Stumbling (Part 2)

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I can hear Ryanne mumbling under her breath as I gently wrap the bandages around her hand so I ask what she's saying. Her cheeks tint pink as she tells me that my hands feel nice. I laugh and thank her. Maybe she's not drunk enough to get to the flirting stage. That's good. She smiles at me and says that my hand feels heavy, then offers to hold it for me. Okay, maybe she's a little flirty. I think it'll be okay though. I just have to make sure she doesn't do anything reckless.

"Obi... Obi..."

"Yes Miss?" I ask, holding back a chuckle at her whisper yell.

"Your lips look lonely... would they like to meet mine? I'm blind but I can see we're meant to be."

I laugh and shake my head before gently ruffling her hair. I think I'm going to need a drink to be able to handle this.

"You really can't handle whiskey, can you?" I ask as I pour myself a glass.

"Do you like bad girls? Because I'm bad at everything." She snickers.

I down the first glass and quickly refill and drain the second. I'm loving this but at the same time I can't handle how adorable she is.

I manage to finally get a little buzz going for myself while keeping the rest of the alcohol away from her. She's drunk enough as it is. Almost everything she says is a steady stream of pick up lines and hilarious attempts at flirting. This will definitely be a fun story to tell to Garak, and likely to Ryanne herself once she sobers up. I'm sure she won't remember any of this.

"Obiii I'm hungry..." She whines as she rests her head on my shoulder. It seems the pick up lines have stopped for now. "What do you want? I'll cook something."

"But you're drunk. I'll cook."

"I'm not drunk Miss." I chuckle but she shakes her head.

"I can smell it." She whispers as she leans close. "I want to cook with you."

I tear my gaze from her lips and finally agree to let her cook with me.

I'm not sure what I expected to happen when cooking with a drunken blind woman but I'm certainly amused. She decided that she wanted to bake a cake instead so after she told me what I needed to find, I gathered the ingredients. I managed to find the recipe card in the process so I double checked that. As I measure them out properly, I have her pour them into the bowl she has resting in her lap as she's curled up on the counter top. Of course with her lack of sight and her current drunken state, there's quite a mess but most of it does end up in the bowl or on her.


"Yes Miss?"

"I'm covered in sugar. That means I'm extra sweet."

I look up to her flour covered face and smile. There are streaks of flour and sugar on her forehead and cheeks from wiping her hair from her face and her black shirt is covered in it too. She looks adorable.

"You've always been really sweet, Miss."

Her face turns red and she turns away from me.

"Obi... Have you ever kissed anyone?"

I arch a brow but nod. "Not anyone that mattered, why?"

Her smile drops and her eyes well up with tears. "I'm going to die alone..."

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm so old now and I've never kissed anyone except Garak but that was on a dare so it doesn't count. I'm going to die alone without having a proper kiss... Obi, kiss me."

Ryanne looks up at me hopefully, though her gaze is slightly too far up, and my eyes fall on her lips. I want to kiss her more than anything right now... but I can't.

"Miss, you're drunk right now. I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Please? I'll make it worth your time." She croons as her hands trail up my torso. "Ooh, you have muscles. When did you get these? Mrs. Pendra was right, I should snatch you up."

"How about I do this instead?" I ask as I lightly grab her face and wipe the flour off her forehead before gently kissing it. "In the morning, when you're sober, if you want me too I will kiss you then, okay?"

She nods and I smirk, knowing she won't remember.

We finally got the cake baked and it turned out well. She ate two slices and managed to get frosting all over herself, so now I'm tasked with trying to keep her still long enough for me to clean her face and hands. She's been trying to stand and pull on my hands to lead me somewhere but won't tell me what she's wanting to do.

"If you can stay still while I count to five, I'll let you get up, alright?"

She smiles and nods as she slowly kicks her feet since they don't touch the floor. Close enough to still. I count slowly as I hurry to wipe off the last of the frosting.

"Obi will you hold me? You're so strong and warm." As she puts her arms loosely around my neck I feel her kiss my cheek and the chocolate frosting left behind. I was so close to getting it all clean. I accept defeat and wrap my arms around her waist since she's still sitting on the counter and chuckle as I feel her patting my back. "I like you Obi. You're cute I think. I could never tell cause my eyes are stupid. But you're pretty on the inside anyway."

Ryanne pulls away suddenly and I take the opportunity to get the last traces of frosting off of her face before catching her as she slips off the counter. As soon as she's upright and somewhat steady, she grabs my hand and pulls me into the main room before hugging my torso. I arch a brow as I feel her still moving and trying to drag me but I think I know what she's trying to do.

"Are you trying to get me to dance with you, Miss?"

Her head moves up and down against my shirt, messing up her hair worse than it is already.

"Here, let's do it properly then."

I take her hands and move them and have her stand a little straighter so her head rests on my chest rather than the base of my rib cage and slowly move us in stumbled circles. She seems content with this even though there's no music and I'm happy just to hold her as we slowly spin around her main room in the darkness. It's like we're the only things that exist right now. 

Finding Beauty in the Darkness *Obi x OC*(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now