Calming Aeri

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I'm sent back to Ryanne's just over a week later under Garak's request to pick up her last order. The woman has still been teasing me about her and trying to get me to fall for her but I can't help it, I can still only have my unrequited feelings for Shirayuki. I'm stupid for feeling that way toward a woman that I can never be with but I haven't been able to push them away completely. I sigh as I leave the medical building and remind her that trying to set me up will never work out because I'm not interested.

I make my way up the path, thankful that a sudden warm spell melted off the snow and has left it only slightly chilly outside. Winter should be fading out soon but that will only bring the rainy season. I find Aeri outside in one of the gardens, staring between a piece of paper in her hand and the herb garden below her.

"Good morning Aeri."

"Mister Obi! You're back." She greets but to my surprise doesn't abandon her focus on whatever it is she's doing.

"The Chief Herbalist still has an order to be picked up today. Are you testing again?"

She shakes her head, her short brown hair lightly smacking her cheeks.

"Mistress Rya isn't feeling well. I'm trying to find these herbs because we ran out and they go on her tea but I'm scared I'll pick the wrong ones." She sniffles.

I peer down at the paper to find echinacea and peppermint scribbled on it. I recognize Echinacea to be a flower, one that Shirayuki had shown me in the greenhouses a few months ago. I don't think it would be alive out here due to the cold. I do remember seeing it though. Peppermint shouldn't be a problem though.

"How did Miss Ryanne teach you to identify peppermint?"

"...She said the easiest way was to pull a leaf and rub it with your fingers for the scent."

"Do any of these look like what you remember peppermint to look like?" I ask and she squints at the different plants before pointing out three separate plants.

One of them is peppermint so she's doing okay so far.

"Why not pluck a leaf from each and try to figure out which one it is?" I ask, then stop her as she steps forward to do that. "None of this is poisonous, is it?"

"No, not to humans. Mistress Rya's poison garden is out back."

I nod and move my arm so she can work.

"Mister Obi, I think it's this one!" She calls out as she holds up a peppermint leaf toward me.

I smell it to be sure then tell her that she did great. I follow her inside and notice the other plant we need on the windowsill. I point it out to her as I look around the cottage. With the exception of all the plants, everything has always been meticulously kept neat and tidy but now it's in a total disarray.

"Uh, Aeri, how long has Miss Ryanne been sick?" I ask.

"She said she wasn't feeling well the evening after you left and got worse from there. When I woke up the next morning she was sleeping at her desk with all the orders for the week on it ready to go and labeled. I got her to go to bed and she's only woken up once or twice since and had me make her tea. She's not getting better and I don't know what to do." She sniffles as her eyes fill with tears. "I-I don't want Mistress Rya to die!"

My eyes widen and I move through the room to kneel in front of her and pull her into a hug.

"Miss Ryanne isn't going to die Aeri. She's going to be just fine, I'm sure. Why don't you put the herbs in their jars and I will check on her for you. Which room is hers?"

"Thank you Mister Obi. Her room is the last door on the left."

I leave the girl behind and hesitantly head down the hall to the door she said. I knock but still open the door after not getting a response. I feel... weird... being in Ryanne's bedroom but I need to check on her. Looking around, it's exactly how I figured it would be. There are two desks in the room facing windows to the backyard. One is covered in books, papers, and envelopes, the other with herbs and vials. There are tons of plants in here as well along with dozens of papers stuck to the wall. I squint through the low light and realize that they're drawings, mostly of plants but there are also landscapes, people, and buildings scattered throughout. My eyes fall to the bed and find Ryanne asleep, her cheeks flushed and her breathing labored. That's not good.

"Miss Ryanne?" She doesn't move so I make my way over to the bed and repeat it while gently nudging her arm.

She shifts but doesn't wake. I sigh and place the back of my hand on her forehead.

"That's definitely not good..."

I leave the room to track down Aeri again.

"What does Miss Ryanne do whenever you have to delay orders for a few days? Does she have any orders left to be made this week or are they all done?"

"That- usually doesn't happen. She's always worked through everything. All the orders have been picked up or delivered early except for yours. I went to the village yesterday and she asked if I would deliver them so no one would get sick because of her."

I notice a piece of paper on the table and a pen and get an idea.

"I bet you have pretty handwriting, right?" She nods and smiles. "Why don't you make a sign for the door that says something like 'we are sorry but we are closed due to illness we will reopen soon' or something along those lines so people know what's going on?"

"I can do that! But, why am I doing that?"

"That way Miss Ryanne can get the rest she needs and you won't have to worry about it. I have to return to the castle for a moment, but I will come back as quick as I can, alright? And just to be safe, keep the door locked until I get back and don't open it for anyone or go outside. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Yes Sir." 

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