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Blaze huffed in a fury, angry at her sisters. How come they can't just give me the throne? I'm the prettiest! Blaze rushed out of the castle, her claws trudging behind her. Her dazzling sandy scales felt better in the sun.

I need to find some allies, and quick! Burn will probably try to get any allies. Blister will be more smart, getting the stronger ones. But me? Who'll I choose. All this thinking was giving Blaze a headache, so she walked along some Sandwings streets.

The houses were quite big; Blaze loved the rich parts of town. They were the color of the sand, with weird, brown roofs. Blaze paced around, not looking anywhere in particular. She almost ran into a familiar face. Blaze looked up to see Saguaro.

"Woah, there Blaze! Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asked, his dark golden scales glimmering in the sun. He had light yellow ruffles, and had teasing black eyes.

Thank goodness he's here! Blaze thought, feeling happier. Saguaro was her best friend, whom always gave her fashion advice and helped her pick her jewels.

"I heard about Queen Oasis. So who's the next in line?" Saguaro asked, titling his head, causing the silver earrings on his ears to glitter.

"Well, that got complicated. No one challenged mother, and none of us could agree who to become the queen, so we're declaring war." Blaze explained, dizzy with thinking that much. However, she knew she could trust her friend.

Saguaro looked a little shocked, but nodded.
"Well, why do you even want to become queen? That's so much work!" He explained, rolling his eyes.
I guess he's got a point, Blaze thought.

"Well, if I were to become queen, then I'd get alllll the jewels I'd like, and everyone would see my beautiful face more," She explained, keeping her head high.

"That's a pretty good point. You don't need any help, do you? I've got to go to the salon." Saguaro explained, examining his claws.

Blaze said goodbye and watched him walk away, her poisonous tail twitching.

What's a place that none of my sisters would go? In which tribe would I look prettier than the others? She felt underdressed, so she went to the best jewel store. The owner loved her. Blaze walked around town, until she walked into the store.

The owner looked up to see Blaze, and straightened up.

"Hello Princess Blaze, what would you like today for your dazzling scales? I've got some new earrings," the shop owner said. He had dark brown scales, and light sandy wings.

"Ohhhhh, I'd love to see them!" Blaze exclaimed, feeling her worries going away. The owner got out some small boxes, and opened them up. He revealed rubies, sapphires, and even emeralds.

But one earring caught Blaze's eye in particular; a dazzling diamond, in the shape of an icicle.

"Where did this come from?" Blaze asked, pointing to the diamond earrings.

"Oh, from the Ice Kingdom. I have a way of getting some things from there," He explained.

That's it! The ice kingdom! If I look dazzling in those earrings, I'd look great in the snow!

Hidden Love: Glacier and BlazeWhere stories live. Discover now