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It's been two weeks since I've seen Ryanne and Aeri. The morning after I got back to the castle Master sent me out to deliver a message to Shenazard castle and wait for the prince's response, so that took a week. It made me a little sad that I ate all of the bread Ryanne sent with me on my way to Tanbarun. It was really good and I wanted to make it last, but I couldn't stop eating it. When I got back, there wasn't anything else to do besides wander the grounds and spar with Mitsuhide. I visited the pharmacy to tell Garak that we got everything settled and everything is okay out there, and all she asked was if I kissed or hooked up with Ryanne while I was there. That woman's going to be the death of me.

I sigh and stretch out across a tree limb, hoping to take a nap, but lately I haven't been able to find myself relaxed enough to nap at all. It's rather annoying. Maybe I'm sick, but I don't feel bad otherwise. I give up on my nap twenty minutes later and decide to see if Master has something, anything to keep me occupied. I climb through the window to his office and settle on the windowsill as I greet everyone.

"Are you bored again?" Master sighs without looking up.

"That is a strong possibility."

"I think you just miss your girlfriend." Mitsuhide chimes in and I shoot him a glare.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Yet." Kiki adds and I sigh.

"You two are as bad as Garak. Miss Ryanne is just someone that I had to save a few times and helped out."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we don't believe you." Master chuckles.

Everyone has turned against me. This must be how Ryanne feels when Aeri and I team up against her and of course dealing with Herron.

"Is there anything I can do, Master? I'm so restless." I whine.

"Why don't you take a few days to go out? You haven't done that in a while except when I sent you to escort them back and help them out."

"Yeah, go visit your girlfriend... Unless she's already tired of you?"

I lean over and grab a wadded up piece of paper off the floor and throw it, grinning as it smacks Mitsuhide in the forehead.

"You can also see if Garak has turned in anymore orders to Ryanne as well."

I head to the medical buildings and come across Ryuu sitting on the floor working on something. He looks up as I close the door and greets me. I look around but everyone else seems to be out so I lean back against the wall and ask where everyone is. Shirayuki is in the greenhouses gathering some herbs and Garak stepped out to eat her lunch. I notice his cheeks turn red and he avoids my gaze as he asks how Aeri and Ryanne are doing. I hold back a smile and tell him that they were just fine and everything was cleared up at the cottage.

"I- Are you going to visit them again soon?" He asks.

"I'm not sure. I'm going to see if Garak has any orders to pick up, otherwise I'm just going out for a few days. Why?"

"I-I... wrote a letter to Aeri... If you go, would you-?"

"I'll bring it to her. Even if I just go out for a few days, I'll go by and drop it off for you."

He thanks me and shakily holds out a folded piece of paper.

"So, do you like Miss Aeri?" I ask with a smirk.

"I-I, uh- I-" I think I broke him.

"It's alright, Ryuu. I'll let you in on a little secret. She told Miss Ryanne that she liked you. You should tell her how you feel if you haven't yet."

"How do you know if you like someone?"

I should have stayed out of it.

Garak returns from her lunch but just a little too late as I had to explain to Ryuu different possible ways to know you have feelings for someone. She greets me and tells me that I'm just in time. I arch a brow and she tells me that she should have a few orders ready and has more orders to have dropped off. I guess it is a good thing that Master told me to check because I now have something to do for at least a day, maybe two. As I take the papers she tells me to have fun and tell her that she said hello... and that I should drink whiskey with her. I shoot her a look and shake my head.

"She told me about your whiskey related plan for her birthday."

"That sucks. I was hoping she wouldn't say anything. I still say you should do it. It makes her really flirty."

"I'm pretty sure there should be a law against that if there isn't one already." I sigh.

"Don't have too much fun Obi! If you do, make sure to name it after me!" She calls after me as I walk out.

I lean back against the door and rub my forehead. She is definitely going to be my cause of death someday.

I pass Shirayuki on my way to the gates and she tells me to be careful before continuing on her way to the medical building. Once I reach the trees on the other side of the castle walls, I climb up into one and use them to travel out of sight. Master has given me three days to do as I please before I have to come back. I'll visit them first and I won't stay the whole time so I won't be in their way. I'll find something to do with the rest of my time I'm sure. I just hope she hasn't poisoned herself again or got taken out by the fluffy omen of death.

Finding Beauty in the Darkness *Obi x OC*(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now