Chapter 35: It's My Turn To Cry

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The idea of finding her once again sucked up his mind and makes it in action.

It’s been a week since he got to roam around the possible place Jenny could gone through, at parks, malls and even their old house. It’s been a week of searching but still, no Jenny was found.

They say things came in an unexpected time. So, he guess this is what he would do, let things be and wait for her to finally show up.


It’s already 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon.

The meeting held a bit longer than usual since the manager lectured him for not attending the important meeting yesterday, with that, he asked for forgiveness for several times and luckily he did after nth time of stating his excuse.

He slouched on his car’s seat and puffs his cheeks. Too exhausted, that’s what he is after a long hours of dancing, letting his group get the new choreo he made.

He slid the key and twists it bringing the engine to life. He needs refreshment, and so, his favorite bubble tea shop would be his sweet escape.

He halted the car and parked it along the vacant slot. He hops out of it and get inside to order his favorite choco flavored drink.

A sip from it would definitely make his bitter memories ceased and he would smile at its sweet taste. How childish isn’t it?

After paying he headed out and takes a walk from this park. Trees were in full yellow, ready to release its leaves in autumn season.

The setting sun adds up to the peaceful surroundings and so he finds it calming.

Too engrossed to the glowing peach sky, he didn’t notice this girl coming and accidentally bumped on her.

“Aw!” she winced as she takes hold of her forehead that she get to tossed on his broad chest.

“Woah! Are you okay?” he asked tilting his head to take a nice view of her face.

“Yah! Are you blind or something?” she mutters as she tilts her head and the moment their gazes met his jaw voluntarily dropped and he froze.

“J-Jenny…” he trailed off as he froze on his spot.

“W-What?” she asked confused but he didn’t answer, instead he walks near her and close the gap between them as he bring his arms through her face, abruptly shaking, merely checking if she’s real.

The girl cringed and slaps his arms away causing him to regain his senses.

“Don’t touch me!” she blurts out a little lower as she dart him horrified look.

“Jenny.” He said as he pulls her into a tight hug. “It’s really you Jenny-ah!”

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