To New Beginnings

334 17 16

Ryanne POV

I wake up with a pounding headache and a constant knocking on the door. I groan and roll over in bed, only to feel myself hit the floor. That makes me feel so much better. I sigh and try to untangle myself from the blankets but I seem to be trapped. Damnit I hate being blind already. I thrash around helplessly before calling out for Aeri. I remember that she isn't here and change it to Obi. I hear laughter that's definitely not his and curse as I try to wiggle my woven cocoon under the bed to safety. I better not be getting robbed again.

"Hold still Ryan."

"Garak? Why are you in my domain?" I ask as I feel myself being dragged out from under the bed.

"I told you that I was coming."

"Where is Obi and how did you get into my cottage?"

"I got here about an hour ago and Obi asked me to watch over you so he could give updates to your apprentice and to the prince. You have customers at the door. Would you like me to send them away?"

"No, no. Am I dressed?"

"You look a mess but yes, you have clothes on."

"I think I drank a bit last night... Help me up and I'll get them taken care of. I may need you to help me though."

I keep the blanket wrapped around myself but in a more manageable way as I walk out into the main room and open the door. My first customer is Mrs. Pendra and I offer her a greeting. She asks if I'm still feeling ill and I roll with it and nod. It'll make my appearance, whatever it may be, less sad. Garak hands me the order and as I hand it to the old woman, she grabs my hand and pulls me close to her face. I can feel her breath and smell the butterscotch candies she always has when she comes over.

"Oh dear, you've lost your sight, didn't you?"

I bite back the tears and nod. "Yes, but it's okay. I'm adjusting." I offer her a small smile.

"You're still beautiful. Don't let it stop you from doing anything, Dearie. Have you snatched up that young man yet?"

"No Mrs. Pendra."

"What a shame. That fellow is rather handsome."

"That's what I keep telling her." Garak calls from over my shoulder.

"You stay out of this, woman!" I hiss.

Garak and I get through my customers for the day and I ask her to help me get myself cleaned up while Obi is gone. She asks what happened last night and says that I'm covered in sugar, flour, and chocolate. I arch a brow and shrug my shoulders. I remember grabbing a glass of rum, then nothing. Obi would know but he's not here. She helps me get a bath run and helps scrub the chocolate out of my hair since I can't see it.

"You know, just because you're seeing me naked doesn't mean I'm interested."

"You're the one who kissed me five years ago." She retorts.

"That was a dare. It was that or I would have lost my underwear and lost the game." I pout.

"Hm, I'm sure." She chuckles and helps me out of the bath. "Can you dress yourself?"

"Yes, Obi painted dots on the drawers so I can tell what order they're in. I couldn't find my clothes the first time."

"How thoughtful of him. It's like he cares about you."

"Well, we are friends so of course he cares."

Obi returns a few hours later as Garak and I finish preparing lunch and settle at the table with our tea cups. He asks how I'm feeling as I hear him take some of the food and pour tea for himself. I tell him that I'm fine now that I've eaten and took something for my hangover, then ask what happened last night. He laughs in response and I sigh. It's going to be really bad, isn't it? He sits beside me and my heart drops at his words.

"So ladies, are you ready for story time?"

Obi's story ends when I snuck out of the cottage and tried to climb a tree so I could touch the moon that I can't see, then tried to fight Obi when he tried to bring me inside. My hand hit the door frame and I thought I'd hit him so I started crying and apologizing, then passed out on the kitchen table. Whiskey will be forever banned from my cottage and I am going to throw myself off a cliff... Thankfully I didn't try to kiss him beyond kissing his cheek and leaving frosting on it. Usually I try to kiss someone or ask them to kiss me but he didn't say anything so I'll take that as a positive.

"So, should I slip her some whiskey when we celebrate tonight?"

"Garak, don't you dare." I hiss. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go toss myself off a cliff to see if gravity still works..." I get to my feet but Obi quickly catches my hand and has me sit again.

"Don't worry about it Miss. It was rather fun last night and you were adorable."

I feel my face warm and Garak snickers and makes a vulgar comment.

I find myself at the table with Garak and Obi again as we drink and gamble with food again. I've had Obi in strict charge of my drinks to ensure that Garak doesn't slip whiskey into my cup again. My birthday itself was horrible and the first couple of days afterward weren't great, but I think I needed these past three nights, as embarrassing as last night was. The first was to let me mourn and accept the loss of my sight, last night to forget, and tonight to let go and have fun.

"Hey Miss?"

I turn slightly toward Obi as my free hand pauses in it's journey to steal some of his chocolate chips. "Yes?"

"I didn't want to say it before because of everything that happened, but I'm going to consider tonight your birthday instead, so happy birthday Miss."

"Thank you Obi."

"To Ryan!" Garak cheers and I hear her lift her glass so I track mine down and randomly lift it. I feel Obi guide my arm until our glasses clink and I smile.

"To new beginnings..." I mumble as I drain my glass. 

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