Chapter 54: A Tough Decision

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I hear Sehun begged for about thirty times now. He's drunk, and now wailing out at the living room with my dad and his father and brother stopping him from the embarrasing moment he's in.

"Sweetheart, are you sure about this? Can we atleast talk? Can we fix things out..I can't take seeing you two like this." Sehun's mother cried as she rub my back. Like his son, she's convincing me for a quite more times now.

My mother sighed and look down to hide her disappointed expression. I know she didn't expect this to happen and even regret in engaging me to this marriage thing they insist.

"I want to leave this place mom. I want to stay away from him. I-I can't take seeing his face..whom pained me and even the reason why I lost my baby." There, I break into crying again.

"I'm so sorry Jenny...I am so sorry.." this time, my mother cried in regret as she encase me in her comforting arms.

" don't have to say that..No one is going to be blamed about this..even Sehun. I just can't face him right now. I just need space for myself to think clear and find out more about the truth." I said, at least to comfort her.

"If only I didn't force you to this.." she continue to muffle between her sobs.

"Hana..please don't say that." Mom Suzy joined her and I ended up hushing the two. As far as I remember I am the one who must be comforted here, not them?


I headed downstairs as requested by my father and face Sehun for my decisions. As I show up from the top of the stairs, my eyes caught Sehun's who's now swollen from the crying he made all night, up until now.

I quickly look the other way since I can't bear seeing him in that state. I want to run through him and hug him tightly and change my mind for not leaving him which I must not since that will surely hurt me more. I made my mind already and that means no backing out, or is there a chance for me to do so? I guess none.

"We'll be outside for a talk. Call us when you need anything." My father said and signaled everyoned to the garden, leaving me and Sehun behind.

"Jenny!" Sehun gibber as he run through me and hug me tightly. "Thank god you decided to see me."

I fight the urge to not hug him back. I even tried to retract but the weak me made the wrong thing which made him caught it in a wrong way.

"I'm sorry Sehun...I-I'm so sorry.." i manage between my sobs as I hug him tightly.

"Jenny..It's okay. You don't have to say sorry. I deserve this. I am the one who must say that, for all what I've done to you and to our family. I am the one to be punished." He pulled me away only to face me and wipe my tears with his hands.

"Sehun..." I mutter as I stare at his face, were mixed relief and sadness shows as tears roll out nonstop like mine.

"Shhh...don't cry. I love you. I can't live without you. Don't leave me, okay?" He said as he kissed my forehead.

"Sehun, I-"

"Promise me you won't leave me Jenny..please? Promise me." He cut me and pleaded.


"Just promise me, please? I can't live without you. I love you so much!" He cried and brought me back into a hug again which I now fought to retract my self.

"Jenny.." was all he could say as he look at me in surprise of breaking the hug. I take few steps back which he took forwards to keep close.

"Please stop!" I said as I held my hand on his chest, as if to stop him.

"Jenny.." he mutter and attempt to take more step close but I stop him.

"I said stop!"

He let out an empty chuckle, or should I say a huff as he obeyed me. "Jenny, don't do this?" He pleaded.

"No Sehun! I have enough of it. It's over!" I manage to keep my look fierce. "I'm leaving." I said, toned down since I again feel the urge to cry after saying that word.

"No! Y-You can't Jenny!" He sound agressive.

"I'm sorry Sehun. But I decided to leave this place for a while and back to where I belong. I just miss my family so much. I also need to think things for a while..and I think leaving Korea will be my best option." I stated and he shook his head in disagreement.

"No! No Jenny! You can't leave me!" He said, more agressive now and rushed to hug me tightly in his arms like he's not letting go for a lifetime.

I pushed him but seems like it didn't beat him. The grip he has on me is too tight that I can't almost breathe.

"Let go of me Sehun will you!" I manage to say as I gasped an air. I'm almost running out of it due to his tight hug.

"Sehun! I-I c-can't b-breathe.." I cried and luckily Seohyon oppa saw us which he hurriedly run and retract Sehun away from me.

Sehun fell on the floor due to a sudden puch from my father whose clearly trying to fight the urge to hit him all this time.

"Ahbuji!" I cried as I manage to run and grab him for another punch. My mother and Sehun's parents rush inside and also stop him.

"Jhonny. Please stop this!" Sehun's father said a bit mad now for seeing how my father act unprofessional for not stopping his rage. Sehun's mother rushed to aid him and brought him to the couch.

"Yeobo, hold yourself!" Mom cried as she came to grab my father's arms and let him face her.

"I-I'm sorry. I was just dragged by my emotions. I blacked out the moment I saw my daughter in that state." My father apologized and Sehun's father sighed and shook his head in dismay.


I am now at the room were Sehun is. After the incident he fell asleep since alcohol takes over him. He seems so peaceful as he sleeps. It seems like nothings wrong with it, not with the fading bags under his eyes and the growing bruise he had from my father's punch.

I sat beside the bed and attempt to touch his bruise with the ice pack i had but he suddenly made a move and groaned which I caught my name on it.

I sighed and held his hand on mine. I pressed my lips as I fought the urge to cry. Seeing him like this melts my heart like I want to stay on his side forever but a part of me says I have to take a break and let the situation heal for a while since everytime I saw him the pain stabs me and I can't really bear it especially it involves my lost baby which I prayed for years.

"Sehun...I hope you'll understand why I have to do this." I mumble as I leaned close to his face, playing my fingers through his messy hair. It feels rough though it smells nice. The scent I've been addicted for a long time that I will surely miss.

"I'm sorry..I have to do this to stop myself from hurting. I love you but I'm still confused. Recalling everything seems so hard for me to believe. I still feel the pain as fresh as the years passed you once betrayed me. It seems like its yesterday." I cried again.

"I'm so sorry Sehun..I'm so sorry..I have to do this. I promise I'd be back when the right time comes. I just need some space, I hope you'll understand." I said as I leaned closer and put a soft kiss on his forehead and decided to leave him alone in our house, alone like for long, till I had the urge to go back and start things over with him again.

It's really painful but I have to deal with this. I never thought leaving someone behind would be like this hard, especially when that someone is the very special one. But I must face this and be brave with a tough decision I have.


Three! Just three more!

Thanks for reading(*^﹏^*)


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