Chapter 5

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Glacier sighed, looking outside of the window at the endless snow. I wonder how Blaze is doing... Ugh, I don't know what to do!

Glacier felt furious. Never before had she felt so out of control. She decided to take a walk around the shimmering ice palace.

I haven't visited my grandmother in a long time... Is she still in that old part of the castle?

Glacier searched through her mind to find out where her grandmother's room was. Finally, she remembered and went downstairs. Like, really down stairs.

When Glacier reached the front of her grandmother's door, she took a deep breath. This is a bad idea, I don't know what I was thinking. Grandma Gelida is crazy.

But before Glacier could turn around, the door opened. Snowshoe dun! She cursed.
Glacier turned around to see Gelida, standing at the door.

"H-hello Grandma Gelida. I was just wondering if you needed some company, or anything," Glacier stuttered.

The few memories Glacier had of her grandmother were scary. One time, her grandmother had ripped off a Sandwing's head. Glacier tried to forget as much of that as she could.

"GLACIE! Oh sweetie I missed you! Why don't you visit!?" Gelida asked, spreading out her blue wings.
Huh?! What the walrus blubber is she talking about? I thought she was mean!

"Well don't just stand there! Come on in!" Her grandmother beckoned Glacier inside.

Gelida has seen better days, her snout and tail bore many scars. She was a dark gray, with blue wings that stood out.

Glacier walked into the room, seeing only a bed and some rugs. Also a lonely desk.

"Um, grandmother, excuse my rudeness, but what makes you in such a chipper mood?" Glacier asked.
Her grandma looked a little taken aback.

"Oh ya, I have decided to, ahem, reform myself," Her grandmother said. "I noticed that leading with fear wasn't a good thing to do. Luckily I didn't become queen."

Oh, well then this is awkward...

Gelida cleared her throat. "Now I know you didn't come down her just because you felt like it. What's happening?"

"W-what? Who said anything about something happening? I sure didn't! I'm ok!" Glacier stammered, trying to hide her feelings.

"Hmmm, it's a boy isn't it?" Gelida asked.

"Um, not exactly," Glacier said sheepishly. Her grandmother's eyes widened, her dark blue eyes surprised.

"Well, I know what it feels like. Dragons don't seem to understand your feelings to the same gender," her grandmother explained.

Woah, wait WHAT?! Ok Glacier try to stay calm, this isn't odd at all. Glacier was struggling to hide the surprise she was feeling.

"Oh, Glacier dear don't make that face, it looks like you're about to break a blood vessel." Gelida said.

"Whoops... but I just don't understand. I thought you got married to had children!" Glacier responded, her heart racing.

"Ah yes, one could seem to love someone, but the heart is hidden. If we show who we love, we could be rejected," Gelida sighed. "Her name was Polar..."
Ok, ok I know I haven't been updating much. I'll try to do it more tho :)
Thx and stay safe!

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