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Ryanne POV

Obi is apologizing for my eyesight but I don't know why. It's not his fault I'm going blind. I voice that thought and he tells me that's not why he was apologizing. I arch a brow as I hand him the newly washed bowl. He takes it from me and as he dries it he tells me why.

"I'm sorry you can't read anymore. I can tell you really enjoyed it."


"An entire wall in your main room is nothing but books."

I think back and remember that is actually true. It's been months since I could read so I avoided that wall if I could.

"True, though a majority of that is simply research materials and the bottom two shelves are my notes over the years."


"Ryanne, please. Miss is too formal for me. Mistress Rya is way too formal as well but that's been three months of me telling her to call me something else and that's as far as we got."

"Alright, Miss Ryanne-"

"You're going to end up like Aeri with this, aren't you?" I sigh.

"Quite possibly." He chuckles and I flick a bit of soapy water in his direction. "Miss Ryanne, if your eyesight fully fades, will you still be able to be an herbalist?"

"Of course. I can identify herbs without sight already and I've memorized all of the materials I could get my hands on. Aeri being around is helpful for reading but once her training is complete, I may have a new apprentice that could help with that. If not, I'll figure it out. Herbalism is all I know."

"Well, if you ever need help, feel free to call on me."

"Thank you, Sir."

"Call me Obi."

"Then call me Ryanne." I smirk before feeling my face get lightly sprinkled with water.

Aeri comes into the room shortly after a knock sounds on the door, asking if the order for Pendra is ready. I apologize to Obi for having to leave him with the last dish as I dry my hands but he waves me off and tells me that my work is important. I greet Mrs. Pendra and tell her that her order is ready as I track down her drawer. It's a simple order, just a weekly supply of anti-inflammatory herbs to put into her tea for her arthritis. I've offered to provide her with a month's worth or at least two weeks at a time so she doesn't have to trouble herself with coming every week, but she insists that the walk keeps her young.

"Ooh, look at that handsome young man. Now where did you snatch him up from Ryanne?"

I hold back a laugh and shake my head. "Obi is picking up an order for a customer."

I feel the lady pull me close to her as I hand her the packet.

"Snatch him up while you can. You don't come across a cutie like that all that often." She whispers in my ear.

"I-I'll keep that in mind, Mrs. Pendra."

She pays Aeri for her herbs and tells me that she will see me in a week before cooing over Obi a moment longer, then leaves.

"That made my day." I snicker as I shake my head.

"What did she whisper in your ear?" Obi asks.

"Oh, nothing." I tell him as I smile up at him.

Obi hangs around for a while longer, chatting with me as I continue working on my duties for the day until he realizes yet again that he's stayed for well over two hours. Aeri drifts through on her way to feed Herron and says goodbye to him and, same as last time, tells him he's always welcome to come back and visit. Normally I would scold her for inviting people into my home like that but I don't mind Obi's presence either. I can tell he is holding back his personality though. There's something different about him. I offer to walk him out and slip my shoes on.

"Where is your coat? It's cold out there Miss Ryanne, you don't need to get sick."

"I-uh, don't have a coat." I mumble. "It's alright, the cold doesn't bother me too badly."

My eyes widen as something lands on my shoulders a moment later. I bring my hand up to touch it and pull part of it in front of me to help guess what it is.

"O-Obi? I can't wear this, it's yours."

"It's alright Miss. I've spent years outside in all weather. Cold doesn't affect me."

"Your trip will take over an hour. There's no way you won't be cold." I insist, trying to give it back but his hand lands on top of mine.

"How about this, you wear it while we walk, then once we are ready to part ways, I'll take it back and you will go directly back to the cottage where you can get warm inside?"

"I- suppose that works." I mumble since I can't find any reason to deny his offer.

My eyes wander the path as we walk. The sun is shining brightly today so all of the colors look so vibrant. I look up to Obi and stop short. He follows suit and asks if I'm okay. I nod and find myself unable to look away from him. The sun hit his eyes just right for me to be able to see their color. I can't really see the shape or much else from the distance but the bright golden hue is very striking.

"Your eyes are golden..." The words slip out of my mouth before I can stop them.


"I couldn't see them before but the sunlight made them bright enough to see. They are quite lovely." There goes my mouth again. "I-I mean, uh..." I trail off and tear my gaze away from his eyes.

"Oh, t-thank you Miss Ryanne." He mumbles, sounding just as embarrassed as I feel.

"I'm sorry I said that." I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"No, don't be sorry. That's just the first time I've ever had anyone say that."

"Well, that's a shame then." I smile up at him and remove his coat from my shoulders. "Take care Obi. You're welcome back any time, even if you don't have an order to pick up."

"Thank you Miss." 

Finding Beauty in the Darkness *Obi x OC*(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now