Six Months Later

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I make my way up the path leading to Ryanne's cottage, my thoughts drift back to the first time I met her. It was cold and snowy like it is now and she was kneeling in front of an herb garden gathering herbs in just an over-sized blue sweater and pants, like she is now. A soft smile crosses my face as I stop a few feet away.

"Excuse me Miss, are you the village herbalist?"

I notice a small smile on her face as she turns slightly, her hands still working steadily on banding the herbs.

"Yes, are you here to pick up or request?" She asks as she finally lifts her head, only this time she can't see me.

"I'm here to pick up, but it's a personal order." I smirk.

She gets to her feet and grabs her basket but before she can walk away, I pick her up and start to carry her toward the cottage.

"You're just in time for tea, the kettle is whistling already." She grins and is proven right again as we enter the cottage.

I let her stand once we're inside and take the basket from her as we remove our shoes. I follow her into the kitchen and pull the kettle from the stove as she pulls tea cups from the cabinets. She fills the tea balls without telling me what they are, but as I pour the water, the scent of peppermint hits my nose.

"You're getting a cold again Obi. I told you to stay warm while you're out running around for the prince."

"I tried." I pout as I hand her a cup and we settle at the table. "Why don't you have a coat, Ryanne?"

"I had one... I just don't know what happened to it." She mumbles and I sigh.

"You hurt my brain." She sticks her tongue out at me in response and I notice a black blur rushing into the room. "Incoming cat."

She sighs as Herron crashes into her legs before hissing. Their peace treaty only lasted for two days before he went back to trying to trip her every chance he got. I have noticed he only does it when she's sitting now though, so she doesn't fall or get hurt anymore. I guess it was his way of trying to be nice since she removed the thorn.

"Mister Obi! You're back."

"Hello again Aeri." I smile as she hugs me.

Aeri decided to ask Ryanne if she could stay and work for her since she loved being here so much. She had originally wanted to become a court herbalist but enjoyed her life here too much for that. Ryanne agreed to it so she could continue to have her help around the cottage, that's what she told me anyway, but I think that Ryanne loved having the hyperactive girl around just as much as Aeri loved having Ryanne around. Aeri says her goodbyes and tells Ryanne that she'll be back in a few days before leaving. Her brother is back again from another trip so she's going home to visit.

"So, we have the cottage to ourselves and I have three days before I have to return to the castle. What would you like to do?"

"I think you know exactly what I want to do." She smirks.

I sigh as she shows me her cards and I lose to her yet again. I take my shot as she takes my precious chocolate chips away. I don't know why I agree to play with her since I lose almost every hand. She offers a very halfhearted apology as she eats a few of the chips.

"I can feel you pouting." She sighs. "You promised me you wouldn't pout when I kicked your butt."

"I know, but what are you going to do, Miss Witch, put my soul in a jar?"

"I just might." She grins. I know we're only kidding but she still scares me sometimes...

I hold back a laugh as Ryanne spins in lazy circles in the snow as more flakes drift down around her. She'd wanted to go play in it when I noticed that it had started to snow again. I found her coat hanging behind the front door and made her wear it before we went outside. I won't let her stay out for too long but I'll let her have her fun for now. She leans down and scoops up a snowball before trying to throw it at me. I chuckle as it hits the cottage... six feet to the left of me.

"You were so close!" I laugh and she grins.

"Obi come here!" She calls out so I make my way over to her. "Dance with me."

I move her hands to the proper positions and hold her close as we dance in the snow, our only light coming from the soft glow of the oil lamps and candles in the windows of the cottage. It really does feel like a whole separate world out here.

As I enter the bedroom again, having just taken a bath, I find Ryanne cocooned in the blankets complaining that she's cold. I smile and climb into bed beside her before pulling her close to me. She sighs and mumbles that I'm so warm and comfortable.

"I'm telling Prince Zen that I'm going to hold you hostage until winter is over. You're so warm..."

"I don't think he'd let you, sadly. I'd stay longer if I could." I sigh as I run my hand through her damp locks.

She presses herself closer to me and rests her head on my chest. One of her hands moves to my chest and I arch a brow as I feel it moving around a second later, then realize what she's doing. She found my scar. Somehow she'd never felt it before. I feel her gently pat it as she apologizes for me getting hurt even if it is an old wound. She is seriously the sweetest and most caring woman I've ever met. My mother would have loved her. I hear her yawn as her breathing starts to even out and she snuggles into my chest.

"Goodnight Ryanne." I whisper.

"Goodnight Obi." She mumbles. "I love you..."

"I love you too." I tell her though she can't hear me anymore.

I press a kiss to the top of her head before pulling the blankets up to cover her more, then close my eyes. There's nowhere else I'd rather be than right here beside her.

Finding Beauty in the Darkness *Obi x OC*(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now