I Think I'm Ok

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Ryanne POV

I haven't left my bedroom in three days. Obi has been here since some time yesterday. When I woke up again and calmed down, he told me what had happened with Aeri and how he came to be here. He also told me that he cleaned up my room but he couldn't do anything about the mirror in the bathroom. I vaguely remember the pain and the sound of glass breaking but that's all. When I woke up that day I thought that perhaps I had something on my eyes so I couldn't see or it was just dark so I made my way to the bathroom furiously grabbing at my face to try to get the thing off from around my eyes. I could hear the birds chirping so I knew it had to be daytime. It eventually sunk in that there was nothing on my face and it wasn't night time and I screamed and hit the mirror before I fell to my knees. I don't remember anything else until I woke up and Obi was here. I don't even remember Shirayuki stitching my hand or anything.

Obi has been worrying over me and trying to get me to eat and drink every so often. I haven't gotten myself to eat anything and keep it down but I've managed to take a few sips of tea here and there. I'm too upset for my stomach to handle anything solid yet. He holds me when I cry which is usually whenever I first wake up and am greeted with total darkness every time, and he hasn't left my side unless going to the kitchen or to the bathroom. I'm afraid to get up, to do anything. It was one thing to think about going blind and still being able to do everything, it's another to wake up to total unending darkness. I know I can't wallow like this forever though... but I'm not ready just yet.


"Yes Miss?" He's still beside me.

"What day is it?"

"Monday the sixteenth." He answers after a moment.

"This was one hell of a birthday present." I chuckle harshly.

"What do you mean?"

"My birthday was three days ago, the day I went blind... I guess it's the universe's way of saying it hates me."

"Well, you have plenty of people who don't hate you so the universe can get over it."

"When do you need to go back to the castle? I don't want you to keep you from your duties to Prince Zen..."

"Don't worry about it Miss. Master has given me permission to stay as long as I need as long as I update them on what is going on."

I curl up beside Obi as he reads to me. I hadn't been able to read in a long time and had gotten used to that, but now that all of my sight has left me, I've found myself missing it more. When I mentioned that, he asked what my favorite book used to be and he left the room before coming back to the bed. It's soothing, listening to his smooth deep voice as he reads. I'd moved a pillow to his lap and rested my head on it and now I can feel his hand running through my hair. With Obi around I don't feel so scared. I reach up and gently take his hand and thread my fingers through his before pulling it close to my chest. A small smile crosses my face as I feel him softly squeeze my hand as he continues to read. I think tonight I will let myself wallow but tomorrow I will need to get up and face reality. No amount of self pity will change my vision. I need to pull myself together before Aeri returns and I eventually have to get back to my customers. Since I'd gotten so many done ahead of time, Obi has taken care of the ready orders for customers as they come by but I've had him tell them there will be a delay on orders until I've recovered from my illness.

"Thank you for being here for me, Obi. I'm lucky to have you in my life. I'll have to thank Garak someday..." I whisper and he chuckles softly.

"I've thanked her already for bringing you into my life."

My heart beats a little faster at his words and I can feel that warm feeling I get around him sometimes. I like Obi, I know I do, but I've just never found the words or the courage to say it out loud. If it were any other time, I might take that chance to tell him how I feel, but right now I'm too broken to do anything about it. Maybe someday...

"Oh no." I mumble as I realize something.

"What is it?"

"Garak sent me a letter last week to tell me she was coming to celebrate... two days from now."

"I'm sure Miss Shirayuki told her what happened. Maybe she won't come?"

"Oh, no. She will see it as further reason to come. She will want to take me out to get drunk to help me cope."

"Well, if you're not up to it, I can send her away or you can always ask her to stay in and drink if she wants to visit."

"Good thinking." I hum.

I wake up without screaming or crying this time and can hear the birds chirping outside so it's day time. Judging by his breathing, Obi is asleep beside me, his arms wrapped around me as my back is pressed against his chest. I can feel his breath as his head rests in the crook of my neck. I still don't feel great by any means but I feel better than I have in days. I wiggle myself a little closer to him and feel him stretch and hold me tighter before falling still again. A soft smile crosses my face as I feel my eyes close again. Maybe things are going to be okay...

Finding Beauty in the Darkness *Obi x OC*(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now