Meeting Obi

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 Ryanne POV

My breath comes out in a small puff of mist as I follow the dirt path from my cottage to the winter herb garden I'd started before the world turned cold. It's partly cloudy today, leaving the landscape in muted shade save for the few evergreens leaving deep green patches through the large expanse of trees and blankets of snow. My wicker basket lands softly in the snow before I kneel beside it and I begin to harvest what is ready. My hands work quickly, gathering and banding the different plants together with ease. There are only a few orders to complete today so the customers should come and go before nightfall, giving me plenty of time to continue my research in peace.

"Excuse me Miss, are you the village herbalist?"

I turn my head at the sound of the voice, male for sure, and trying to sound proper but the underlying hint of mischief betrays him. Despite living outside of the village it isn't unusual to have visitors whether they be customers or otherwise. I finish banding the last batch of herbs before getting to my feet and wiping the snow from my knees.

"Yes, are you here to pick up or to request?" I ask as I pick up my basket.

He is rather tall and thin but appears healthy regardless. Active lifestyles lead to high metabolisms... I'm sure he could eat an entire cake without gaining a pound. Lucky.

"I'm here to pick up for Wistal Castle, Miss."

"Please, call me Ryanne." I offer him a thin smile. "Follow me, the order is ready back at the cottage."

I turn down his kind offer to carry my basket but I feel it get gently tugged away from me anyway.

"Thank you Sir. You must be cold. The distance from the cottage and the castle is over an hour on foot. Would you like a cup of tea before you go?"

"No, no thank you. I'd hate to trouble you." He mumbles, but I can hear the subtle chatter of his teeth.

"It's no trouble at all. My kettle is whistling already."

The man opens the door for me when we reach the cottage and my statement is proven correct as the shrill whistle echoes through the cottage. I remove my shoes near the door and take the basket, then place it on the nearby table as I follow the noise to the stove.

"Feel free to come in and take a seat." I call over my shoulder. "Do you have a preference on flavor? If not, judging by the slight rattle in your chest, you're developing a cold so I would recommend peppermint if you like it."

"T-That's fine. May I ask how you knew that and how you knew the kettle was ready?"

I place the kettle on the knitted pot holder on the counter and check the cabinet for two tea cups.

"I'm a witch," I chuckle. "But honestly, I set the water before I left. It usually takes ten minutes to boil which is how long it takes me to harvest that garden. Since your arrival slightly delayed my return, I knew it would be boiling. Also, I can hear the strain in your breathing, Sir." I explain as my fingers brush the different jars lining my counters for the one labeled peppermint.

"Please, call me Obi, Miss. Sir sounds too professional for my taste."

"Alright then, Obi, could I ask a favor of you? I can't seem to find my jar of peppermint."

I hear him move to stand beside me and a second later he holds out a jar toward me.

"Oh, thank you. It must not have been put back in the proper spot..." I fill the tea balls with peppermint leaves before sinking them into our cups of water. "Do you add anything to your tea?"

"No, this is fine. Thank you." I feel him take the cup from my hands and I leave mine on the counter as I excuse myself to the next room.

My hands search through the series of small drawers on my wall labeled Wistal Castle for the package I need to give to Obi. Their other orders won't be ready until next week and the week after. I wish they could be ready now so I can save him the trouble of having to repeatedly come back, if he were the one they'd send of course. I finally grab the packet I need and double check the contents before returning to the kitchen. I apologize for taking so long but he waves it off and compliments the tea. I'm not sure why since all I did was put leaves into a cup of water.

"Mistress Rya!?"

I sigh softly and apologize to the man in advance as loud footsteps rush toward me and I feel a body slam into me, almost knocking me into the table, but Obi catches me.

"Aeri, please lower your voice and do not run. We have a guest." I scold as the girl releases me and begins to apologize furiously.

"Sorry Mistress Rya. Sorry Sir. Mistress Rya you aren't supposed to be moving around today. You should be resting."

"It's alright, Aeri. I haven't left the cottage today." I lie as I take my seat at the table and she hands me my cup of tea.

Obi tensed when I said that but he hasn't spoken out about it yet.

"You're lying Mistress Rya. Your basket is full of fresh herbs." Her voice shoots back and my expression falls, earning a chuckle from Obi.

"You were so close." He snickers.

"Have you done your morning duties yet?"

"Oh, right! Sorry. It was nice to meet you Sir."

After Aeri leaves the room to start watering the indoor plants, I rub my forehead with my hands and sigh again before offering another apology to Obi. Aeri is my apprentice, the youngest I've ever taken on at only eleven but she holds great potential... If only I can get her to calm down and focus. I explain who she is and he laughs and tells me that she's adorable but asks why she was upset that I was moving around outside.

"I've been doing some research and testing when I'm not filling orders. I started a new test last night and we are tracking possible side effects."

"What are you testing?" He asks, his voice full of curiosity.

"This current test is the effects of a poison on the nervous system." I can feel the shock pouring off of him and I chuckle. "I will certainly be alright, Obi. There is an antidote on standby. So far my only issue is random spasms in my back and hands. While certainly uncomfortable, it's nothing I can't handle." 

Finding Beauty in the Darkness *Obi x OC*(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now