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Ryanne POV

I sigh as Aeri skips along beside me with a basket as we make our way through the village. We've come to get some food and supplies while dropping off a few orders. Most of the people who run the markets like me, thankfully, and those who don't just happen to sell things that I grow at home so I don't need them anyway. Traveling through the village is always an exhausting experience because the ones that like me greet me really happily and the rest stare me down with harsh glares. I wish that my ability to feel their eyes on me didn't work as well since I'm going blind but it doesn't listen to me and their glares still burn holes through me. At least Aeri has stopped asking about Obi. It's been two weeks and I had to keep reminding her that he has duties to take care of instead of mindlessly wasting time with us.

"Oh, it's that nasty witch and her witch in training." I sigh at the masculine voice and send Aeri along to drop off the orders for me. She seems hesitant but does as I ask.

"Call me what you will but do not bring a child into it."

"I'll bet you did something to that girl to make her go with you, didn't you?" I hear him spit and my eyes narrow as I feel wetness on the back of my shirt.

I roll my eyes and take a calming breath before turning around.

"If I am a witch, which I'm not, I'd rather be that than you. Witches could be good but all you will ever be is rude and closed minded. Can I ask you a question, Sir? Have you ever had a cut that needed ointment, or has your wife or child ever been sick in need of medicine? If so, you've had my help because I'm the only herbalist in this village."

"Like I'd accept any kind of help from a witch like you. We hear things about what you're doing up there. If you're not a witch why do you have a garden full of poisons?"

"To research and help save lives." I sigh. I'm wasting my breath, I know, but he's getting under my skin.

"Why don't you just do everyone a favor and get out of here before you get hurt." He huffs.

Before I can respond, he walks past me and despite the ample space he could put between us, he bumps me hard with his shoulder and the force slams me into the wall of the nearby storefront.

"You'd think the ignorant masses would be afraid of a witch's wrath..." I mutter as I straighten and rub my shoulder.

Aeri and I return to the cottage a short while later without further incident. She asked if I was alright and if the rude man did anything to hurt me but I lied and told her that he left a moment later without saying anything. It's how it usually goes whenever things like that happen. She's only seen it firsthand once, when a man slammed me to the ground because I accidentally brushed by him. After that, I tried my best to make sure she was sent off to do something before anything could happen. I hand her my basket as I pull the key from around my neck to unlock the door. It's the only place I know I won't lose it even after I go blind.

"Mistress Rya... The door isn't shut all the way." Aeri whispers and I pause.

"I thought we closed it properly?" I hum.

"We did. Remember, we both checked it twice to be sure?"

I mentally curse and hand her the key.

"Aeri, why don't you go down and check our garden patches for any more foods that are ready to harvest, that way we won't have to come back out later and can put it all away at once?"

"But Mistress Rya it's not safe. What if someone is in there?" I was hoping she wouldn't think of that and take the distraction.

"I will be alright. I'm just going to look around but please stay out here and pay attention to your surroundings. I'll come get you when I'm done, alright?"


"Aeri, please don't argue."

I wait for her to leave before slowly opening the door and stepping inside. Sadly the blind woman has to check the cottage for intruders. It's either me or the eleven year old and I'm not putting her in danger like that. My hand reaches out and I latch onto a wooden cane I keep by the door for customer use. I hear a dull thud in the kitchen and my breath catches in my throat. Herron tripped me up on the path up here so it's definitely not him. Someone is in my cottage.

"Who's there?" I call out as I step away from the door.

I can see a figure, male for sure based on height and stature, but it's definitely not Obi. Obi doesn't have blond hair.

"Oh look, you're right on time. Perhaps you can help me."

"Perhaps you can get out of my cottage. I don't help unwelcome guests." I retort, my grip tightening on the cane as he approaches.

Despite my undying urge to back away and run, I stand my ground and keep my expression firm.

"How cute, you think you're scary." He mutters as he roughly grabs my arm. "Why don't you be a good little witch and tell me where you've hidden your money?"

"Who's to say I have any money?"

His grip tightens until I gasp. "Don't lie to me, you'll only make it worse on yourself."

With a sudden burst of bravery, I swing the cane at him but he snatches it from my grip and I hear it hit the wall across the cottage a moment later. I try to free my arm while swinging at him with my other arm but his hand moves to wrap around my throat while the other catches my fist. He chuckles darkly and it sends a wave of fear through me as my fingers claw desperately at his hand.

"Not so brave now, are you? Now, I'm going to let you go and you're going to give me all of your money and I won't kill you. If you try anything stupid, you will regret it."

I croak out a yes and he releases me. I try to catch my breath but he shoves me hard enough to knock me over and tells me to hurry up. I get to my feet, my mind racing through ways to get out of this without losing everything I worked so hard for. I wasn't ever the type to fight or keep weapons... Weapons! When Obi stayed and we washed his clothes he accidentally left behind a pouch that had daggers in it. I put that in the pantry closet... If I can get to it then I might be able to fight him off. I lead him into the kitchen with him following close behind, his hand gripping my shoulder painfully.

"I hid it so it wouldn't be easy to find..." I mumble as I open the door. "but I need the key first."

My eyes fall on the pouch and open it before reaching inside. My fingers brush the cold metal and I silently pray that I can do something, anything with it to save our money and save Aeri and myself. I turn quickly and stab the knife into his abdomen. With where I've hit, he won't die if he gets medical treatment within an hour. I step back and reach for another dagger and hold it out in front of me defensively.

"Leave my cottage, now."

"You're going to pay for that, little bitch." He growls as he raises his fist toward me. 

Finding Beauty in the Darkness *Obi x OC*(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now