Spraining Ankles

397 20 14

Ryanne POV

Obi is leaving to return to the castle today. We were able to finish getting everything taken care of and my room put back together. His clothes were washed yesterday and hung to dry on the line. All that's left for me to do to get everything finally back in order is to take the clothing down and put it all away. We've just finished breakfast and the clean up from it. I have Aeri gathering vegetables from the garden now and Obi has decided to follow me out to collect the laundry. We'd washed the baskets yesterday after dumping the clothing onto a rock so they're dry and safe to use thankfully. I drop my basket on the ground and start to pull the pins out and put the clothes into the basket. He's on the second line working on that side so we can get it done quickly without tripping over each other. It really has been a blessing having him around, not only for his helpfulness but for his company in general. He may even be someone I consider a friend. Garak may have been wrong in sending him as a love interest, but I'd thank her for sending me a friend. I take a step sideways as I reach up for a clothespin just out of my reach and stumble over something and hit the ground. I hear a hiss a second later and growl in annoyance.

"You stupid cat! I swear I will end you!"

"Are you alright Miss?"

I look up and see Obi's hand held out toward me to help me up. I feel my face warm slightly but nod and take his hand. As I get to my feet I curse and shake my head.

"I think I sprained my ankle. That's pleasant. It's nothing to worry over but it hurts for now... He couldn't have waited for me to get the laundry down, could he?"

He lets me prop up against him for a few minutes and I slowly test my ankle but it still hurts to stand on.

"Let me take you inside and I'll get the rest of it down for you."

"No, no. You've done so much for me already, I can do it."

I start to hobble over to the clothes but he stops me a second later and kneels in front of me.

"We'll compromise. I'll carry you on my back and you can get the clothes down. That way I'm helping but you're still doing it too."

I sigh and he tells me that it's the only other option besides him taking me back inside, so I finally cave and gently wrap my arms around his neck as he picks me up. I feel so tall. I know that Obi is tall himself, though I'm not sure of his height but this is like a whole new world for me. I voice that thought and he laughs at me. Out of curiosity I touch his hair since I can almost see it from being so close. It's spiky but soft.

"Are you having fun up there, Miss?" He chuckles.

"Oh, sorry. I just couldn't really see your hair before so I was curious about it." I mumble.

"Well, what is it like?"

"Soft and spiky."

"That sounds about right."

Together, we manage to get the last of the laundry taken down and he carries me inside to the couch before leaving to bring in the baskets. I call for Aeri to come have a learning experience and have her look at my ankle. I feel her touch and poke it before telling me that she thinks it's a sprain. I check it myself since I hadn't bothered when I was outside and she's right. I ask her to bring the ankle wrap and she asks if she can do it herself as training so I let her. I get to my feet and wince at the pain but I'm able to put a bit of weight on it now. I limp into the kitchen to check my pantry for a pain reliever and pop one into my mouth. I hear Obi return with the last basket and I help carry them into my room and dump the contents onto the bed. I help search through it for his clothes and end up finding his jacket almost instantly.

"When are you leaving?" I ask quietly as I continue to sort the clothes.

"After my work is done here."

"You've done so much already, Obi. I really don't expect you to do anything, let alone everything you already did."

"Miss, I came here to help you get things back in order and judging by the mess on your bed, things aren't quite in order yet are they? Therefore, my work is not done. I don't halfway do jobs, otherwise Master would punish me." He chuckles and I sigh in defeat.

"Fine, you can help with the clothes but after that you're done, alright?"

"We'll see." He hums as he piles my bed sheets and blankets on my desk out of the way.

Obi didn't leave after the laundry was finished and my bed was made as I'd planned so I was nice and invited him to stay for lunch as payment for his work today. Aeri wanted salad with chicken in it so I checked with Obi before agreeing to make it. It's nice not having to feed picky eaters. He insists on helping with this as well and I just agree since he won't listen to me if I said no, and have him pan fry the chicken while I get the rest of the salad ready. I plan on making the apple cherry bread for Aeri's reward for helping so much after we eat so I have her start to pull ingredients to put on the counter for me.

"Ooh what is all of that for, Miss?"

"If I tell you you're just going to try to stay and help, aren't you?" I sigh and I can tell he's grinning at me.

"No..." He trails off before lowering his voice to a whisper. "Hey, Aeri, what is she making?"

"Aeri-" I warn but she giggles. My apprentice has turned against me.

I finally wave goodbye to Obi as he waves back and continues on the path that will take him back toward the castle. He did end up sticking around to help bake the bread and Aeri wanted to give him some, so I put a few slices in a bag for him to take back since he enjoyed it so much. It's not much but it's extra payment for everything he's done for us. It's going to feel a bit strange not having him around now that he's stayed for a couple of days. I watch him for a moment longer until my eyesight won't allow me to see him anymore, then turn back toward the cottage. 

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