Finding Beauty in the Darkness

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Is it a sin to find beauty in the darkness? To look beyond the appearance of people, of things, and simply fall in love with what lies beyond the surface? To feel the heartbeat of the earth under your feet? To have the the wind whisper to you the songs of life as it grazes your skin? Is it a sin to let your heart guide your path and your soul to guide your mind? To let the strings of fate blindly entangle your life with that of another? If it is a sin, may I never be Holy again.

People say that love is blind but they're wrong. Though I could not see him, I still loved him for what was beyond the surface. I saw his soul, his warm and kind heart. I saw the way he fiercely protected those he held dear. I saw the way he treated everyone equally regardless of age or gender. I saw the kindness of his actions, how he'd help anyone he could with whatever they needed. I saw his free spirit but how grounded he could be. I saw Obi for who he was, not what he looked like. And I loved him all the more for it.

I felt how careful and gentle his touch could be, how steady he could be when I couldn't stand strong for myself. He held me together when I could only crumble to pieces. He was the man who taught me that rainbows weren't intangible, the man who literally drew the stars into the sky for me. The man who taught me that there is strength in hitting rock bottom in order to start again. The first man I ever truly loved and loved me in return. But another man had stolen my heart.

When Adler entered this world, he instantly stole my heart away as soon as I held him in my arms. It didn't matter that I couldn't lay eyes upon my child, I knew he was absolutely perfect. He stole Obi's heart away from me as well once Obi got over his fear of accidentally hurting him and held him for the first time. But Adler's arrival changed Obi. He wasn't the man that I loved anymore.

Obi was no longer as adventurous as he once was, he wasn't as restless. He worried more and didn't travel the world as often. He was more careful, more gentle. He was home more often, laughing more often. He grew into a loving father and a doting husband. Despite leaving who he was behind and shifting into a new person over the years, I didn't love him any less, only more. I didn't love Obi only for the Obi he was at twenty-one when we first met. I didn't love Obi only for the Obi he was at twenty-three, or at twenty-five. I loved Obi in all versions of himself, from the past, to the present, and far into the future.

They say that all of the best moments happen when your eyes are closed, but when you can't see anymore, I guess all of those moments are the best. All of the nights of drunken laughter, of dancing in the main room, of dancing in the snow. When we would curl up together and he'd read to me so I could hear the words of fantasy I used to lose myself within. When he would hold me when I was upset and sing to me, his voice the soothing sound that would bring me back to earth. The laughter of my friends, all of the conversations we'd have, all of the 'I love yous' from Obi's lips, from our son's as he learned to speak. Those all came to me through the darkness. All of this, my whole life, was just me learning to find the beauty in the darkness... and it's all thanks to Obi, the man who changed my life.

A/N: This is the end<3 I loved writing this and I hope you enjoyed it!

Finding Beauty in the Darkness *Obi x OC*(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now