Chapter 11

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Glacier sighed happily, looking into the distance. She didn't even notice the sound of claws on ice.

A dragon coughed awkwardly. "Um, your majesty?" They asked.

Glacier turned around, and saw Skua, an Icewing general.
Skua looked like most Icewings, but she had light purple wings, and some of her horns were a light purple too.

"Yes? Any news to report?" Glacier asked, sitting up straighter.

"Yes, Princess Blaze has arrived safely to the new headquarters, where she will be staying. Reminder that you will have to hold a meeting with the higher ranking officials." Skua explained.

It had been a few days since Glacier and Blaze had kissed, and it was all Glacier could think about. Well, almost all.

The dragons that had attacked Blaze turned out to be two Icewings, in the lower circles. Glacier had killed one when she'd attacked them, but there was one more.

Glacier and her guards tried to interrogate him, but he wouldn't say anything. Eventually Glacier just got too angry and snapped his neck.

So with no leads on the attacks, Glacier was still on edge.

"So, now that Princess Blaze isn't here, shall we get to business? When shall we arrange the meeting? We need to start strategizing." Skua said, looking at Queen Glacier.

Ugh, it's so hard to make plans without Blaze. Although she isn't the best at war plans, she's still nice. Which makes me wonder... Glacier pushed her thoughts out of her head.

"Yes General Skua, arrange a war meeting at sundown. Make sure to not take all of the generals, many need to be in the front lines to fight." Glacier ordered.

General Skua bowed and walked out of the room.
Glacier decided to put on her tanzanite necklace, and memories of Blaze rushed into her head.

How Blaze would scrunch up her nose whenever she saw a dragon underdressed. Or how the sun caught her white ruffles on her back and head.

Get yourself together Glacier! You are a queen! Now go into your working room and start running your kingdom!

Glacier trotted outside of her room, giving the guards glances of acknowledgment. Soon, she arrived at her working room, where she thought of many ideas.

Glacier sat down on her chair, and stared at her mahogany desk. There were scrolls organized carefully, and extra bottles of ink at the edge of her desk.

Now it's time to start working!
About an hour later...
Glacier finished writing the last of her letters, all about boring things like approving the number of whales hunted, and making sure every Icewing was in their correct circle.

Queen Glacier went on with her day, and eventually, at sundown, she arrived to the war room.

Every Icewing in there rose, and bowed at Queen Glacier.

She nodded at them, and sat down on her throne. It wasn't as big as the one in her normal delegating room, but it was still big.

"Now, let us begin. Narwhal, you said that you spotted a group of  Skywings near our border?" Glacier asked, looking at Narwhal.

Narwhal got up, "Yes, we noticed that they were quite close to the border, and watched them carefully. It turned out that they were spies, but we quickly took them down." He finished, sitting back down.

Marshal Plover cleared his throat. "May I speak, my queen?"

Queen Glacier nodded slowly. Plover is usually quiet, what could he have to say?

"Unfortunately, my platoon noticed that lately quite a few Icewings have disappeared. After that, a Sandwing general from our side said that Queen Scarlet is, well, capturing dragons, and forcing them to fight." He said somberly.

Glacier tried to hide her surprise and fear.

"Well this is very serious. It seems like Queen Scarlet is planning something sinister." Glacier announced, and ordered different generals and marshals to stay in their stations, or to change them.

Finally, Glacier was done, and was escorted back to her room.

A note on her bed was left, which was new. Now what type of present has been left to me? She though sarcastically.

Glacier unraveled the light-yellow scroll. It read:
Dear Queen Glacier,
It is I, BLAZEEEEEEE. Hehe I just love using those crazy and dramatic words.
I miss hanging out with you, and I TOTALLY miss all of those war meetings. Everything is fine here, just very cold.
I must admit that I miss my home, but what you've provided is absolutely lovely! I wish you were here to see the new fire opal anklet I got, it's perfect!
Best wishes,
P.S. AIa aactuallya areallya amissa ayoua!

Glacier closed up the scroll, her heart fluttering.

Blaze tried to invent a new language, with 'a's before and after every word.

Not the brightest idea, but oh well.

Glacier went to bed happy that night.
I know this chapter was pretty boring, but hey, it was long! The next chapter will be much more interesting.
It might be time to call in Jeroba! I know that's confusing but you'll see.
Stay safe!

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