Santa Claus and Naughty Girls

358 16 11

Ryanne POV

As I sit at my herb desk, Obi at the research desk, I have him read the orders out to me. We had to move Aeri to her room and I left her letter from Ryuu on her side table so I could work. He picks up one of the order slips and starts to laugh. I arch a brow and turn to him for answers. With it being Garak, it's not unusual for her to write something stupid on it.

"Remember when I said she'd end up sending me here for a single peppermint leaf?"

"She didn't..."

"She wrote, and I quote, 'One single peppermint leaf and for you to fall in love with Obi' along with a bunch of winking faces."

I sigh and run a hand down my face. "I'm going to kill her... Any actual orders?"

"Surprisingly yes."

As he reads them to me, I gather the herbs I need and have him place the order slip in front of them. From there it's simply putting in what is needed and putting them in a packet.

"So how long are you staying?"

"I'm not sure. I don't want to be in your way or anything."

"If you want to escape you may want to do so while Aeri is asleep. She'd been asking about you ever since you left."

After filling the orders for Garak and a few more for other customers, Aeri wakes up and comes to check in on us. I assure her that we're all okay then leave Obi at her mercy so I can wash my hands before starting dinner. I can hear him teasing Aeri about Ryuu's letter as I look in the mirror. Through my hazy vision I can see purplish marks growing around my eyes and cheekbones. That's pleasant. I was lucky that Obi showed up or it would have been so much worse. Watching him defend me raised several questions though. I don't know much of him except that he works for the castle. What does he do exactly? If he were a guard or knight he wouldn't fight like that and would carry a sword... I'm curious.

Obi hangs around for dinner and helps me cook despite my protests. I finally accept the help and instead ask Aeri what she would like to do for her birthday since it's in two days. That gets her overly excited and I watch as she jumps up and down in front of me. She apparently thought that I'd forgotten. She wants a cake and to visit her parents. That's simple enough.

"Ooh, and I want Mister Obi to come visit with us." I feel Obi tense beside me and I snicker.

"I told you to run while you could." I whisper before addressing her. "That is something you will have to ask him Aeri. Keep in mind he does work for the castle so he may not be able to."

I hear her footsteps come across the kitchen to stop behind us and Obi turns.

"Mister Obi, could you visit with us on my birthday? I want Mom and Dad to meet you 'cause you protect me and Mistress Rya and you're my friend."

That is precious. I wait for Obi's answer but I can tell he's frozen in place and probably internally panicking. He's a natural around children but I don't think he realizes that. I elbow him lightly and he finally clears his throat.

"I think I can do that. I don't have to be back at the castle until that night. Do I get cake out of it though?"

"All the cake you can eat! ...As long as there's enough for me and Mistress Rya and Mom and Dad."

With that settled, I have her set the table while the food finishes cooking.

I break out the alcohol after Aeri goes to sleep. I offer some to Obi as well but I really would like something to take the edge off from today. He accepts so I pull out the rest of the bottles as he gets glasses. I light the oil lamps and candles before propping my feet up in the empty seat as I pour myself a glass of rice wine.

"So Miss, do you have any crazy drinking stories?" Obi asks and I chuckle.

"Quite possibly but I don't give information away for free."

"What do I have to give to get information?"

"You answer a question, I give a story."

"What do you want to know?"

"What did you do before you came to work at the castle? Your fighting style is too different from the guards and knights."

He tenses and I wonder if I overstepped a boundary. He sighs softly and I hear him sit up.

"Just keep in mind that this is no longer my life and I simply work for the castle now... but I used to be a criminal. I traveled a lot and took on random jobs for whoever hired me."

"Why did you stop?" I ask, shocked but my view of Obi hasn't shifted. He's given me no reason to fear or not trust him.

"I'm pretty sure that I answered a question without a story. So if you want that answer, you have to be willing to give up another story after this one." He smirks.

"Clever man..." I hum as I down the last of my wine and refill my cup. "So, this is the story of the first time I had whiskey. Garak and I have known each other for about seven years now, maybe eight... Well, two years ago she had come to visit since my letters stopped coming. I'd been feeling down because my eyesight had gotten worse and was just moping around. Her way of fixing it was dragging me out to the local bar that night to get me drunk until I feel better and 'maybe catch a man'. I didn't want to go but she forced me so I hid in a corner booth and told her just to bring me whatever was strongest. She brought me whiskey since she was drinking it too and I never had it. Six glasses later, everyone looks really cute and I'm feeling good. I apparently got up and went to every person in the bar and flirted with them, man or woman, young or old." I sigh and shake my head as I refill my glass to tell the rest of it. "Garak finally decided to pull me away to take me outside for fresh air when I sat on an old man's lap and called him Santa Claus and told him that I'd been very naughty that year. As we walked the streets, I stopped in front of a closed store window and saw my reflection and started hitting on myself and rubbed my face against the window in an attempt to cuddle. On the way home, Garak had to hold my hand to keep me from wandering off and I thought that meant she liked me so of course, me being drunk, I'm calling her sexy and and playing with her hair and stuff like that. It eventually turned into terrible pick up lines like 'do you have a map because I keep getting lost in your eyes'. I tripped over a rock and twisted my ankle so she had to carry me the rest of the way and I apparently tried to kiss her but passed out before I could, thank God. She hasn't let me live it down and likes to try to flirt with me to annoy me."

"Oh my God." He finally mumbles before dissolving into laughter. "That was amazing."

"Shut up..."

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