Chocolate Chip Bargaining Chips

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It's been just over two months since Ryanne went blind and I'd stayed with her and eventually accidentally kissed her. We spent the rest of Aeri's break away from the cottage together and I walked her back before I had to say goodbye to Ryanne and return to the castle. I'd been away far longer than I probably should have been, but I don't regret it. If I would have left when I originally anticipated, there's a good chance I wouldn't have been able to kiss her. Master has had me busy for the past few weeks, accompanying him and the others on different trips or going out to Tanbarun on different runs to Prince Raji and back so I haven't been able to see her often. I managed to sneak away from one of our trips long enough to see her for an hour before Mitsuhide came to find me and I had to leave. But, Garak has orders to pick up this afternoon so I'll get to see her for a few hours. Master says I have to be back by midnight since we'll be leaving at sunrise to go to Tanbarun for an event hosted by the annoying prince over there. I'll have to wear the itchy formal clothes. I'd rather die.

I find Aeri settled on a blanket on the ground outside of the cottage with Herron sleeping peacefully on her back. She has a rather large stack of books beside her along with a thick leather-bound book open in front of her. She looks up at me and smiles as she calls out a greeting. When Aeri found out that Ryanne and I were... well, we aren't formally together I guess, we never established it but I think it's obvious... she was so excited she fainted. It was hilarious. When she recovered, she hugged both of us and said that her birthday wish came true. I had no idea that she wanted us to be together but I appreciate her support. I found out from Ryuu recently that their letters still move back and forth but they aren't dating yet or anything. He doesn't want to distract her from her training.

"What are you up to today?" I ask as I sit across from her in the grass.

"Mistress Rya has me studying. I have to redo a big test from last week because I didn't do well."

"I think you'll get it this time. Where is she?"

"In her room filling orders still, I think. It's been a while since I checked on her."

As I get to my feet to head inside, her voice stops me.

"Mister Obi, I-I didn't get to thank you for taking care of Mistress Rya for me. I wish I could have done something to make her feel better when she went blind, but I'm glad that she had you to be there. She really likes you."

"I really like her too, and I'd do anything for both of you."

"Anything?" She asks with a mischievous smirk.

"What do you want?" I sigh.

"Will you help me study before you leave?"

"What do I get out of it?"

She grins and holds up a small glass jar full of chocolate chips. "Chocolate?"

"You've got a deal."

I lean against the doorway to Ryanne's room and smile softly. She had fallen asleep while filling orders, her head resting on her arm on the desk, a small pile of herbs on the floor beside her below her other hand. She always works herself too hard. I silently make my way through the room and pick her up to move her to the bed. I cover her with the blankets and kiss her forehead before leaving and closing the door behind me. I return to the yard and join Aeri to help her study.

"Alright, so what are we working with?"

Aeri and I spend the next hour with me quizzing her over the materials and helping her keep focused on her tasks. We finally stop when the sun starts to set and she mumbles that she should start dinner since Ryanne doesn't seem to be awake yet. I get to my feet and tell her not to worry about it, offering to do it myself while she puts her stuff away and finishes her last few chores for the day. I search through Ryanne's food supplies but can't decide what to make. I hear Aeri enter the cottage and ask her opinion and she chooses the 'hot cheeses' that she'd made before. They're quick and easy, so I guess that's what we'll have for dinner with some tomato soup.

I hand the next round of dishes to Aeri to put on the table and turn at the sound of footsteps. I was going to go wake Ryanne for dinner once it was all plated, but I guess she woke up in time. She's standing in the doorway with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, her free hand rubbing at her eyes as she yawn. She looks precious.

"Good evening Mistress Rya! We have a visitor. He cooked us soup and hot cheeses." Aeri chirps from her chair.

"Hello Obi, wherever you're standing." Ryanne smiles.

"Hello Mi- Ryanne." I still haven't gotten used to that. "Did you enjoy your nap?"

"I figured you were lurking around somewhere since I woke up where I didn't fall asleep."

"Guilty as charged." I kiss her forehead and lead her over to the table.

"It smells good." She mumbles before she starts to eat. Looking at her now, I can tell she has dark circles around her eyes.

"When was the last time you slept properly?"

"Last night."

"Liar." Aeri shoots back. "It's been at least three days, Mister Obi."

"Traitor." Ryanne sighs. "It's not entirely my fault... I've been testing the effects of something and one of the side effects appears to be insomnia. The... substance will wear off in three more days."

"This substance isn't going to kill you, is it? I have to be at the castle by midnight since I'm going on yet another trip to Tanbarun in the morning."

"No death, I promise."

I kiss Ryanne one more time in the doorway to the cottage a few hours later before reluctantly pulling away. I promise to return as soon as I can and she tells me to be safe as always. I make it a few steps away before I feel her arms wrap around my torso. Her grip loosens and I turn around to hug her tightly and press a kiss to her forehead.

"I'll be back before you know it, safe and sound. You better be safe and sound when I return as well, Miss."

"When am I ever not safe?" She chuckles and pulls me into another kiss.

So, I may be a few minutes late... but Master will have to deal with it.

Finding Beauty in the Darkness *Obi x OC*(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now