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Ryanne POV

I've spent the rest of the week testing Aeri on the latest lesson. She's still struggling to identify herbs so we're covering that again. We've done this type of studying for the past two months. We do the first part of the week with me teaching her and showing her what to do and the rest of it is practice and testing. It's worked better than anything else we've tried though her focus is still lacking. It doesn't help that she's also been asking almost nonstop about 'The Sir from Wistal Castle' that came earlier this week. She keeps asking when he's going to come back but my answer has stayed the same. I'm not sure that he will come back. Wistal Castle still has orders to pick up in time but there's a chance they'll send any one of their dozens of employees to retrieve them or could even send a letter requesting they be delivered. She will just have to wait and see.

I leave Aeri behind at the table with her latest herb identification test to start cooking but redirect myself to the front door. We have a visitor coming I think. I have sixteen total herbs placed in front of her, four look the same, four smell the same, four taste the same, and four feel the same. She has to properly identify each of them and explain their differences. Just before I make it to the door, there's a knock. I open the door and start to greet the visitor but what I can only guess to be Herron comes barreling into my legs from behind and I fall forward into the person. Thankfully they catch me without falling and I apologize repeatedly as they help me upright and I retry my greeting but they beat me to it.

"Hello again Miss. I see you haven't poisoned yourself." There's a smile in his tone.

"Hello Obi. No poison yet but still more testing. Please, come in. Aeri is taking an exam in the kitchen today so if you would like to stay and visit for a while, you are welcome to do so but we will have to remain in here."

"What is she testing over? Better yet, what are you testing exactly? Any antidotes I need to worry about?"

"Aeri is struggling with herb identification on certain ones, so we've worked on them this week and now she has to identify four different groups with similarities, like four of them look the same, four taste the same, and so on. After that she has to explain why those are different. No antidotes needed for me though, I promise. I'm simply testing a pain medication."

"Did you hurt yourself?" He asks as we settle on the couch.

"Well, it wasn't me per say..." I mumble as I feel his gaze burn into the side of my head. "Herron tripped me on the back steps yesterday."

"He really does have it out for you, doesn't he?"

"So much... I have so many rumors about me being a witch but I think the black cat's hatred of me should negate that." I get to my feet to retrieve his order before I forget about it and offer him tea or lunch. I was going to start cooking for Aeri and myself before Obi arrived. I expect him to decline as he had last time but to my surprise he offers to help as long as his presence won't bother Aeri. I tell him that it will just be an added test to work on her focus and concentration as long as he doesn't talk to her, she will have to show the proper restraint to ignore him and focus on her test. He agrees and I ask if he has any food preferences but he says he doesn't mind regardless. I think back to the different ingredients I have and gather vegetables, pasta, and the chicken breasts I'd gotten from the market this morning and cooked. I'd planned on making soup tonight anyway so we will have it for lunch and any leftovers can be eaten later. It will be something warm for Obi to have before he heads back to the castle.

"So what are we making?" He asks quietly and his voice finally draws her attention.

"You're back, Sir! Mistress Rya said she wasn't sure if you were ever coming back but I told her you would."

"Have you completed your test, Aeri?"

"...No. Sorry Mistress Rya."

"Get back to work. We are preparing lunch now."

I tell Obi about the soup as I find the cookware needed and Obi offers to peel and cut the vegetables while I start on the broth and noodles. I feel around for the different spices and herbs I need and add them to the water. Obi adds the vegetables as he finishes with them and I stir in the chicken before covering it to heat. I set the kettle for tea before leaning against the counter and ask Obi how his cold went. He tells me that he did end up with a cough, sore throat, and the sniffles for a few days but the medicine I'd given him actually helped a lot.

"I'm glad." I tell him with a smile.

"Mistress Rya, I'm finished with my test! Can I talk to Mister Obi now?"

Obi chuckles and actually answers her with what I was going to say.

"I think you should let her go over your test first and make sure you did well."

I join the brunette at the table and have her start to give me her answers. When I go to get up to check on the soup and prepare the tea, Obi tells me to continue working with her and asks what tea I would like. I hear him checking the tea jars while mumbling 'rose hip' under his breath so he won't forget. A few seconds later, I tell him where to find the teacups and the tea balls since all movement stops and he's started to mumble 'tea cups' and 'tea balls' under his breath as well.

"Is Mister Obi staying for lunch?" Aeri asks after giving her last answer.

"Yes, I believe so. Now, you've answered all but two of them right so you will need to research them further and work with them a little longer. You did great though." 

Finding Beauty in the Darkness *Obi x OC*(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now