Stumbling (Part 1)

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I wake up to the bed empty and a crashing sound coming from the kitchen. That can't be good but at the same time, it means that Ryanne has finally gotten out of bed. I stretch and head toward the kitchen as I rub the sleep from my eyes. Ryanne is trying to cook breakfast but I can tell she's struggling, especially because the pan she is in front of trying to move the eggs around is not the pan that actually has the eggs in it. I chuckle softly and ask if she needs help.

"No I think I'm doing pretty well actually."

I stand behind her and gently move her over to the correct pan.

"You were close, Miss." I take her hands and help her move the eggs to scramble them.

"I tried..." She mumbles.

"You did great but it's going to take a while to get used to everything. That's why I'm here to help."

Together we manage to finish cooking breakfast and get it divided up on our plates. She insisted on doing a lot of it so I'd let her try and if she had trouble, I'd guide her hands. She's doing far better than I would have if the roles were reversed.

After breakfast she goes back to her room to take a bath and asks me if I could find Herron to feed him. Of course it would be a far easier task if she were able to help me find him since she seems to be a walking target for the demon cat. I open the door and he immediately rushes past me and I turn to find her passing through, mumbling something about wanting something floral for her water.

"Incoming cat, Miss." I call out and she sighs and reaches out for the wall.

Herron slams into her shins but she manages to keep herself upright.

"I seriously hate you, cat. Now that I'm fully blind I imagine that you will make life even worse for me, won't you?"

He hisses at her before heading over to the bowls near the door and gives me a pointed look. As I lean down to pick up the bowls I scratch his head.

"You really should be nicer to the hands that feed you."

I hear Ryanne hesitantly call for me from her bedroom a short while later and I wonder what she could need. I hope that she's dressed. I knock on the door before slowly opening it. She's standing in the front of her dresser with a towel held tightly to her body and her face is bright red. I avert my gaze and ask what she needs.

"I-I'm sorry, I just- I need help finding my clothes... Being fully blind is a lot harder than I thought. All the drawers and clothes feel the same."

"Do you want me to just grab some or do you want help?"

"As much as I want to be a total loser and just have you grab things, I think getting help would be more beneficial."

"Do you still have the paint that you and Aeri used on the cards?"

"Top drawer of the left hand desk, why?"

I cross the room and grab the paint and a brush. "This time, I will grab things for you, but I'm going to mark your dresser drawers for you for next time. One dot will be the top drawer with whatever you have in there, two dots is the second with that, and so on. So that way you can tell what's in there."

"Smart man. Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you're a little overwhelmed but it's okay. That's why I'm here."

After pulling out clothes for her, she goes into the bathroom to change and I focus my attention on painting the dots instead of what's happening in the next room.

Ryanne wanted to go outside after she dressed and I helped brush her hair so I watched her put on her shoes and open the door before following her out. I feel the need to do everything for her so she doesn't have to worry but I know that she has to learn how to do things for herself since I won't be able to be here all the time for her. She walks around for a few moments, her movements slow and hesitant before a frown crosses her face. I go to ask what's wrong but she suddenly takes off her shoes and takes a few steps that are more confident. She heads down the path with me trailing behind her and she stops in front of each garden plot and asks me to confirm that what she thinks they are is right. To my surprise, she is completely right. She kneels down in front of one of the herb gardens and her hands brush across the different plants as she names them off, a soft smile on her face.

"I can tell the herbs apart still."

"You have always been capable of a lot of things, even without your sight, Miss. Now you just have to get your bearings again and you'll be back to worrying me to death in no time."

"That's never my intention."

"But it's what you do and I'm okay with that, just not okay with you almost dying or getting hurt."

"Still not my intention when I do reckless things." She snickers as she gets to her feet.

I wake up on the couch with a blanket over me. I don't remember falling asleep but I do remember sitting on the couch while Ryanne dealt with the few customers that had shown up while we were outside. So where is she now?I hear a crash and giggles coming from the kitchen and sigh. There's no telling what she's into now. I find her crouched by the table trying to pick up broken glass with her bare hands. She'd dropped a glass apparently. I rush over and try to pull her hands away from the mess but she's already cut her hand.

"I dropped it." She giggles. "I heard it crash."

"Yes you did and you've cut yourself. Let's get you bandaged up then I'll clean up the glass." Kneeling beside her all I can smell is alcohol. She got drunk while I was asleep it seems. "Did you have a nice drink?"

"Lots of it until the glass fell. I found the rum." She grins as I lead her to the sink and have her run her hand under it while I grab the bandages from her pantry.

My eyes fall on the bottle on the table and hold back a laugh. This should be entertaining. That's not rum. That's whiskey. 

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