Chapter 18

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Harry entered the dorm room Draco was asleep still and Remus was about to leave

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Harry entered the dorm room Draco was asleep still and Remus was about to leave.
"Have a good night." Harry commented.
"I just hope everything goes to plan." Remus commented.
"I'm sure it won't but it'll turn out well in the end." Draco mumbled pulling himself up into sitting position.
"That's encouraging. I want you to know if this goes tits up I will blame you for jinxing it." Remus joked but his tone still held a stern undertone.
"I wouldn't expect any less. Now go get him tigger." Draco smacked Remus' ass.
"Draco." Harry tutted at his fiancée smiling as he watched Remus roll his eyes, before starting out the door.
"If it doesn't work out with my cousin I'm sure Harry and I could find a way to accommodate you." Draco called, jokingly.
"I'm old enough to be your father." Remus playfully glared.
"My father isnt even old enough to be my father yet." Draco added.
"Whatever." Remus chuckled heading down the stairs.
"I didn't hear a no." Draco called after him the only sign Remus had heard him came when Remus let out a barking laugh.
"Do you have to flirt with everyone?" Harry asked, approaching the bed.
"You know you love it." Draco smirked.
"That I do." Harry chimed climbing into the bed next to Draco.
James entered his dormitory with Pandora following behind. She looked really uncomfortable.
"Are you ok?" He asked as they stepped through the portrait.
"The drummer for the guy kinda asked me out and apparently I flirted with him. But I don't fancy him." She explained. "And Alice and Mary say I'm gonna loose my virginity to him now."
"You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with. You can leave at anytime. And you can always say no if he tries anything you don't want." James stopped and grabbed Pandora's arm her eyes were welling up with tears.
"What if he calls me a freak and a weirdo and says I'm broken infront of the school cause I don't want sex. Like I can handle the school thinking I'm strange because I like creatures more then people but I don't want them thinking I'm a tease." Pandora started to hyperventilate. James grabbed her face in his hand and forced her wide blue eyes to look at his soft brown ones.
"You are not a tease ok? You are not weird or strange or Broken. You are Pandora Grey. You are my friend. You are a Ravenclaw. You are Lily's friend and you are Daisys godmother."
"I am?" Pandora asked when her breathing began to calm.
"You are. While Lily's been incapacitated you've been their for us so I figured you be the best witch for the job." James let go of her face.
James and Pandora turned into the common room and saw Lily stood in a beautiful purple dress holding Daisy who was also in a purple dress next to Sirius who was looking a lot less formal then he normally did.
"James Fleamont Potter, will you go the dance with Daisy and I?" Lily asked James smiled brightly "are you sure? I mean your still recovering from the last dance."
"We'll be taking Daisy with us and we'll take the pram so if she gets sleepy she can sleep in that so we don't have to leave too early." Lily explained.
"Then yes yes I will go to the dance with you two." They both smiled foolishly at eachother.
"Let's get this show on the road." Sirius called and everyone started to leave.

When they entered the hall it was beautiful. The candles were replaced by glowing hearts floating in the sky the now circular tables had pink table cloths with little confetti hearts spilled over the tops of them.
Pandora dragged Sirius onto the dance floor and Lily and James pushed the pram over to the table where Alice and Frank were sitting making out.
" Hey it's alive." Marlene giggled running over to the couple dragging peter behind her. She almost fell when she came to a holt.
"Nice to see you two Marley." Lily smiled Marley plopped into Lily's lap.
"You are my bestest friend in the whole world and I love you and if I like girls I would so try and steal you from James." Marlene whispered in Lily's ear.
"How much have you been drinking?" Lily asked.
"Just a lickle bit." She giggled pinching her fingers together.

Pandora and Sirius danced to the beat of the music when it transitioned into a slow song and Pandora felt a tap on her shoulder.
"I believe you owe me a dance." It was Maxwell. "May if cut in?" Sirius nodded and walked away.
Maxwell and Pandora swayed around the dance floor,
"You look beautiful. You in this dress is doing things to me." His hand slipped from her waist to her ass. She squirmed uncomfortably and tried to let go but he held her tight. She began to feel herself slip into a panic attack. She need to get out of the crown.
"Let go of me I need get out here." She hissed.
"Good idea lets go." He lead her out into the hall way. He began kissing her.
"No get off me." She tried to push him away.
"Oh come on you can't wear that and expect me to keep my hands off you." He murmured into her neck.
"I said no." She tried to push him off.but he just ended up ripping her dress.
"Come one babe don't be such a bitch. No one likes a tease and you in that dress your just asking for me." He continued to force himself on her.
"She said no." A voice growled in dragging Maxwell away from Pandora throwing him against a wall. Maxwell stood up "Your a physco." He ran back inside the hall.
"Are you ok?" The voice asked as the tears in Pandora's eyes cleared.
"Thank you. " she replied taking his hand to stand up.
"Are you hurt? I hope he gets trampled b6 centaurs."
"My arms a bit sore but I'll manage." Pandora rubbed her arm where she predicted bruise would be. "Thank you I don't know what I did to lead him on."
"Nothing. You did nothing at all. Your the 6th girl he's done this to while I've been with the band." The guy informed Pandora she felt a sicking knot in her stomach.
"Your part of the band?" Pandora asked taking a wiry step back. What if this was a ploy something they did to law her into a false sense of security then attack.
"No no no. I'm a write I'm having to write the biography 'a year in the band.' I hate them but I have no choice but to do the job otherwise I can't afford to live." He explained.
"Well I'm going to go thank you again." She smiled turning to leave.
"Can I at least get your name?" He asked.
"Pandora Grey." She stated quickly waiting for his reply.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Xenophilius Lovegood."
"Good night, Xeno." She gave a soft smile and fled.
Draco and Harry lay in bed Harry asleep curled into his pregnant fiancée side. Draco sat one hand on his swollen stomach and the other in Harry's hair. He smiled fondly closing his eyes as he basked in the bliss. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain that he knew for certain wasn't the baby kicking then he felt a wetness between his legs.
"Harry, babe wake up." He shook the sleeping boy awake.
"What?" Harry asked dazed and confused.
"I think I'm in labour." Draco hissed.
"It's probably just the baby kicking let's cuddle for a few minutes." Harry murmured.
"No Harry you need to take me to hospital wing now!" Draco hissed trying to pull his way from his lovers arms.
"Are you sure your in labour?" Harry asked as Draco pulled himself out of bed.
"Ye...yesssss!" Draco grunted suddenly on his hands and knees taking deep breaths.
"Oh shit ok ok." Harry jumped to his feet. He quickly sent a patronus down to the hospital wing.

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