Confessing Secrets

325 18 9

Ryanne POV

Obi and I finally finished cleaning the cottage inside and out. All we have left to do is get the last of the laundry off the lines and clean ourselves up before dinner. I did mess up though and instead of mopping from the far end of the kitchen back to the main room, I just kept going so I'm now using anything I can support myself on to slowly make my way back to Obi. He told me that he's standing in the doorway between the rooms and won't let me fall. He offered just to carry me out but I'm being stubborn. I want to do things for myself. With my luck, this will be my downfall. I curse as my foot slips on a slightly wetter spot and I start to fall. I feel Obi's arm wrap around my waist and one of my hands ends up in his. I can feel my heart racing but I'm not sure if it's from the feeling of falling or from him holding me. My free hand is holding onto some part of his shirt as he helps me stand again.

"Are you alright, Miss?" He asks and I can't get myself to form words.

Our bodies are practically pressed together and I can't think. This feels different from when he'd hug me or we were curled up on my bed together. I want to kiss him but I'm afraid to. I'm not sure how he would react if I did. My eyes flutter closed as his rough fingers gently brush my forehead before his hand rests on the side of my face. I feel his lips gently brush mine and time stops around us. I can no longer hear the birds chirping, the wind moving through the trees, I can't feel the breeze coming in from the windows or the warm glow of the sun, just his lips on mine. He pulls away and I hear him breathlessly apologize to me but I move to my tiptoes and kiss him again. My arms slowly move to wrap around his neck as his arms circle my waist.

"Oh my God I so called this. I know one of you is blind and all, but if you're going to get down and dirty, you might want to close the door."

"Shut up Garak." I mumble as we part and I rest my head on his shoulder. "Why are you here?"

"I forgot my castle ID here but scored the show of a lifetime." She chuckles. "Seriously, you two should be thanking me for sending him on my errands."

"Please leave." I sigh as I reach over to the Wistal Castle drawers and pull out her ID.

"I get it, you two want to get busy. I fully endorse it, but make sure you're safe unless you want little-"

"Obi please make her stop." I sigh.

"I'm going, I'm going. Don't have too much fun kids."

I wait for a few moments. "Is she gone?"

"Thankfully." He chuckles. "Um, Miss-"

"Obi, I'm pretty sure we're beyond you calling me Miss anymore since you kissed me, so please for the love of all things holy, just call me Ryanne or Rya."

I hear him sigh and I lift my head. Is he going to say that it was an accident or that it didn't mean anything? Did I mess up by kissing him back?

"Ryanne, I'm sorry I kissed you-" I feel my expression fall but I guess he noticed and quickly finishes his statement. "-without your permission. I just have been fighting the desire to kiss you for a while now and I finally lost. I know it was your first true kiss and all but you're just so beautiful..."

"I- wait, you knew that I hadn't been kissed before?"

"I may have left out parts of your drunk story the other night." I can sense the cheeky grin on his face.

"Oh, really now? What did you leave out?"

"Before you kissed my cheek and were talking about dying alone, you said you never had a kiss beyond a dare with Garak, then asked me to kiss you. I told you no because you were drunk, so you tried to proposition me instead. I compromised by kissing your forehead and told you that if you remembered it all sober and asked, I'd kiss you then."

"So what you're telling me is that the one thing I'd wanted to do for so long now but was too afraid or upset to do, could have happened before but I was too drunk to remember? That sucks."

Obi and I are curled up on the bed together, my head resting on his chest with his arm around me. We shared a few more kisses before finishing up the last of the work and cleaning up for dinner. We never really said that we had feelings for each other though even though I think it's implied. Well, I hope it's implied. Obi doesn't appear to be the type to kiss someone without caring for them...


"Yes Mis- uh, Ryanne?"

"I just want to tell you that I really like you, that I didn't kiss you just to kiss you."

"That's a relief." He snickers. "I'd hoped that it meant you had feelings for me as well. I've liked you for a while now."

"Even though I worry you constantly?"

"Even though you worry me constantly." He sighs as his hand absently rubs my arm. "I even admitted it to Garak a while back."

"You what? I'm amazed she didn't tell me."

"I told her when I went back to the castle after Aeri's birthday. She asked if I fell in love with you yet and I told her no, but that I did like you a lot. She almost dropped her glass."

"Good job." I smirk.

I feel myself starting to drift off a while later and wiggle myself closer to him as I stifle a yawn. I feel his fingers gently lift my face toward his and his lips meet mine briefly before he releases me.

"Sleep well, Miss." He tenses and sighs before offering an apology.

I smile and wave it off. It's actually a bit strange to hear him call me anything but Miss right now but we'll adjust eventually.

"Goodnight Obi." 

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