?" Remus suggested.
"I think that's best." Sirius had tears running down his cheeks and so did Remus.
"But you have to know I love you, with every ounce of my being and I'm not going to give up on us ever." Remus placed his forehead against Sirius'.
"I love you too, I don't think I'll ever love anyone more then you, moon cakes."
"Caramelo," Remus whispered getting Sirius' attention, he hadn't used that pet name in years, it was a name Remus had began calling him 3rd year after he returned from a 6 week holiday in Spain, Italy, France and Greece. Sirius had no idea what it meant he knew it wasn't French since he was fluent but he didn't know a word of Spanish or Italian and he wasn't even sure what the language in Greece was called.
"Yeah?" Sirius whispered back.
"Can I kiss you?" Remus asked.
"Yes," Sirius breathed out,"Yes please." Their lips met it was harsh and passionate but slow and gentle as if Remus was scared if he was too rough he would break this moment they were sharing.

The doors flung open almost hitting the pair this caused them to jump apart, in shock. Sirius looked to see Regulas storming in.
"Watch it Reg!"
"Go back to sucking him off, Sirius!" Regulas called in a nonchalant manner.
"Evans, Potter, I need to speak to you outside." Regulas spoke to Lily and James.
"Why would we do that Black!" James snapped bringing the pram closer to himself.
"I'm not gonna kidnap your kid it's actually about your other kids." Regulas rolled his eyes.
"Then tell us." Lily leant forward in anticipation.
"Look I'm risking my life just doing this all I can say is if you want to get them back and save their lives head straight up to the astronomy tower." He stated and left.
"What do we do?" Lily asked.
"We go if there's a chance at getting our babies back we'll take it." James rubbed Lily's hand.
"What about Daisy?" Lily asked looking at the sleeping infant.
"Stay here." James got up and headed over to Remus and Sirius returning shortly after with them.
"Remus and Sirius will watch her, they are not moving from this spot until we return." James soothed the girl. Lily nodded placing a small delicate kiss on Daisy head.

Lily and James walked up the stairs to the tower wands drawn. They entered and saw Snape stood apprehensively.
"Where are our children!" James snapped noticing Snape.
"The dark lord has them." Snape stated.
"You gave my daughters to Volde-" James quickly covered Lily's mouth with his hand giving her a warning look.
"I was under the imperious curse I swear. But he knows they're special he believes they're Syphons. He's currently keeping them at Malfoy Manor if you take a small group to break in they'll be in separate rooms one in the east wing, one in the west wing.  Violet is being cared for by a muggle prisoner."  Snape explained.
"Why should we believe you if you cared about getting them away from him you would have done it yourself and we would be holding them already." Lily snapped.
"I'm not allowed near them and anytime I'm in the house he has people watch me I'd be killed before I even get to the nursery. They won't be expecting you to know where they are." Snape explained.
The room was silent Harry sat tears staining his cheeks as he wiped the sweat from Draco's for head.
"Is he going to be ok?" Harry whispered to the healer.
"He should be. he is aware of the dangers and complications. The potion will wear off in a few hours, after it's finished repairing the damage of the birth." The healer explained.
"You did so good baby." Harry whispered both hands resting on Draco.
"We've finished the medical evaluation you can hold your baby now." Madam Pomfrey approached holding two white blanketed bundles.

Draco woke up slowly. Harry sitting patiently at his side with their new born sons. "Hey..." Draco croaked.
"Hey you did amazing they're perfect." Harry whispered. Draco sat up and looked at his sons for the first time they had the same blonde hair as their father and they both had pair of large dark blue eyes.
"There's two?"
"Yeah apparently magic is great and all but it constantly misses multiples in pregnancy." Harry explained.
"They should really work on that." Draco mumbled looking lovingly down at the twins.
"What do you want to call them?" Harry asked as Draco was stroking the newborns cheeks.
"I always liked the name Alexander." Draco commented.
"I like that, so what about Alexander Draco Malfoy-Potter." Harry suggested.
"I love it." Draco whispered placing kiss on Harry's lips."What about for the other?"
"I like the name Benjamin he was my only friend growing up we lost touch when he moved away when we were 9. He showed me a kindness that I had never felt until I came to Hogwarts."
"Benjamin James Malfoy-Potter." Draco smiled.
"I love it." Harry replied.

" Harry replied

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