Busy Work

296 15 3

Ryanne POV

It's been a week since Obi left to return to the castle and things have been peaceful but boring. I didn't realize how much excitement he brought when he comes to visit. Now that the last of Aeri's birthday cake is gone and her excitement has worn down, things will be busy around here for a while. Spring has started so orders will be picking up as allergies kick in and people will get into poison ivy and other issues. Between orders, training, and getting our gardens back up and running, there wouldn't really be time for much else so I guess it's a good thing that he hasn't come back around. I'd feel bad about practically ignoring him as I worked.

I call for Aeri to focus as I catch her jumping around in a mud puddle from the rain two days ago instead of planting the seeds behind me. She chirps an apology and skips over with her pouch of seeds. As she drops them in the holes, I have her identify the plants for me as a test. After the end of this month as long as she passes my test, we will shift our focus from the plants themselves to the medicines and crafting side of everything. She is getting better though.

"Mistress Rya, do you think Mister Obi is having fun at the castle?"

"He's probably working but I imagine that he does have a little time for fun." I answer as I finish digging the last hole.

"I miss him. I hope he comes to visit again after our work is done."

I smile softly and as I look over at her it fades. I hadn't noticed but I think my vision has started to fade a little more. It's not too much of a difference but things are just a bit hazier than before. That sucks.

I wake up seated at my desk and sigh as my back cracks in protest while I stretch. We had a rather large stack of orders come in so I decided to try to catch up on them after having Aeri help to sort them out. I guess I fell asleep. I'm hit with the strong scent of peppermint and brush the pile of leaves off my face. I look to the window for help on how late it is but all I can tell is that the sun hasn't risen yet. I'll just make some tea to wake me up and I'll get back to work. With how busy we are outside and with her training, this is my only time to get the orders done. I haven't slept properly in a few days but work is important. My birthday is in about two weeks and Aeri is going home for two weeks after that to spend time with her brother since he's coming back from a trip overseas. I'll relax then, at least after Garak takes me out drinking since that seems to be her yearly gift to me.

I tie my hair back out of my face as I settle back in my chair with my cup of tea. Just going to finish up these last fifteen orders, then I'll take a bath and get breakfast started if the sun has risen by then. It's so hard to tell when you're going blind. A knock on my door draws my attention as a rumble of thunder shakes the house.

"Come in Aeri. I'm awake."

Obi's tale about the spirits celebrating worked but only in the daytime. If it storms at night she still comes to me for comfort. I hear her settle beside me in the other chair and asks why I'm still awake. I tell her I'm working and she offers to help, so I set her on the task of checking my completed orders to their slips. We will file them in their boxes in the morning to get them ready for pick ups. We have six customers due to arrive tomorrow and two of them have two to three orders each.

"Mistress Rya, do you think Mister Obi is working in the storm?"

"I don't know, that is a possibility though if his master has him working."

"I hope he stays warm and dry if he is..." She mumbles. "But if he gets sick he could come visit us."

"Don't wish illness on others, Aeri. If he were to get sick, he would likely go to see Miss Garak and Ryuu."

"Oh, right."

"So, what's going on with you and Ryuu?" I ask with a smirk.

"I- uh, we're friends." She whispers.

"Are you sure you're just friends? I think he likes you."

"Really!?" She squeaks.

"I can't say for sure, but that's the feeling I got."

"I hope so..."

I say goodbye to Mrs. Pendra and send her on her way before greeting Mr. Romeh as he enters the cottage. I had to leave Aeri outside with the gardens to deal with our customers. As he waits, I talk lightly with him, asking how his son's broken arm healed and how the baby is doing. That was an interesting experience. The week before Aeri arrived, his son came to the cottage to summon me because his mom had gone into labor and his dad was with her. I'd never delivered a baby before but I managed to do it because the physician was out of town and they weren't sure what else to do. The Romeh's were leery of me due to the witch rumors, but after that, they welcomed me with open arms and started to come to me for everything instead of the physician. I send him on his way a few minutes later and just as I make it back to Aeri, another customer appears. I was right, we would be very busy today.

Finding Beauty in the Darkness *Obi x OC*(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now